Guess what? Rashan called me to say, "Happy anniversary!" It's been 8 months. Tell me he's not the sweetest... You lied! Lol. Here are some pics from spring break.

Us at the fountain in Centennial Olympic Park. I don't know why he's holding me so tight. Probably because he was
afraid of all the homeless people around. He's so elitist. Then there's my line sister (she's interning at a mag in ATL) and I at Crate and Barrel! Love!

Then us at CNN after the tour-- we look microscopic! Hilarity. Then me at the World of Coke gettin' a taste!

And my favorite picture... me stepping on the infamous ugly Rashan FUBU sweatshirt he has agreed to get rid of if I find him something to wear in its place. DONE!!!
He is the sweetest :) Happy Anniversary!
Love the Coke shot.
step harder!!!
(sigh) not FUBU....light a match. There is too much 'fabulousness' in the world for that. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! I used to have a Cross Colors tie dye shirt that my husband, then boyfriend hated. All of a sudden I couldn't find it. Years later, he admitted to destroying it. *lol*
Happy Anniversary!!! Please, PLEASE find something quickly...the FUBU must GO!
Line sister? You in one of those Greek gangs?
Looks like you had a blast!
You actually had to buy something to replace the shirt? I would think you strolling around in them jeans would be enough to distract him while you pitched it off of a high balcony to a homeless person.
AWWWWW...You two are precious! I love me some black love :)
Happy Anniversay!
HAHAHAHAHA! *happy dance* gooodbye to the FUUUUBUUUU! ABOUT TIME!!!
Happy Anniversary!!
You forgot to tell them that if you take a picture wearing said ugly sweatshirt and let me post it, I'll throw it away immediately. You don't even have to replace it. LOL
Happy Anniversary.
I always get confused about when anniversaries become significant, I guess it's an individual determination.
If I would have known you were going to CNN you could have dropped off a brother's resume LoL.
thx everyone for the well wishes!
momisodes... i know! thanks! lol
joy... right???
dani... light it! you are so right! thx!
just me... he was so smart! i need to get like him!
monie... yes it must!!!
2nd 68... gang? my profile says i'm in a sorority. are you one of the masses afraid of frats and sororities? i had a great time. i'm trying to be nice and not just throw it away.
aretha... yay! me too!!
rashan... WHATEVER!! i agreed to that and you reneged!!!!!
Awww. Happy anniversary to you both. Too sweet.
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