
SWITCH!* (Updated)

We all know how much I like to complain about the weather. Mostly because I only like temperatures between 66 and 82. On this January 7, 2008 in PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA guess the 6:15 temperature. 57 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's 20 degrees above the average high for the day. Can I get a what what! Thanks G(od)! Represent for the cold homies! Glad we don't have that 11 feet of snow they have out west! I can't even fathom 3 feet of snow. 11 sounds not just implausible, but fake. 2 feet and I'm yawning and rolling back over. That's hide under the covers weather right there.

The throat ebola is still rockin hard except now it's moved to my nose. I was about to do a dance for the S.udafed 12-hr except I woke up with a disgusting cough that wouldn't stop for about a minute. That is a long time to cough! I'm such a horrid sick person. I gave y'all a break yesterday but I still feel like trash. I think I have a fever today. Where's X so she can tell me about all this stuff I took? I'ma need her to come out of hiding. I could always call poppa Stace since he's a pharmacist, too. And not even the street kind! I'm the walking dead right now after 4 hours of sleep. I will be going to urgent care today. Enough is enough! Sick be gone! Get thee behind me head/throat ebola!

"I love Rachael Ray. Isn't she wonderful?" MY DAD SAID THIS!! I do what I can to add to the conversion. We were watching "30 Minute Meals" the other day. He said he's gonna call up his g.f. and let her know he's leaving her for Rach. I said, "I'll call her for you." I'm so helpful!! He said, "I thought you liked her." "Not as much as Rachael Ray!!" Duh Dad. Out with the old, in with the new. New stepmommy I will welcome you with open arms. Now get in the kitchen! That's real love.

*I went to the doctor. Turns out I have a virus. No work tomorrow. Rest, fluids, C.laritin and a nasal spray. I. am. so. sleepy!!


Adei von K said...

Yeah. i don't understand Cali's weather... 57 degrees is GANGSTA!!

Ladynay said...

Yeah, it's supposed to be 72 today! SEVENTY TWO!!!!!! So I feel yah.

ROFL@you,daddy,and Mrs. Ray!

Chris said...

I'm disappointed that Maryland's weather to this point has been downright balmy. I need some snow and gray skies in my life.

Jameil said...

stace... i know!!

lady... don't brag! that's not fair or nice ms. chillin in my home state!! i call her momma ray.

chris... you can keep that.

1969 said...

Get some rest Missy!!!!!!

Mariposa said...

Hope you get well soon!

Liz Dwyer said...

It's colder here than it is in Chicago! It's immoral! I could see my breath this morning.

Feel better soon.

Southerner in Suomi said...

We had a freeze warning last week. Today it's 75 degrees. My state's weather is so backwards.

Hope you feel better soon.

Oh yeah, watch the TIgers kick some ass tonight!!

Momisodes said...

Thank goodness the weather is warmer here too! bout time...

I hope Ebola takes a hike soon :( At least no work tomorrow!

ChpterReads said...

I hope you're feeling better.. there is this medicine that I take that knocks the cold right out of you. If you can stand something that's a little bitter to taste then you can definitely try it. Its called "buckley's" though its not as tastey as most other cough and cold medicines it does its job well. Try it.

Sparkling Red said...

Poor you. Rest well!

Open Grove Claudia said...

Hope you feel better. Of course, it's snowing here. Grrrr.....

I do hope that your dad gets together with Rachel Ray. Now that would be drama!

Jameil said...

all... thx!!!

liz... i sooo checked around to see who i could brag to about the temperatures. yesterday morning it was at least 10 degrees warmer here than in berkeley AND at home in charlotte. i was overjoyed!!

v... i didn't want your team to win. too bad they did. lol. i didn't watch.

sandy... let's all take a moment to appreciate the weather. ahhhh.

lir...ooh! next time i might try that!

claud... it would be very quiet to minimize the drama! lol. booo snow.

Rashan Jamal said...

It got up to 70 degrees today. It was beautiful. I'm sorry you are ill, but I hope you knock that bird flu out quickly.

Can you imagine Rachael in your house? You would never go hungry, but you would have to deal with those corny jokes all the time. It's a fair trade off. LOL

Jameil said...

rashan. you will get cut. NO RACHAEL RAY BASHING OVER HERE!! *amazed you don't know that yet*

GreatWhyte said...

I'm here to save the day!!! Well... I'm here, at least. Claritin for the sneezy nasal symptoms. Nasal spray- self explanatory. I'm a big fan of Zicam nasal swabs and 24 hour Sudafed. Awww... the baby is sicky poo :)
Yeah, in the 60's here today. At least I can go outside and enjoy it for a minute since I'm off!

dreamyj said...

hope you are feeling better now!

Jameil said...

x... yay for enjoying warm wx!! and i will be delighted to try your methods the next time i'm sick! (may it be never)

dreamy... yes thx!

yet another black guy said...

don't tell me you didn't go see a doctor all that time you were sick?! tsk tsk tsk, oh miss homeopathic, what am i gonna do with you?