
My Second Letter to God

Dear God,

I don't like being grown anymore. I have to like work 6 days a week and stuff and I'm not really having a lot of fun. And you know, I miss hangin out in the day, going to class sometimes, and partying all night. Remember those times when I used to hang out with my girls and stuff? Wasn't that cool? Well now they're all spread out all over the country and I miss them. And you know the b.f. right? Thanks for sending him to me. He's great. Even though sometimes he's a mite crazy. But whatever you know. And this paying bills thing? It's not very fun. I mean I know I just pay my car payment, my cable and cell phone bills, but come on. That's not cool. Can't I just be rich and not have to work or anything? I just want to hang out with my friends one day. And maybe become a hand model or design purses or something. Ooh! I know! God, can I be a professional student? That would be great! So anyway God, please consider my request.



(For my first letter to God, please click here).


Anonymous said...

I hate paying bills too!! Do you think God will make it so that we dont have to pay them??? How 'bout I hit the lottery and we can split it. This way both dpnt have to pay them!! lol!!

lj said...

LOL...we have the same wish.

Stacy-Deanne said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I loved yours! I appreciated what you and my other visitors said about that " hate " post. But when I cooled down, I realized I was wrong. I had no business acting that way in public. That's now how I am. I wasn't true to myself. So I wrote another post along with that one, showing that I truly let go of all the negativity. I am no longer mad at the hateful people. I feel sorry for them. It's pitiful and very sad if people have to feel contempt for others instead of pride. I would hate to live that kind of life. That way, you're always living in someone's shadow because you're always jealous. Great post!

Jameil said...

epsi... that would be great!

stacy... we all have crazy days. embrace it and move on. you'll be alright. lol

Adei von K said...

Awwwww, I like the "Are you there God? Its me, Margaret" format. Get it Judy Blume! LoL. Tell somebody to get maried so we can all meet up again (for real stace? under the pretense of a wedding should be the only reason we get together?) LoL

Shawn said...

LOL! I dont think I've ever wrote a letter to God. I may have to try it. Paying bills isnt that bad. I just thank God I'm able to pay them.

Chris said...

Being grown is a challenge, I know this, and I'm still in school. It'll be worth it eventually. I tell myself this to hurry up and get my degree so I can have a real job, LOL

Jameil said...

stace... i think hoping for a wedding is better than hoping for a funeral! lolol

shawn... i hate it when people make me look at the bright side. lolol. i guess you're right. bills are a lot worse when you can't afford them.

Jameil said...

khalli... hahahahahahaha!! don't worry. no one won the powerball saturday. you can still win a couple million.

Rell said...

being grown does suck, it's one of the reasons I started my blog. Kind of makes me feel young again I guess... weird I know.

Bills are the worst thing ever...

Aisha T. said...

I think we all this little prayer sometimes! :-)

So...Wise...Sista said...

Yo, could you add my name to that letter before you mail it, pls? :)

Superstar Nic said...

I hate paying bills and I am no good at it. If it were not for automatic bill pay, have of my shyt would be disconnected right now!

Come check out my latest post when you get some time. I gave you a shout out!

The_Practitioner said...

Nice letter. Can you put in a word to God for me too? ;o)

CNEL said...

If GWill hits the lottery he'll have to split it like this
1) His momma Miss Stephanie
2) His brother Quentin
3) His girl Medora
4) His brother from another mother CNEL
5) Then you Jameil

I think we all can settle for a couple mill, no need for greed!

The Daughter of Isis said...

I don't like this being a grown up shit, either. I have rent to make, bills to pay and I can't just take a sick day, yanno? I need some help with this new-found adulthood. Saint Jude of hopeless cases, maybe?

Mrs A. said...

being grown has it's moments...but i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss the days when my biggest dilemma was deciding on how many pairs and colors of socks i would wear and how many people i would call and hang up on after school (the days before caller id & *69)

Supa said...

LMAO!! Love your letter. Sometimes, being grown does SUCK! And other times...not so much. Give thanks, girl!! For your problems AND your blessings. :)

I've written my kids letters like that.

Dear Kids,

I don't want to be the mommy any more. Being in charge sucks....


Waddie G. said...

I am going to pray for the same things...

Karamale said...

deah gawd,

make be a buhd. so i can fly fah. fah fah away from heah.

Karamale said...

lol, that shoulda been "make ME".


G. Cornelius said...


I'll keep you posted

Sherlon Christie said...

lol@professional student...

Miguel said...

i sent the same one a few weeks ago. "the letter came back 3 days later..'return to sender', damn..."

Jameil said...

hahahahahaha!! y'all crack me up!!! you kill me. miguel? hahaha!! he sent mine back too. revised schedule = 8 days in a row instead of 6. i know there's a lesson in here somewhere. maybe God has a bag o' tricks...

cnel... what's the status on our money? any lotto winnings yet?

CNEL said...

Mega Millions comes out tomorrow, and it is pay day. We should all really start pooling money, mailing it to whoever and playing LoL. I have faith we can do it, win the lottery, and take over the world. Man too bad I wasn't in Lyons, Ohio earlier in the week or in Lincoln, Nebraska for the Powerballlast week!

Not Your Average Chimichanga said...

am i the only one who always wants to fight people who won the lottery?

like those fools who won the powerball for $395 million. don't you know one of those idiots said he didn't know if he was going to quit working?

ARE YOU SERIOUS???!!! while you playing, i'd quit work right now for a ham samm-ich, a good espresso and a bottle of yiz-ak.

Jameil said...

j... hahahaha! i just had a dunkin donuts bagel omelette sandwich yesterday (and it was free breakfast from my job). so i think i'll substitute one of those for a ham sammich. that joint was OFF the chain!! yum. i want another one today. i'm a krispy kreme girl so its natural for me to rebel against dunkin donuts. plus i don't like bagels. but i tell you. wow... i love bagel sandwiches.

Haydn Rhys said...

i think i pray this prayer on the daily (well, minus the b/f part...).