Right: Slightly longer and more loc-like.

One year after I started my locs, in Charlotte, NC. December 26, 2010. Cute!
And February 22nd! I love the progress I've made! I'm glad I kept going with my locs! I love feeling them around my face. Woo hooooo!! Long hair, don't care!
I love it...they've grown so quickly!
Very cute!
Nicely done! My ex tried to do locs, but he couldn't hack it. I think it was only two weeks after he got them started, he shaved his head skin bald. Just as well. They look better on you. ;-)
Sidebar: I heart your necklace in the first picture.
Woooow! So awesome when you see the pics side by side! What growth! And the girth is PERFECT! They look amazing on you, Jameil! Proud of you for sticking with them!
dread loc mon! I luv them on you too!
They are beautiful!
love the progression. How long you planning on growing them? Not time, but length.
Thanks for the love everyone!
red... lololol.
naima... the delightful target last year! i love that necklace, too!
adei... i know! so exciting! :)
jazzy... except i'm not jamaican...
rj... idk. not waist length.
Wow! I love the photo sequence. There has been quite some growth. I love it!
They're absolutely beautiful on you! But of course I think any of your styles are lovely! :)
Your hair looks great - you got a lot of growth quickly!
I feel you on not letting them get to waist length. My mom's were that long - too much IMHO. I'm going to grow for another year and see where I stand.
WooHoo!! I am totally proud of you. Pretty soon you'll be able to swing around and smack people in the face with your hair. How awesome is that? Very.
ummm just so jealous of the natural hair. you not I got the big chop and a perm. You are soooo workin it girl!
I meant you know oops sorry
momisodes... thanks! :)
liz... awww! so sweet!
nerd girl... :) woo hoo!! my friend's mom has waist length and i was like whoa. i know i would get tired of all that hair while sleeping & can you imagine washing it? i would lose my entire mind!
sha... THANKS!! You helped me so much talking me off the ledge! it will be the best! lolol
gp... thanks! you have to be patient w/natural hair when you're not used to it... just like any other new style. but i think naturals take longer because so many of us have been perming for decades or near decades so it's a completely foreign concept. if you really like how naturals look i say give it another shot and keep it for at least 6 months. and make sure you have a team of people who can give you tips and ideas. that's the only way to make it. BUT if you don't really care and your perm makes you happy, GO FOR IT! lol. your hair! do what you want!
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