Speaking of shirts... Rashan (X) is doing this hilarious series called Making the Blog and why is there a Team Jameil!??! LOVE IT!! La requested shirts... except she's not on my team. Too bad because this is what she would get if she was on Team Fabulosity.....

If you can't read that, it says "Team Jameil: Moisturizing Situations since 2008." Cause we ballin! (I can't stand him and hated that song when it came out but it's good for the club. Matter of fact, as much as D-i-double-d-y cracks me up, I couldn't even listen to more than one minute of the remix. Still annoys me...)
I might be going to m.edia night tonight. We'll see. My coworker who was supposed to meet me there might not be going anymore. Whether I go or not, before that I'll see the latest MTB4! Can't wait! THEN... drum roll please!! THE PROJECT RUNWAY SEASON FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! I have some other very random things to mention like the fact that I like my nails long but almost never look how the middle or thumb nail look. Especially when they're long.
I also have to pick my favorite psalm and WRITE a psalm for my bible class. 1) The first thing I thought was, "You do know there are like 150 of them right!??!" Sigh. I've found a few that are cool but I don't want to pick no. 9 without reading the rest of them so I think I'm up to 90 & it's due tomorrow night. I'll probably end up with no. 9 anyway. We also have to memorize part of it. Oh NO!! I just realized I'm only on 25. We have a long way to go folks. Good thing I'm off the rest of today and all of tomorrow.... Okay it turns out Psalms 18 was my joint, particularly v. 25-50. 2) I don't like writing prompts very much and I certainly don't want to hear anyone else's bad writing. Hopefully since it's about God it will be more than bearable and even uplifting. I need to stop sitting in the back with the talkers because some of them are getting on my nerves. Yes, there are even those people in bible class!! Lol.
Something else I realized... gym guy is a gym bully! We were only in the same vicinity on Monday and I worked harder. I was like "He's gonna be countin' my sets..." so I pushed myself. Now my legs are like, "PUSH THIS!!" I worked out today anyway but I had to take it easy on the cardio. My abs are gonna be so hot the next time I wear a swimsuit. I can't wait. Break out the Rosa Cha and leave 'em in my wake. I'm sure I can get much more random than this but I likely scared you enough with the nail joint so I'll say HOLLA!!
I think you need to work the random into your blog title. Like:
Exercises in Randomosity. Or Faburandomness.
I am mad at that t-shirt!!! Team Jamiel is going down!! LOL
Would this be Grandma Pank going to the polls?
LOL I cracked up at that saying on your shirt...I'd wear it lol
I aint even worried about Hillary..she can find a cliff and execute lol
let me find out you spread moistness to the masses........
red... lol. but i can't stand the word random in blog titles!! so overdone. i used to call this blog mindspace b/c i let y'all wander thru mine so much.
diva... HAAAAAAAAATEEEEEEEEER!! the pank and grandma duck are long dead. never met either of them. they're my great-grandmothers. this is granda duck's daughter (i think. i could def. be lying). i actually have no idea who either of these women are. i guess i have some research to do huh?? but anyway my mom's mom is pollin it up on tuesday!! wheee!! i'm so excited!!
honey... lolol. moisturize the sitch-i-ation! not execute! wow! glad you're keeping your eye on the prize tho as crazy as you sound lol.
pcd... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! you are insane!!
ROFL at that t-shirt!!! I must see this Making the Blog...you all are too funny :)
team fabulousity.
what else would y'all be named? did you make that shirt up?
i love that your 'grandma' is excercising her right to vote!!! I LOVE IT!
I hear you. Not giving up on the dream. But I'm upset about the tactics.
That said, I can't wait for tonight's PR finale! Who will the winner be???
I tried to leave a comment earlier and it wouldn't save...so now I can't remember what I was gonna say...
Love the shirt!! That saying is Heee-Larry-ussss!!
OH...send me your motivation to work out via FedEx ASAP...please and thank you!! I'm trying to get bikini ready by July(if not before)
LOL @ moisturizing situations...When I heard that on the commercial, I was like, "Did he just say...? Naw, he didn't."
Grownass millionaire talking bout "moisturizes my situation."
sandy... its hilarious!
stace... of course i made it up! grandma is so fab!!
liz... i'm not even going to let that be a blimp on my radar! she's won 3/15 recent contests. we just forgot he can lose. i just watched the finale!! **dancing dancing.** you'll love it!! i'm gonna wait to post the recap tomorrow!
miss b... lol @ the tee! glad you liked it!! i've been going so long i don't want to be like yeah i was going to the gym 3xs a week for most of 14 mos then just stopped. at the beginning tho the motivation was to be able to continue building my wardrobe instead of growing out of it and having to start a new one. lol. bikini ready is so necessary!
SE... but it was sooooooo hilarious!
I'm with you on barack. I'm not letting her 3 sad lil wins get me. Firstly, when he won, we're talking by a wide margin. She won 53/46. Boo! That means you get 1 or 2 more delegates than him. Wack. She's not worth the worry unless she takes his lead.
Also, that shirt is hee-larious.
Wow you really did the shirt. Wait til I make your team wear them... Can you send me that pic so I can put it on my blog?
LOL @ psalm 18 is my joint.
Disregard the email request. I just saw it. Thanks.
joy... we gotta keep the faith!!
also... TEAM JAMEIL!!
RJ... OF COURSE i really did the shirt! lol. and it is my joint! i'm working on memorizing it!
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