
So There!! Today's So Nice I Posted Twice

Of late, I have had far too many people coming over this way complaining about the length of my posts. Hey there! You be quiet! This says "all me all the time." Me means me. As in I. As in mine. As in je. As in moi. As in senorita. As in mademoiselle. So I just want to thank Aisha T. for posting a long ass hilarious post. I'm inspired. Tomorrow I will post an 8-page post. Lol. And haters... you will miss me when I'm gone!! So there!!! lololol


The_Practitioner said...

I must confess, I too have been hit with the lable of long blog poster. What I tell people is that intelligent people have more to say.

Rell said...

I agree Serial Date... people don't read long posts can't comprehend them :-)

Jameil said...

serial dater... tres apt response!! lolol

Anonymous said...

If your post are too long, at least they are interesting

La said...

I am quite an epic blogger myself but I write until I feel I've said everything I need to say. And you should ALWAYS do the same. IF they don't have the patience to read it,forget 'em. Many of us do and enjoy!

Sherlon Christie said...

I try to keep my blog entries as short as possible....and I can't be a diligently reader of someone else's blog if I can have a 5-course meal while reading their entries..

Chris said...

you're just not caring are you? LOL...I have entirely too much to say, so mine can run a little long also.

Anonymous said...

I like your posts J.

I can't tell you how they end but I like them...

Just kidding...a little.


Just kidding

Anonymous said...

I always tell people if the message is meant for you, then you'll get it. Also people need to learn to skim for the essentials, and come back and disect ish later.
And I'm with Serial Dater as well, intelligent people have intelligent thoughts nearly all the time.

Karamale said...

the haters can go watch "short attention-span theatre".