
The Life of a Filmmaker

I would do my movies of the week but you don't read them anyway. Plus I decided I would do those on Sunday since if I do them Saturday before I finish my movies it's not a complete list. That means I don't care if you read them, they'll be up tomorrow. So there!!! *sticks out tongue*

Guess what just happened to me? I wrote out my shot sheet, tested the camera at home to re-familiarize myself with it (there are about 5 different models we have available to us), got to the union to film my :60-2:00 location piece for the camera to die after less than a minute. I WAS HOT! So now I'm in the library letting the battery charge, blogging and then about to do my homework for Wednesday. How proud are you that I'm doing my homework for Wednesday on Saturday? Very? Well you should be. I'm what they call amazing. Half Jameil, Half Amazing. Oh shoot! That might be my new blog title/header! How exciting! Yesterday all I did was get movies from my dept., scout a bit more of the location for my shoot today, go to Target and grocery shop and I was BEAT! I watched another movie (I'd already watched one yesterday morning), talked to my mom and Rashan. It was cool.

I need to wash clothes, dishes, and my hair. That's a lot of washing! I usually clean my house every Friday before Rashan comes but since he didn't come this week I let it ride until today. But I'm pretty sure I'll go crazy if I don't clean up today. The size of my place (a microscopic 288 feet) means any amount of clutter makes the slight amount of OCD I have in my body go crazy! The thing I dislike most is the size of my kitchen! With the microwave there is 0.00 counter space. It's ridiculous. I need to go back and find that Oprah episode about people making the most of tiny spaces! Alright kids. Time to get some more work done. Adios and ole'!


Rashan Jamal said...

Quit stickin' your tongue out, BRAT!!!

Look at you being all productive. Wednesday's homework on a Saturday? That's unheard of.

Sorry I wasn't there to inspire cleanliness. LOL

the joy said...

Just because there's no comments doesn't mean we're not reading. I love documentaries. You need cable so you can watch the BBC ones.

Girl that's a mess what happened with the camera. Aint that always the way? What do you have to tape? Just anything? Or are you interviewing?

yet another black guy said...

Talk about impressive! No, not the homework (that's just... never mind, no words), i'm talking about the real time update on the header LOL. I read the line, looked up and straight cracked up!

Desy said...

i always procrastinate on my cleaning til Sunday... I don't know why... I think Godliness and Cleaniness just stuck in my head, and it always made sense for me to be in the cleaning grind on sunday....

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Um... How proud I am of you depends on if it is NEXT Wednesday's homework or LAST Wednesday's homework.

Um.. Half Jameil, Half Amazing? Sounds like something Rahsome! would say. You been hanging around him/them too long... And which half is the booty in? Cause if it ain't in the amazing part then Houston, we have a problem...

Southerner in Suomi said...

You could go to HGTV's website and get some tips from the "small space, big style" page. I love that show.

Momisodes said...

A new name, AGAIN?! :)

I've updated you on the blogroll.