In July 2008, I found a 5k I wanted to run. Now finding a 5k to run and running a 5k or even training to run a 5k as you know are not the same thing. They don't even look like the same thing. One's all talk, the other is ACTION! For the last 3 Januarys, I've made a new year's resolution to run a 5k. What took me so long? I've never liked to run. Ever. Not even when chased. On the playground, I preferred to just say, "Okay okay! You caught me!" Seriously. LOL I never ran all the way through the mile in school. I just didn't like to run.
But back in 2008, Losangelista & 1969 ran a marathon and a 5k respectively. And I was like now wait a minute. I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT OUT! And I felt like if Liz can run for 26 miles, I can run for 3, right? I'm already in great shape so it shouldn't be too big of a leap! Then I went to grad school. And not only did I not run, I barely worked out. Twas bad. I knew when I created my
30 Before 30 list, running a 5k absolutely had to be on there. It was one of my easiest additions.
Once again I found a race, I even hired a trainer (then fired her when I found out she wasn't a runner) and hired a new one who runs marathons to get me in shape to run. Then 7 weeks ago, I started the
Couch to 5k (C25K) running plan. The general idea is that through interval training you build up to be able to run 30 minutes or a 5k. I was hooked from the first week! In week one, I felt very capable. Week 2 was a bit harder, but still cool. Each week I felt more and more proud of myself as I hit new milestones. Then I registered for my first 5k.

I decided to run the Oyster Festival 5k at Ocean Isle Beach partly because my family used to vacation down there but mostly because you got free entry to the Oyster Festival!!!! Do y'all know how much I love oysters? I love them as much as Bubba loved shrimp! I'll eat them however you'll serve them. Raw, steamed, broiled, fried, in stew, with toppings, with only a bit of lemon and some horseradish, with cocktail sauce, just gimme the oysters!! So I trained and trained but before the race, I'd only ever run about 1.6 miles, which is about half of the 3.1 miles required for a 5k. That made me a little nervous but I figured if I ran for the 22 minutes I was scheduled to run for Week 6, Day 3 of C25K, I could probably go a little further and if I needed to walk, I could do that, too. But I also knew if I stopped running, it would be harder to start up again. I went ahead and set a goal of 45 minutes.
Rashan and I spent the night in the city where my dad was born and raised (more on that later) and took this picture at nearby South of the Border so we'd only have to drive about an hour and 45 minutes as opposed to 5 hours before my race. I had oatmeal, a banana and water on the drive down. We picked up my race packet which included a shirt, a wristband for the festival and chapstick and I was ready to go... but there was still over an hour until the race started.
The ocean object of our ogling |
I wasn't nervous, just READY! It was kind of cold when we got there but I knew it would warm up even without me running since the high was 78 that day. We ogled the ocean for a little bit then sat in the car, then watched the kids run the one-mile fun run, then I paced. Can we get started yet??? Please???
The horn sounded at 8:30 and we were off! Now I wish I could say I had photos of me running but the start and finish were at the same location and the official photographer was apparently only at the start and took sporadic pictures. That means I have 0 pics of me racing until the end. No matter.
I had carefully prepared my playlist so that I would be pumped and ready to go and keep going. I didn't have a watch but I hoped there would be some sort of timing system. Couldn't use my shuffle because it has no screen! But I knew most of my songs were about three minutes so that was my way of pushing myself through.
I'm wearing lipstick because I couldn't find my lip gloss. |
I breezed through the first 10 minutes but then I see these two guys barreling toward me (one of whom I later found out finished the 10k in 32 minutes!!!). Part of the course looped back for both the 5k and simultaneous 10k so I got to see allllll of the people who were passing me about to hit the one-mile mark. That was a bit demoralizing. I immediately wanted to know how many people were behind me but I decided to just wait until I hit the loop to peep that. It turns out I was the slowest of the people continually running but there were a good 30 or so people behind me so I was cool with that. I was just so excited to be out there I really didn't care at this point! I was waving and smiling at all of the course-directing race officials. I did a little cheer for myself at the one-mile mark and said, "All right! Let's keep going!" I was sailing along smoothly here and feeling fine! I kind of lost count of where I was on time but I knew I was around 26 or 27 minutes. I did a big cheer when I hit 2 miles. That's both further and longer than I'd ever run! I felt like a rockstar!!!
I also realized that while some songs are fun and work for other workouts, they are not so much for me when running. One of those songs is Ciara's "Bang It Up." Love it for other workouts. Blech for my run. Outkast's "Bombs Over Baghdad" and "Pump It" by Black Eyed Peas? Got me dancing on the course. That's right! I was running and dancing! Lol. I was having a ball! And it helped that there were people standing on the decks of their beach houses cheering us on! Somewhere after mile two the inside of my ankle started hurting and I couldn't shake it out. Usually I can shake it, mid-stride and fix it but that wasn't working. Then the outside started acting up but I really didn't want to stop. Once I hit two miles I figured I might as well run the whole thing in.
Why do running & walking look the same??? |
At about this time I got to the water station where they did a great job of cheering me along! It is there that I discovered I need to practice running and drinking because I almost choked myself. Wait. I choked myself but managed to get it under control. That was scary, but then I went back to being my excited, self-motivating self. I knew I was getting close but I couldn't tell how close. A lady speedwalking said, "Almost there" as she passed me and I replied, "THANK GOD!!!" LOL Shortly after I passed the three-mile marker, gasped and cheered and looked ahead and wondered why in the WORLD was .1 miles so long??? I saw Rashan and smiled and waved, then looked at the back of the encouraging speedwalker and decided she wasn't gonna speedwalk and beat me across the finish line when I ran the whole thing. I kicked it into high gear and crossed at 44:12. Woohoooo!! I beat my goal!!! I was PUMPED!! And shocked! I kept saying, "I did it! I did it!" I guess it's a compliment that Rashan wasn't surprised that I ran the whole thing under my goal but I wanted him to be amazed with me!
Look! A medal! |
My brother via text told me he was so proud he's gonna tell everybody his sister runs marathons. LOL. That is absolutely not my goal at this point in my life. I want to run my next 5k either at Thanksgiving in Savannah or a "Mistletoe" run locally in under 40 minutes. I'll do a few more 5ks, then do the Bridge to 10k, then run a few 10ks and see how I feel. I do need to stretch better after races and cool down. But overall, the race was very exciting!
Seafood Bog |
The festival? A complete fail. It's an OYSTER festival, right? So why did the majority of the vendors serve 0 oysters? It was typical fair food! There were tons of beach-specific vendors which also included things I don't care anything about but the food was the reason we traveled that far for a 5k. We wandered over to the festival around 10 and many people were just setting up. We did a (disappointing lap) and saw $20 plates of fried oysters or steamed oysters you have to shuck yourself. I don't know how to shuck and do you know how many oysters I can get for $20 elsewhere? I just couldn't bring myself to do that.
There were some oyster gumbos and stews but the non-oyster food far outweighed it. AND NO RAW OYSTERS!!!!!! This murdered my poor little heart. I got a seafood bog that had shrimp, fish & oysters with a tomato, onion & celery seafood broth and rice. It was quite good but I was stuck on the lack of oysters. We left after less than an hour and I fell into a deep sleep in the car. Then the next day I slept for 12 hours!! Phew! I RAN MY FIRST 5K!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment :)
Congratulations on completing your first 5K (and under your goal finish time)!! That's amazing!
And boo on the oyster-less Oyster Festival. I already know I would NOT have handled that well. LOL!
Yay yay yaaaaaaay! Love it.I am glad you did it! And you beat your goal time? Awesome. I too had to figure out the drinking and running thing and what I figured out is that I just have to stop and drink. I almost drowned myself one time so I had to change my technique. Lol at your running and walking looking the same. Great job. Glad you wanna keep it up.
Congratulations!!! I'm sooo proud of you! Can't wait to hear about your first 10k...ok, I'll hold my horses :)
CON-GRAT-YOU-LATIONS!!!! You did a great job. YOu beat your goal. You look good when you run & yes, it does look the same as walking - LOL. You used the C25K routine.
YOu are now my inspiration. I plan to start on the C25K in January '12. I plan to run my first 5K in March.
I'll be back to you for help, motivation and assistance because -- You Dit It! YAY!!
I'm quite glad that you didn't choke yourself.
And I'm laughing because the first thing I thought when I saw that picture was "did she run in full out lipstick?" Man, you bring me joy!
I am so proud of you and I can't believe I helped to inspire you a little :)
I knew you could do it and just remember me when you run that first marathon. I am getting ready to sign up for the triathlon for next year. *deep breath*
The main thing is that you accomplished a goal, did something to be healthy and you completed it! Congrats.
(and I love oysters too!!!!!)
Oh...and always put lipstick or gloss on before a race. I put mine on while running the last leg of the tri. We must be cute for our finish line photos!
Go Ms 5K!!!! Ya'll are truly inspiring me to get my butt in gear!
Go Jameil! And I really did look at your running picture and immediately ask "why does she have on lipstick? what a fancy run face"
Hats off to you! That is an amazing accomplishment. I am fully and thoroughly impressed.
Thanks y'all!
akima... I did not either!! LOL
k... I don't wanna stop & drink! This running store here had a running & drinking clinic which I think is just hilarious!
nsa... thank you for holding your horses!!
mamasez... AWWW!! I'm so excited for you starting C25k!! Use the fb page, too! They're such an inspiration!
ng... lol! hush!
1969... you really did! not a little, A LOT! did you say first marathon? ma'am... HOL UP! I'm the queen of gloss but that lipstick is so out of character for me!
mrstdj... go, go, go!!!
mrsc... LOLOL!
Congrats on finishing the race. Good for you!
YAAAY!!!!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Wonderful recap!!
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