
Answerin the Bizness

1) D.L. Sands said...
I tend to read your blog posts as I imagine you'd read them aloud: extremely fast, and without breathing.

Ha! That's funny. I do actually talk like that when i'm excited. Its quite amusing.

2) Miss A. said...
what kind of car do you drive? who would you tongue kiss for $100,000 tax free dollars out of randy jackson from American Idol or kevin federline? (6) you don't look like you can :-P, but can you cook? and what's your specialty?

Ok I did see ashli and stace tried to get smart and answer those questions. ashli is right about the 100k. tho i'd rather go broke than do either. first of all i don't do old dudes and randy is definitely in that category. and there is nothing sexy about him. he looks like he wheezes. do you see how he has his mouth open all the time? uh uh. and i hate american idol. wack. but then, i definitely can't do the greasy white trash. so i'll just have to pay my taxes. and i'm gonna fight you hater!! yes i can cook. i like cooking. 365 no repeats!! go rachael ray!! i should get paid as much as i promo her book. but brekky is my specialty and my fave. and i make a mean peach cobbler from scratch. but i also do great burgers. and i love chicken dishes. i'm strangely good at following recipes. the first time i make just about anything, it ordinarily comes out the way i wanted it to.

3/4/5) Miss Ashli said...
Miss A, in Jameil's absence I'll answer your questions for you, lets see how good i am at this: drives a lancer, and for 100,000 tax free dollars she would kiss randy because i can't see her kissing a dirty lookin wannabe rappin white boy, and she can only cook breakfast since thats all she eats, specialty = western omelet and a side of homefries. And when's she's real saddity with it she'll make a frittata instead with a side scallopped potato casserole and for lunch a steak burger with chunks of gorganzola cheese, a pesto mayo all on a garlic & onion focaccia round. Holla!

Stacie von Kutieboots said...
Get it Ashli! Her specialty is a damn italian cheeseburger with gorgonzola, baby spinach leaves on a whole wheat kaiser rollDon't forget some other foreign terms like "Now and Afters" (now and laters) or "they are going like bagels!" (going like hotcakes)What I want to know is what did you wear everyday you were gone!

see what i mean? hoochies think they're funny. but to answer stace's question here we go. but first more of the stacey and ashli show.
Miss Ashli said...
stace: i know what she didn't wear; she didn't wear that yellow dress i fed-exed her ass

bitches. that question is too long to answer. i don't feel like it right now. so i'll have to get back to you. and no i didn't wear that yellow dress. sorry!

6) Epsilonicus said...
Have fun!!Did u get the myspace messge I sent you???

i'm sure i did. i didn't respond? let me go do that.

7) Karamale said...
thanks for showing me some love, jameil. next time, fuck me harder. meanwhile, question:goobers or raisinettes?

such language!! neither. both of them are nasty.

8) Stacie von Kutieboots said...
Nor did she mention the yellow crushed silk tank from express I sent her...can't be nice to some people!


9) 4EverJennayNay said...
Ummm...I've been wondering this for sometime now.Who was Sweet Pea's daddy?You know, Olive Oil's son? She was always going back and for between Popeye and Bluto. Popeye would always have to save her from Bluto after he beat her ass or did something crazy. So who was Sweet Pea's daddy?
omg crazy! i haven't a clue!

10) Christopher aka CNEL said...
I want to know how come you're so confident? What's ya secret?
The proof is in the pudding. J/k. hahahaha. That was hilarious. You were sittin here like wtf?? Yeah, I've always been like this for the most part. There were times when I wasn't as confident in all areas. But I've been told I was intelligent and special my whole life. So you start to believe it.

11) Ladynay said...
What made you want to go into journalism? Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?How many kids you want (can have grandbabies unless you make or adopt a kid)?How long you and you bf been together?Did you get your liver pudding?What side of the bed do you sleep on?

It was either journalism, music, english, veterinary medicine, or genetics. music was out b/c i HATE theory. english was out b/c i don't like subjective opinions for a grade. veterinary medicine out b/c i don't like animals enough and i certainly don't want to see sick ones. i was only considering that b/c my cousin is a vet and i thought that was so cool. genetics b/c i think dna and all that is soooo cool. but i have always had awful evil math teachers so that was out, too.

10 years, I see myself doing something huge, making a significant amount of money, married with 2 or 3 kids. Leaning toward 3. I wouldn't mind adoption if my husband and I couldn't have kids and am seriously considering adoption anyway. I've wanted to adopt since I was like 13. i don't know why.

The bf. We went to Hampton together. Met freshman year and became friends thru several mutual friends. Got closer soph. yr. b/c we were in the same major, had a lot of classes together, and would give each other love/relationship advice. It was really great. Over the course of soph, jr and senior years, he became one of my closest friends and confidantes. He tried to convince me to kiss him (he claims once a semester, but i know it was more than that) but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. He was one of my few male friends to keep in touch with me throughout the summer. We went to Sr. Ball together. The night of graduation we stayed up all night talking and listening to music in his car. (Hmmm.... That's strange. He had an apt. I have no idea why we stayed in his car).

The year following graduation, we stayed close and in touch. Continuing to talk to each other at least twice a week for at least an hour and a half, and up to four or five hours. What the hell do we talk about? We try to figure this out everytime we have a marathon session (including yesterday's 3 hour convo). We talk about music a LOT, sports, work (those two go hand in hand for him), rachael ray (LMAO!!), tv. I think that's about it. But probably not. Oh yeah, and sex! So about a year ago, maybe even a year and a half, I started thinking about him in "that way." As more than a friend that is. And it took me about a year, from about October 2004 to August 2005 to convince myself it was ok to love him beyond our friendship love; and that it wouldn't ruin our friendship. So I sent him a letter. It was only one page but it said everything I needed it to. He didn't know how to take it. So we just kind of ignored it.

He sent me a package for my bday in August and it was just what I wanted. I was home alone w/no friends as I had just moved to Pittsburgh. So he talked to me from 1130 pm on August 22nd until about 3 hours into my birthday. In October, we made plans to meet in the middle for the first time. It was our first time seeing each other in a year and a month and a half. I knew then and he says he did too but we weren't honest with each other. We both acted like it was nice but not really a big deal. Then he called me in November to ask me if I wanted to fly in to see The Color Purple on Broadway w/him. Of course I said yes. We saw the play on December 5th. I went home on the 6th. The 10th he told me he loved me and asked me to be his girlfriend. So it has been nearly 5 months.

Didn't get my liver pudding!!! totally forgot until you said that!! i'm going to push myself off of something!!! ahhhhhhh!! lololol. i usually sleep on whatever side of the bed the window isn't on. i hate sleeping next to the window.

12) 4EverJennayNay said...
ever regret anything?

nope. for what? learn from it and move on.

13) Chris said...
what is your ultimate life goal?
happiness. i want to be financially secure and love my job. but most of all i want to be in love with life and my kids.


CNEL said...

Great responses, honest as always, and we learned a lot.

Mrs A. said...

BREAKFAST DON'T COUNT!!! (unless u on some emeril ish)...it takes a real special person to mess up eggs, bacon & bread :-P i KNEW u couldn't cook...i revoke your invitation to the FOODS ACROSS STATE LINES EXTRAVAGANZA!

Jameil said...

you know what miss a, F YOU!! i can cook any pasta creation, smothered whatever. and that emeril brekky. I DON'T NEED YOUR STINKIN INVITATION!!!!

Anonymous said...

uhmm excuse me...

dang..where you been

Come back and visit a brutha!

Mrs A. said...

LOL...you know you want in...ha ha ha!!!! the board will vote on whether or not to reinstate your invite....HA HA HA!!!!!