I've become such a different person in the last 2 years. I know you're supposed to improve with age and learn new things everyday, and on and on, but so often we don't. We get lazy or complacent, or just caught up in life. I know in the last several months I've been in graduate school I've found myself too often overwhelmed or completely against taking action. I'm pretty sure I haven't been in the gym 3xs in a week since I left Pittsburgh. I like my body with some meat on my bones, but I also like it toned. (What a dilemma I have, huh? To like my body in its variety of incarnations. I can definitely say my body image has always been high.) And I like it when my skinny jeans fit because then I have 20 available pairs of jeans to wear. Lol. (Speaking of which, I need some new jeans.)
But in the last 2 years as I've begun to truly work on myself more and my relationship with God. There have been definite setbacks. While I recognize God's work in my life, I have had an AWFUL time trying to find a church where I can grow since I moved to Gainesville. 5 churches in 7 weeks wore me out and I gave up at the end of the semester. This semester I have a plan to go back to one church that was close but now has a new pastor to check him out and try a church another black grad student suggested. I also have had issues with cursing trying to make a resurgence in my vocabulary. That one is becoming too frequent a fight.
I have stopped going with my first reaction to everything. This is HUGE. My first reaction too often was to go OFF when someone did something I perceived as a slight. I still allow myself to go through everything I would like to say or do, but then I consider the potential impact of said actions. Novel concept right? I know someone is rolling their eyes because I am, too! Lol. When people annoy me I stop and consider whether what I do or say will make a difference or is worth the effort. Do I really need to write a blog post about that or send an email or rant and rave? Probably not. Before you start praising me for my saintly behavior and Rashan calls me out, Sunday night at this diner-- METRO DINER IN DECATUR, we had the WORST service. We dropped our money on the counter and walked out because we were standing up there waiting for someone to ring us out for 5 minutes. They were not busy at all. There were 2 waitresses for what was at that time 2 tables of people-- 6 customers total. This chick comes running out like we didn't pay. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?! YOU WANT TO COME NOW?! NO. I went off. (Without cursing.) But I was mad. Now me yelling at her was unnecessary and neither solved nor achieved anything, but baby steps. You can't save Rome in a day.
But I have also learned to give up on grudges. I used to pride myself on holding a grudge for longer than anyone else my age I know. That's not a good thing. I knew that, but had a hard time letting go. I've started to forgive people much more quickly for wrongs, perceived and actual. To keep short lists. I'm obviously not perfect but being the change I want to see in the world is a start. And I can't wait to continue to make it happen, to love hard even if it hurts and try to keep my head even when things feel crazy. I'm a cliche machine right now, huh? Lol.
So let's recap a few of the good things that have happened in the last semester and what we have to look forward to in the upcoming semester. I earned a 3.75 GPA and made 2 short films. One I hated and one I liked okay but still want to improve upon. I learned a lot about editing with Final C.ut and still have more learning to do. I have an assistantship for next semester which will pay for part of my tuition and includes a stipend. And I'll have an office! (That I'll never use and share with 14 other people but whatev! Lololol.) I've started my locks. I'm ready for 09 and the joys in store.
And in a short while, Stace and her crew are rolling through Rashan's for dinner and drinks! And the 3rd part of Christmas!!! Can't wait!!!
Second Christmas
I didn't tell you about my first Christmas, did I? My mom got me the gift I've been asking for since I was 7 years old-- a toaster oven. Odd gift for a child, huh? Lol. So I finally got it now that I have my own place. My dad gave me money. Thanks M & D! We went to my cousin's house for Christmas breakfast and had a great time. I didn't win at Mexican Train dominoes. (Dude. What is up with that name?) Booo. I need smart games. Christmas Eve at my cousin's house, my sister and I went to my other cousin's house (remember I have 30+ first cousins) and played Scrabble. Of course I won. It's not easy being fabuleezy.
The second Christmas was last night at Rah's house.
We opened our gifts to the light of the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music. SO FUN! Here's the tree with our presents underneath, including a few for Stace. Then I dug into my stocking!! A stocking!? How exciting! There was a cd inside that said check your email with an itunes gift of 112's first cd which I've had stolen from me TWICE!! Love that cd!!!!! So glad to be reunited!
Then I opened what I discovered was a shoe box with these sparkly flats I've been wanting since my birthday!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! SO of course, that means putting them on and taking them out for a spin! Lol.

Then it was time for the huge box.
I had been talking about this since the first time I tried it on when he came to visit me at the end of November. I knew I was getting it. Lol. And I did!! Let me tell you something kids, giving a long list does NOT make getting the actual gifts less exciting. I think it makes it MORE exciting because you don't know what you'll get BUT you know you'll like everything! Lol. When I opened my stuff I squealed, jumped up and down and hug attacked Rashan. Lol. Then it was time for "supermodel documentary hour!" (Name that movie!)

So fab. I LOVE that coat. I'll let him tell you what I got him. After gift opening time, it was time to do what he told me only a few hours earlier I would be doing-- meeting his mother!
Guess what? I was not AT ALL nervous. It was so weird! I did have trouble finding an outfit, though, despite having an insane amount of clothing with me. I decided the gold shoes would have to stay at home so his mom wouldn't think I was overly flashy. Pity, huh? I know. However, everything went great! She was very nice and Rashan loved how personable I was. I yam what I yam. She gave me a hug when I first saw her, then he said, "Jameil, Mom, Mom, Jameil" and she gave me another hug. Then when we were leaving she gave me a hug upstairs and another downstairs. Good times! Oh and she took a picture of me to send to his grandma. SO funny. I was glad to finally meet the parent and have it go so well! Yay! Now we have to wait for the verdict. Lol.
The second Christmas was last night at Rah's house.
Then it was time for the huge box.
So fab. I LOVE that coat. I'll let him tell you what I got him. After gift opening time, it was time to do what he told me only a few hours earlier I would be doing-- meeting his mother!
Guess what? I was not AT ALL nervous. It was so weird! I did have trouble finding an outfit, though, despite having an insane amount of clothing with me. I decided the gold shoes would have to stay at home so his mom wouldn't think I was overly flashy. Pity, huh? I know. However, everything went great! She was very nice and Rashan loved how personable I was. I yam what I yam. She gave me a hug when I first saw her, then he said, "Jameil, Mom, Mom, Jameil" and she gave me another hug. Then when we were leaving she gave me a hug upstairs and another downstairs. Good times! Oh and she took a picture of me to send to his grandma. SO funny. I was glad to finally meet the parent and have it go so well! Yay! Now we have to wait for the verdict. Lol.
Guess what? I decided to start my locks. My former hairdresser hooked me up with her niece who twisted my hair for me. If you have any ANY locking suggestions (from experience), please let me know!! I don't know how I'm gonna survive an extended period without washing my hair!! ACK!! Anyway, here are a few pics.

I'm headed to visit Rah today after church and brunch. We're exchanging Christmas presents and seeing each other for the first time in a month. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

I'm headed to visit Rah today after church and brunch. We're exchanging Christmas presents and seeing each other for the first time in a month. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Thursday 13: Why I Love Rah
1) Companionable silences: I love these. I absolutely adore being able to sit quietly on the phone or in person with him, each doing or own thing but being in the other's company. There is something about being able to sit quietly with someone without having to always fill the air with noise.
2) Sharing food: I love that he will always share his food with me... even when he doesn't want to. Like the Thanksgiving leftovers. HILARIOUS!! We were on the couch, he went to heat up some leftovers that he wanted to devour solo and I was like, "Ooh, potatoes!" And he looked at me like "For real" then said, "I really wasn't planning to share, but here." He looked so forlorn that I restrained myself. I still ate it, but I let him tear it up. There is something about a man who will share his food with you. It's so sweet. Especially for a foodie like me.
3) Adventurous: He will always try something new. It's really fun with restaurants. We try a different non-chain restaurant or two every time he comes to Gainesville. We still have to see this amazing bat house on campus which I've heard all about and seen video of but want to see in person. He's only heard me talk about it and was wary about it at first but is ready to see it for himself.
4) Loves to make me smile: Like taking me ice skating because he knew I'd like it even though he'd never been before and felt instantly uncomfortable even putting on the skates. He also bought me a Rachael Ray book because he knew I'd love it, even though he wouldn't be able to see my smile in person when I received it. AND it was a just because gift. Not for any reason or because he wanted anything in return. Just because he loves me and knew it would make me smile.
5) Generous: He does whatever he can to help me out. He also helps his sister a lot. I know that I said they should communicate more, but he really does do admirable things for his sister and her children. It's nice to see him care about someone other than himself. That's a good trait to possess.
6) A drunk: Lol. I like that we can drink together and it's not a big deal. For some people it's all "You drink too much" or "Let's drink less" or something. We can have a couple of drinks together or not and still have a blast. Either way, we're in good shape. Lol.
7) Considerate: He's always concerned about my comfort where ever we are, whether at my place or his place. He's always looking out for me.
8) Visiting: Partly to cut down on my having to lose study time by traveling 10 hours to and from ATL and also just because he loves me, Rah regularly comes to see me. I'm always so happy to see his smiling face outside of my door at 3 in the morning after working all day and a 5 hour drive. And if I didn't stop him, sometimes he would drive down here for a day and drive back because we miss each other. I stop him because it would be not only ridiculous but I could never let him leave after that short of a visit. I would throw his keys in Lake Alice and let the gators eat them.
9) Talking all night long: This is SO our thing. We talk on average 3 hours every night. Regularly 4-6 hours and as much 15 hours once to break a record he held with some other girl (12). Lololol. You know how competitive I am. I feel like something is missing when we only talk for an hour.
10) Listening to me complain: As bad as it is that this is true, I sometimes like to complain. Everyone does. If the day is really bad or someone got on my nerves horribly, he will always listen and offer to help however he can. This is important as I'm in a very transitional part in my life. But life in general can be a chore. Lol. So it's nice to have someone who's there for me whenever I need him who isn't even related.
11) He's funny (looking... wait lol): You've read his blog. You've seen it. He cracks me up! What good is a relationship without humor?
12) He's never too busy for me: It's the sweetest thing ever. And doesn't need explanation, huh?
13) Cuddling: We both love this. Especially while watching a movie. It's so cute! I wish there was a way to take a picture of this without disturbing us. I definitely want a picture of us cuddling. Too cute! We are so adorable together. I can't wait to see him again! December 28th we'll be reunited and I can't wait.
For the record, this list was far easier to come up with than 13 things that we do to annoy each other. Very good thing! Esp. since with this list I could keep going and going and going. :)
2) Sharing food: I love that he will always share his food with me... even when he doesn't want to. Like the Thanksgiving leftovers. HILARIOUS!! We were on the couch, he went to heat up some leftovers that he wanted to devour solo and I was like, "Ooh, potatoes!" And he looked at me like "For real" then said, "I really wasn't planning to share, but here." He looked so forlorn that I restrained myself. I still ate it, but I let him tear it up. There is something about a man who will share his food with you. It's so sweet. Especially for a foodie like me.
3) Adventurous: He will always try something new. It's really fun with restaurants. We try a different non-chain restaurant or two every time he comes to Gainesville. We still have to see this amazing bat house on campus which I've heard all about and seen video of but want to see in person. He's only heard me talk about it and was wary about it at first but is ready to see it for himself.
4) Loves to make me smile: Like taking me ice skating because he knew I'd like it even though he'd never been before and felt instantly uncomfortable even putting on the skates. He also bought me a Rachael Ray book because he knew I'd love it, even though he wouldn't be able to see my smile in person when I received it. AND it was a just because gift. Not for any reason or because he wanted anything in return. Just because he loves me and knew it would make me smile.
5) Generous: He does whatever he can to help me out. He also helps his sister a lot. I know that I said they should communicate more, but he really does do admirable things for his sister and her children. It's nice to see him care about someone other than himself. That's a good trait to possess.
6) A drunk: Lol. I like that we can drink together and it's not a big deal. For some people it's all "You drink too much" or "Let's drink less" or something. We can have a couple of drinks together or not and still have a blast. Either way, we're in good shape. Lol.
7) Considerate: He's always concerned about my comfort where ever we are, whether at my place or his place. He's always looking out for me.
8) Visiting: Partly to cut down on my having to lose study time by traveling 10 hours to and from ATL and also just because he loves me, Rah regularly comes to see me. I'm always so happy to see his smiling face outside of my door at 3 in the morning after working all day and a 5 hour drive. And if I didn't stop him, sometimes he would drive down here for a day and drive back because we miss each other. I stop him because it would be not only ridiculous but I could never let him leave after that short of a visit. I would throw his keys in Lake Alice and let the gators eat them.
9) Talking all night long: This is SO our thing. We talk on average 3 hours every night. Regularly 4-6 hours and as much 15 hours once to break a record he held with some other girl (12). Lololol. You know how competitive I am. I feel like something is missing when we only talk for an hour.
10) Listening to me complain: As bad as it is that this is true, I sometimes like to complain. Everyone does. If the day is really bad or someone got on my nerves horribly, he will always listen and offer to help however he can. This is important as I'm in a very transitional part in my life. But life in general can be a chore. Lol. So it's nice to have someone who's there for me whenever I need him who isn't even related.
11) He's funny (looking... wait lol): You've read his blog. You've seen it. He cracks me up! What good is a relationship without humor?
12) He's never too busy for me: It's the sweetest thing ever. And doesn't need explanation, huh?
13) Cuddling: We both love this. Especially while watching a movie. It's so cute! I wish there was a way to take a picture of this without disturbing us. I definitely want a picture of us cuddling. Too cute! We are so adorable together. I can't wait to see him again! December 28th we'll be reunited and I can't wait.
For the record, this list was far easier to come up with than 13 things that we do to annoy each other. Very good thing! Esp. since with this list I could keep going and going and going. :)
Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Drunk Bunny Under the Christmas Tree
Must Be Hereditary
My dad is in Charlotte. Yesterday he called me and said, "Hey, I'm 20 minutes away. I'm coming to get you."
"What? I have to get ready."
"You have to get ready??"
"Yes... you didn't tell me you were coming."
"You should have read my mind."
"Oh. I forgot."
That's where I get it from. I also found out I get the "Where are you going?" when he's still in the house from him. Blame D, Rashan. I'll let him know you do.
My sister and I went with my dad to Cantina 1511.

He was like "Mexican? Ew." I said, "When was the last time you had Mexican?" "When you left Pittsburgh." "Exactly. You're overdue." He got seviche (in the martini glass). Him and my sister had never had it before and both liked it. Two new converts!! I'm awesome. I had tacos with plantain mash. My sister had enchiladas. He had chardonnay, we both had margaritas. Delish!

And when I got home, every time my mom walked past me, she tapped my head. That's three times in the last 4 minutes. I said, "What is your problem???" "You're not paying me any attention. I want your undivided attention and you're on that computer." Hmmm... I suppose that's where I get that from. This trip has been so revelatory.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!
"What? I have to get ready."
"You have to get ready??"
"Yes... you didn't tell me you were coming."
"You should have read my mind."
"Oh. I forgot."
That's where I get it from. I also found out I get the "Where are you going?" when he's still in the house from him. Blame D, Rashan. I'll let him know you do.
My sister and I went with my dad to Cantina 1511.
He was like "Mexican? Ew." I said, "When was the last time you had Mexican?" "When you left Pittsburgh." "Exactly. You're overdue." He got seviche (in the martini glass). Him and my sister had never had it before and both liked it. Two new converts!! I'm awesome. I had tacos with plantain mash. My sister had enchiladas. He had chardonnay, we both had margaritas. Delish!
And when I got home, every time my mom walked past me, she tapped my head. That's three times in the last 4 minutes. I said, "What is your problem???" "You're not paying me any attention. I want your undivided attention and you're on that computer." Hmmm... I suppose that's where I get that from. This trip has been so revelatory.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!
Cautionary Tale & I Don't Play That
First: Have you ever been to this store? I call it the cougar store. And not just because of the ridiculous overabundance of animal prints. When I say overabundance, let's be clear that it looks like a jungle and an African safari simultaneously exploded inside four compact walls. Too bad there are no sound effects. Anyway sometimes they have nice dresses. Most of the time the stuff is ridiculously overpriced for the quality, but they have some pretty good sales once in a while. I got a beautiful pair of work pants and two nice sweaters when I lived in Pittsburgh. The last few times, I took Stace (or maybe we just have talked about it so much that it feels like we went together), then Rah, then my mom respectively in there and couldn't stop giggling at the cacophony of zebra, leopard, monkey, cheetah, parrot, python, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, crocodile and chimpanzee.
Moving right along. This last time (with mom), there was the tannest (around this color), most wrinkled, most white-haired old lady I have ever seen. And to top it off she had on a gold sweater with shoulder cut-outs. That means despite the fact that she works in the mall, her shoulders were out at at least 70, maybe 85 (who can tell beneath the profusion of wrinkles?) in Charlotte in December. While it's not Yankee cold, it's not Florida. COVER YOURSELF, WOMAN!! But most of all, for all young white women who love to bake in the sun and mostly without sunscreen, this woman is a cautionary tale. Please go visit her.
Second: Victoria's Secret is pissing me off. When Stace and I went to the HU/FAMU game, there was a Pink flyer which said the FAMU and HU gear would be in stores on December 16th. Except you can only buy it in stores near the school. I assumed like the Pink gear for the rest of the schools (including UF), it would be online. Apparently I was wrong. I've given them 5 days leeway. Enough time for them to add 2 other non-historically black colleges or universities to the website. The gear is still not up. I wrote one of my trademark letters. I don't believe in letting things go when it comes to services I pay for or expect to pay for. You need to know when your customer service or quality of product is subpar. And I am more than happy to tell you. I can't wait to hear this response. They were already punked into adding HBCUs in the first place, what will they come up with now? 5 seconds later: finally found something that said the gear will be online on December 23rd. And Hampton gear will be in January. BAH!!! BE MORE. SPECIFIC. Ugh. I hate waiting. Especially since we've already been waiting for MONTHS. And I wanted this stuff for Christmas. Ruining my life.
Small joy of the day: EVERY Sunday, multiple times a week, Rashan gets SO MAD when announcers talk about Michael V.ick. It's soooo funny. He wants them to act like Mr. Dogkillerextraordinaire doesn't exist. Sorry kid. The F.alcons didn't exist (and still don't to me) before he got there and were great while he was there. Anything post-Vick will make mention of him. I can only hope they keep torturing him next year because I know they will the rest of this year. It'll be great. AND 3 days until Christmas!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!
Moving right along. This last time (with mom), there was the tannest (around this color), most wrinkled, most white-haired old lady I have ever seen. And to top it off she had on a gold sweater with shoulder cut-outs. That means despite the fact that she works in the mall, her shoulders were out at at least 70, maybe 85 (who can tell beneath the profusion of wrinkles?) in Charlotte in December. While it's not Yankee cold, it's not Florida. COVER YOURSELF, WOMAN!! But most of all, for all young white women who love to bake in the sun and mostly without sunscreen, this woman is a cautionary tale. Please go visit her.
Second: Victoria's Secret is pissing me off. When Stace and I went to the HU/FAMU game, there was a Pink flyer which said the FAMU and HU gear would be in stores on December 16th. Except you can only buy it in stores near the school. I assumed like the Pink gear for the rest of the schools (including UF), it would be online. Apparently I was wrong. I've given them 5 days leeway. Enough time for them to add 2 other non-historically black colleges or universities to the website. The gear is still not up. I wrote one of my trademark letters. I don't believe in letting things go when it comes to services I pay for or expect to pay for. You need to know when your customer service or quality of product is subpar. And I am more than happy to tell you. I can't wait to hear this response. They were already punked into adding HBCUs in the first place, what will they come up with now? 5 seconds later: finally found something that said the gear will be online on December 23rd. And Hampton gear will be in January. BAH!!! BE MORE. SPECIFIC. Ugh. I hate waiting. Especially since we've already been waiting for MONTHS. And I wanted this stuff for Christmas. Ruining my life.
Small joy of the day: EVERY Sunday, multiple times a week, Rashan gets SO MAD when announcers talk about Michael V.ick. It's soooo funny. He wants them to act like Mr. Dogkillerextraordinaire doesn't exist. Sorry kid. The F.alcons didn't exist (and still don't to me) before he got there and were great while he was there. Anything post-Vick will make mention of him. I can only hope they keep torturing him next year because I know they will the rest of this year. It'll be great. AND 3 days until Christmas!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!
Celebrity Status
One thing I can count on is celebrity status when I return to the church I grew up in. Chile.
First of all I had on my FIERCE gray wool banana republic high-waisted knee length suit with my fly black chapeau perched atop my mini fro and awesome pumps (the last pair on the page). One woman said, and I quote, "Could you get any sharper? I mean could you?" Possibly, but probably not. I smiled demurely (so modest) and said, "Thank you." FAB!
There was also lots of "So glad to see you!" And then there was the part at the end where I would hug one person, walk 2 steps, get tapped, lather, rinse, repeat 4 or 5 times. I AM SUCH A CELEBRITY!! For the record, I did get out of the house last night and had a pretty good time even though we didn't get to the club. I just like being with my homies. But today at church is what I expect. Y'all need to be like, "IT'S YOU! I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!!" That's what I expect from Rah when I get to Atlanta, too. He better comply.
First of all I had on my FIERCE gray wool banana republic high-waisted knee length suit with my fly black chapeau perched atop my mini fro and awesome pumps (the last pair on the page). One woman said, and I quote, "Could you get any sharper? I mean could you?" Possibly, but probably not. I smiled demurely (so modest) and said, "Thank you." FAB!
There was also lots of "So glad to see you!" And then there was the part at the end where I would hug one person, walk 2 steps, get tapped, lather, rinse, repeat 4 or 5 times. I AM SUCH A CELEBRITY!! For the record, I did get out of the house last night and had a pretty good time even though we didn't get to the club. I just like being with my homies. But today at church is what I expect. Y'all need to be like, "IT'S YOU! I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH!!" That's what I expect from Rah when I get to Atlanta, too. He better comply.
The Party Animal
Anyone who knows me well knows I LOVE to hang out. Whether it's at a house or a bar, a restaurant, whatever. If there are people, food and/or drink, I'm DOWN! So why did I not go anywhere Friday night? Okay everyone may not know I'm home but enough people know I'm home.
I'm not going to lie. I expect people's lives to adjust their revolution and center on me when I get home. This is predicated on the length of time I'm normally home and the amount of time between my visits. AND because it's just who I am. I want the attention. I know what happened. They got used to me. As old people used to say, "I got common." Of course I would never say such a crazy thing. THEY might have gotten common, but I, Jameil il Fabulosa, did not get common. I will explain.
The first 2 years I lived in Pittsburgh I came home once a year. And not during the holidays. Then this past year I came home in April for my normal vacation, then again in May for my sister's graduation. Shortly afterward I put in my 6 weeks notice at work. I was home again in August for about a week until I moved to Florida. And now this. They haven't gotten a chance to miss me!! I finally come home for Christmas for the first time since 2005 and I want IT ALL to stop if it doesn't include me. When I found out my mom only had 3 days off while I was in town I was like, "Excuse me?" So now we have a week together. I don't think this is unreasonable. I would do the same thing for any of them if they would bother to visit me. I see I'm gonna have to stick to once or twice a year to get some attention. I know I'm demanding and I don't care. My mother says if I don't get what I want, I will "take my ball and go home." Jam right I will!! You don't need me here? And I'm out. She counts the contents of this entire post as a flaw. For the most part, I do not.
I don't beg people to enjoy my company. All I ask is that you make some effort to be around me when I'm in town. I have an open invitation to Atlanta and a more than willing party. I will use it if I have to because I sure don't mind. I'm already going down in a week, for a week, I can make it even earlier. All of this goes to say if I don't go out tonight and get no phone calls, we are going to have a problem. A big one.
I'm not going to lie. I expect people's lives to adjust their revolution and center on me when I get home. This is predicated on the length of time I'm normally home and the amount of time between my visits. AND because it's just who I am. I want the attention. I know what happened. They got used to me. As old people used to say, "I got common." Of course I would never say such a crazy thing. THEY might have gotten common, but I, Jameil il Fabulosa, did not get common. I will explain.
The first 2 years I lived in Pittsburgh I came home once a year. And not during the holidays. Then this past year I came home in April for my normal vacation, then again in May for my sister's graduation. Shortly afterward I put in my 6 weeks notice at work. I was home again in August for about a week until I moved to Florida. And now this. They haven't gotten a chance to miss me!! I finally come home for Christmas for the first time since 2005 and I want IT ALL to stop if it doesn't include me. When I found out my mom only had 3 days off while I was in town I was like, "Excuse me?" So now we have a week together. I don't think this is unreasonable. I would do the same thing for any of them if they would bother to visit me. I see I'm gonna have to stick to once or twice a year to get some attention. I know I'm demanding and I don't care. My mother says if I don't get what I want, I will "take my ball and go home." Jam right I will!! You don't need me here? And I'm out. She counts the contents of this entire post as a flaw. For the most part, I do not.
I don't beg people to enjoy my company. All I ask is that you make some effort to be around me when I'm in town. I have an open invitation to Atlanta and a more than willing party. I will use it if I have to because I sure don't mind. I'm already going down in a week, for a week, I can make it even earlier. All of this goes to say if I don't go out tonight and get no phone calls, we are going to have a problem. A big one.
Thursday 13: How I Annoy Rah and Why He's Wrong For That
1) Time Management: It annoys him to no end that I may or may not do my work when he thinks I should. As a result I ask him, "Can I manage my own time?" Even though he's the worst procrastinator in the world, I'm supposed to have my paper done 4 days before it's due instead of 12 hours.
2) Doubting every 3 weeks: This sounds like an exaggeration to me. It has triggers obviously. It speaks more to my comfort level with him. I'm comfortable telling you when I don't feel like the most confident person in the world. And it's gone in about 6 minutes. I express it, then move on. Don't start telling me how awesome I am. I already know. That's why I don't post that kind of stuff on the blog. I'm moody for the length of time to write my post and most people treat it like I'm one sharp knife (or very dull if it's a cry for help) from suicide.
3) Ask for an opinion and if it's not the same as mine, fight the other person's opinion... defensively: Is this REALLY so wrong? I just want you to be right, also. Lolol. I know I do this. It's who I am. It doesn't help that I was captain of the debate team and feel it's my duty to correct him... forcefully.
4) "Are you sleeping?": I ask him this as soon as he falls asleep. But not on purpose. We're watching something and all of a sudden I hear all this heavy breathing and get concerned. Sometimes he's not actually sleeping but just being nostrily. And sometimes he wakes up as I'm looking at him trying to figure out if he's sleeping or his eyes are just closed. I only do this so we can get off of the cramped love seat and get comfortable if he's gonna sleep for real. Plus now that I've known for a while that it's annoyed him, I do it to make myself laugh.
5) Expecting him to read my mind: He should really learn how to do this.
6) Ask where he's going: I only do it now because it annoys him. Lolol. And also only when we're in Atlanta because his place is so much bigger than mine. So now it's a running joke. Except sometimes I really want to know. If we're in the house and we haven't discussed him going on a food run and he's putting on his shoes I'm asking. Or if we're in the den chillaxin and he dislodges me to get up, I'm asking. Or if we're in the den again and he's on the love seat and I'm on the couch, on our respective computers, and he gets up, "Hey! Where are you going?"
We're quietly enjoying each other's company and he's destroying that when he leaves. Announce you are taking out the trash or checking the mail or going to the bathroom or going to stand in the refrigerator and pretend you're hungry (when we both know you never are) or going to get us some beer or putting the clothes from the washer into the dryer. Lolol. Sometimes I'm kidding, sometimes I really do want to know. Hahaha
Now there are times he announces it and I'm like, "I don't care, I wasn't gonna ask." This is because you're wearing a t-shirt and it's 35 degrees outside (stupid Atlanta, where's Florida when you need it?) and have an empty beer bottle in your hand. Obviously you're going to the trash can in the kitchen. See? I can deduce things. It's because I'm smart.
7) Talking on the phone in the mall: He doesn't care anywhere else but in the mall, it's rude. WHAT??? I don't get this at all. We were TOGETHER like we are everywhere else. The car is fine, the house is fine, but not the mall. It was about school, but about a test already taken, not about something coming up.... blank face. Still don't get it even after he explains it.
8) Acting like I'm scared of him: I'm always joking but it annoys him anyway. HILARIOUS! I just learned this while talking to him about writing this. This is too funny. I hope he knows I'm gonna keep doing this and when he gets annoyed I'll act even more frightened. Hahahaahahahaha. Vicious circles are awesome.
9) Changing Plans: I do this because sometimes I decide I want to do something but when the time comes I'm too relaxed and don't feel like it anymore. Plus he never told me that this bothers him until the last month or so. It's ridiculous. He is so non-confrontational. I'm not saying you fight with me all the time but hi kids, let's have a discussion sometimes when something bothers you so we can either fix it (FIX IT) or not and move on. I'm so reasonable it hurts sometimes. Ouch.
10) When I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go NOW: EVERYONE has this problem with me. Every single person I've ever known. So it's funny that he mentions this because usually when I act like this (i.e. "Can you hurry up? I'm ready to go. Like now." Insert HUGE sigh and pointed, annoyed look.) he just looks bewildered and says something like, "I'm hurrying, gosh. So demanding." But he never really seems terribly annoyed.
Anyway that's definitely a fault I know I have. I have to say I've gotten better, right Stace? I try to allow people plenty of time around when I actually want to leave if I know they're not likely to be ready when I want them to be. Lots of times I just don't tell Rashan when I'm going to be ready to go, then rush him if I think it's taking too long. [Yes, I'm aware that that is RIDICULOUS and am making efforts to FIX IT. (For the record when I yell that, it's a reference to an SNL skit that cracks us up.)] Goes back to that lack of ESP thing. Seriously, LEARN TO READ MINDS, RASHAN!!! But only when I want you to.
11) Comparisons: I do this with everyone, too. Can't help it. If you say I don't know if I'm gonna come when I said I was, or you're reluctant to go, I'm gonna ask if you're gonna flake on me. I have known way too many people who use this as their way to tell me they're not going to do something with me, or that was the clue and they just don't come, right Stace? He thought it was previous cats and I was like yeah no, previous people. Lots of them.
12) Trying to change his family's dynamic: Sometimes he says he wants to be closer to some of them, but he doesn't make any moves. So he probably doesn't really care that much. I think it's weird and anti-social that he isn't close to anyone. It doesn't help that I have a huge family so if there's anyone or 10 I don't like, there are 20-40 more to try again. He says he's just happy being with himself... I guess as long as I can get him out of the house I shouldn't worry about this.
13) Internet assistance: Nice that this is the first time I'm hearing this. When I'm working on something for school, I'll call him to get him to look up something on the internet, hear what I need, and say thanks, bye, he says sometimes while he's mid-sentence. So what? I'm in the middle of work. I say thanks and I know I'll call him back and he knows I'm in the middle of work. I'm not trying to be rude but I just don't see the big deal with this one. I guess that's why it's rude.
You'll have to go to his blog to see how I annoy him. And don't worry. We've discussed all of this stuff before, during and I'm sure after the list. None of them are deal breakers and the relationship is not on the rocks. People get on each other's nerves. That's life. Despite these, coming up next week: 13 Things I Love About Rah.
2) Doubting every 3 weeks: This sounds like an exaggeration to me. It has triggers obviously. It speaks more to my comfort level with him. I'm comfortable telling you when I don't feel like the most confident person in the world. And it's gone in about 6 minutes. I express it, then move on. Don't start telling me how awesome I am. I already know. That's why I don't post that kind of stuff on the blog. I'm moody for the length of time to write my post and most people treat it like I'm one sharp knife (or very dull if it's a cry for help) from suicide.
3) Ask for an opinion and if it's not the same as mine, fight the other person's opinion... defensively: Is this REALLY so wrong? I just want you to be right, also. Lolol. I know I do this. It's who I am. It doesn't help that I was captain of the debate team and feel it's my duty to correct him... forcefully.
4) "Are you sleeping?": I ask him this as soon as he falls asleep. But not on purpose. We're watching something and all of a sudden I hear all this heavy breathing and get concerned. Sometimes he's not actually sleeping but just being nostrily. And sometimes he wakes up as I'm looking at him trying to figure out if he's sleeping or his eyes are just closed. I only do this so we can get off of the cramped love seat and get comfortable if he's gonna sleep for real. Plus now that I've known for a while that it's annoyed him, I do it to make myself laugh.
5) Expecting him to read my mind: He should really learn how to do this.
6) Ask where he's going: I only do it now because it annoys him. Lolol. And also only when we're in Atlanta because his place is so much bigger than mine. So now it's a running joke. Except sometimes I really want to know. If we're in the house and we haven't discussed him going on a food run and he's putting on his shoes I'm asking. Or if we're in the den chillaxin and he dislodges me to get up, I'm asking. Or if we're in the den again and he's on the love seat and I'm on the couch, on our respective computers, and he gets up, "Hey! Where are you going?"
We're quietly enjoying each other's company and he's destroying that when he leaves. Announce you are taking out the trash or checking the mail or going to the bathroom or going to stand in the refrigerator and pretend you're hungry (when we both know you never are) or going to get us some beer or putting the clothes from the washer into the dryer. Lolol. Sometimes I'm kidding, sometimes I really do want to know. Hahaha
Now there are times he announces it and I'm like, "I don't care, I wasn't gonna ask." This is because you're wearing a t-shirt and it's 35 degrees outside (stupid Atlanta, where's Florida when you need it?) and have an empty beer bottle in your hand. Obviously you're going to the trash can in the kitchen. See? I can deduce things. It's because I'm smart.
7) Talking on the phone in the mall: He doesn't care anywhere else but in the mall, it's rude. WHAT??? I don't get this at all. We were TOGETHER like we are everywhere else. The car is fine, the house is fine, but not the mall. It was about school, but about a test already taken, not about something coming up.... blank face. Still don't get it even after he explains it.
8) Acting like I'm scared of him: I'm always joking but it annoys him anyway. HILARIOUS! I just learned this while talking to him about writing this. This is too funny. I hope he knows I'm gonna keep doing this and when he gets annoyed I'll act even more frightened. Hahahaahahahaha. Vicious circles are awesome.
9) Changing Plans: I do this because sometimes I decide I want to do something but when the time comes I'm too relaxed and don't feel like it anymore. Plus he never told me that this bothers him until the last month or so. It's ridiculous. He is so non-confrontational. I'm not saying you fight with me all the time but hi kids, let's have a discussion sometimes when something bothers you so we can either fix it (FIX IT) or not and move on. I'm so reasonable it hurts sometimes. Ouch.
10) When I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go NOW: EVERYONE has this problem with me. Every single person I've ever known. So it's funny that he mentions this because usually when I act like this (i.e. "Can you hurry up? I'm ready to go. Like now." Insert HUGE sigh and pointed, annoyed look.) he just looks bewildered and says something like, "I'm hurrying, gosh. So demanding." But he never really seems terribly annoyed.
Anyway that's definitely a fault I know I have. I have to say I've gotten better, right Stace? I try to allow people plenty of time around when I actually want to leave if I know they're not likely to be ready when I want them to be. Lots of times I just don't tell Rashan when I'm going to be ready to go, then rush him if I think it's taking too long. [Yes, I'm aware that that is RIDICULOUS and am making efforts to FIX IT. (For the record when I yell that, it's a reference to an SNL skit that cracks us up.)] Goes back to that lack of ESP thing. Seriously, LEARN TO READ MINDS, RASHAN!!! But only when I want you to.
11) Comparisons: I do this with everyone, too. Can't help it. If you say I don't know if I'm gonna come when I said I was, or you're reluctant to go, I'm gonna ask if you're gonna flake on me. I have known way too many people who use this as their way to tell me they're not going to do something with me, or that was the clue and they just don't come, right Stace? He thought it was previous cats and I was like yeah no, previous people. Lots of them.
12) Trying to change his family's dynamic: Sometimes he says he wants to be closer to some of them, but he doesn't make any moves. So he probably doesn't really care that much. I think it's weird and anti-social that he isn't close to anyone. It doesn't help that I have a huge family so if there's anyone or 10 I don't like, there are 20-40 more to try again. He says he's just happy being with himself... I guess as long as I can get him out of the house I shouldn't worry about this.
13) Internet assistance: Nice that this is the first time I'm hearing this. When I'm working on something for school, I'll call him to get him to look up something on the internet, hear what I need, and say thanks, bye, he says sometimes while he's mid-sentence. So what? I'm in the middle of work. I say thanks and I know I'll call him back and he knows I'm in the middle of work. I'm not trying to be rude but I just don't see the big deal with this one. I guess that's why it's rude.
You'll have to go to his blog to see how I annoy him. And don't worry. We've discussed all of this stuff before, during and I'm sure after the list. None of them are deal breakers and the relationship is not on the rocks. People get on each other's nerves. That's life. Despite these, coming up next week: 13 Things I Love About Rah.
The other night I decided to get fancy and get my baked ziti on. I took Rach's recipe from her Big Orange Book and added spinach to it. What do we call that? Yes, that's right. Yum-o! I also made raspberry lemonade. Frozen raspberries, 2 cans of frozen lemonade, 2 cups of sugar, blend and enjoy topped with additional raspberries! Here are some pics, very Darius T. Williams, eh? Lol. Minus the actual steps. I don't have anyone to take my pics for me and it takes me long enough to cook without me stopping for picture time, too. Lol.

Tonight, I'm sure we celebrate, we just haven't decided how yet. I thought I'd go home and sleep since I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night (too wired) but now I can't sleep because again, too wired. Lol. I'm sure as soon as my head hits that pillow I'll be OUT! But we'll see. In case you were wondering, I know I aced my exam. I was the first one done. His tests are straight memorization and I have that in the bag. It's never a problem for the kid. Plus I did plenty of studying and took excellent notes. I'm so awesome it hurts. But it hurts so good. Ain't that right, kids? I know, I know.
Tomorrow the 2nd year students show their thesis film previews. Can't wait for those. Then I'm heading to Hilton Head to visit my favorite aunt and hang with her for a minute. And Christmas is in NINE DAYS!! I'm so excited! And I've gotten a nice portion of my Christmas shopping done. Very fun. I don't want to do any more today but I really really wanted to see how Vickie's Pink line handled HU stuff. I thought it was supposed to be out today but I don't see it online. :( FIX THAT!!
Tonight, I'm sure we celebrate, we just haven't decided how yet. I thought I'd go home and sleep since I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night (too wired) but now I can't sleep because again, too wired. Lol. I'm sure as soon as my head hits that pillow I'll be OUT! But we'll see. In case you were wondering, I know I aced my exam. I was the first one done. His tests are straight memorization and I have that in the bag. It's never a problem for the kid. Plus I did plenty of studying and took excellent notes. I'm so awesome it hurts. But it hurts so good. Ain't that right, kids? I know, I know.
Tomorrow the 2nd year students show their thesis film previews. Can't wait for those. Then I'm heading to Hilton Head to visit my favorite aunt and hang with her for a minute. And Christmas is in NINE DAYS!! I'm so excited! And I've gotten a nice portion of my Christmas shopping done. Very fun. I don't want to do any more today but I really really wanted to see how Vickie's Pink line handled HU stuff. I thought it was supposed to be out today but I don't see it online. :( FIX THAT!!
Crazy Woman
Perhaps as the perfect compliment to my crazy man as evidenced below, or in homage to the FOR REAL end of the semester, I'm feeling a bit crazy right now. I now know for a fact I will not have straight As this semester. I have a B in my production class. That means I'm not happy. But if I do well on the rest of the work I have to turn in tomorrow and the final i have tomorrow, I will be in excellent shape to have earned As in my other 3 classes. I know one thing, I have worked very hard for all of my grades and will work even harder for the rest of my time here. After tomorrow at noon, one semester down, 3 more to go until you will be required to call me master. That is all for now. I will shake off my sulk because there is no time for it. Good day. (And yes, I'll be posting tomorrow-- this time WITH PICTURES! Ooh!)
Manic Melon Man
I have no clue how I forgot this because it cracked me UP at the time!
It's not a secret that Rashan doesn't like cantaloupe but when we went to brunch the Sunday after Thanksgiving things went to new heights. He was joyously munching through his custom omelet as was I my own when he stopped mid-chew.
"What is that?"
"What is what?"
"On my plate. What is that?"
"Oh that's honeydew."
"What is that? Like cantaloupe?"
"Not really but it's nasty, too."
"And is there a piece of cantaloupe next to it?"
*Eyes closed as look of disgust washes over his face.*
"Are you all right?"
"Give me a minute. I need to compose myself."
"Are you not gonna finish your food right now."
"Hold on. Just give me a minute."
*Pausing in amazement and trying not to burst into giggles.*
"Do you want me to take it off your plate?"
"That would help."
I oblige then sit in awe as he continues to compose himself.
"Yeah, I'm straight."
*FALL OUT LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
It's not a secret that Rashan doesn't like cantaloupe but when we went to brunch the Sunday after Thanksgiving things went to new heights. He was joyously munching through his custom omelet as was I my own when he stopped mid-chew.
"What is that?"
"What is what?"
"On my plate. What is that?"
"Oh that's honeydew."
"What is that? Like cantaloupe?"
"Not really but it's nasty, too."
"And is there a piece of cantaloupe next to it?"
*Eyes closed as look of disgust washes over his face.*
"Are you all right?"
"Give me a minute. I need to compose myself."
"Are you not gonna finish your food right now."
"Hold on. Just give me a minute."
*Pausing in amazement and trying not to burst into giggles.*
"Do you want me to take it off your plate?"
"That would help."
I oblige then sit in awe as he continues to compose himself.
"Yeah, I'm straight."
*FALL OUT LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Overheard in Gainesville: 12:16
Hick 1: What are we gonna drink?
Hick 2: Beer?
1: Is it too early for beer?
2: It's never too early for beer.
Hick 3: I have some alcohol in the house. You can make yourself a cranberry and vodka.
1: Make sure it's cranberry juice cocktail because for some reason it seems to last longer.
Wait. What? First of all, hicks drink cranberry juice and are picky about it?? Wow... For the record I can't STAND cocktail since I was hipped to 100% juice. It tastes so much better. For non-Ocean Spray, I like "Northland." Ocean Spray is a bit expensive. Speaking of expensive, indulgent food, I need some mint chocolate Milanos like I need my next breath. Lol. Alright maybe not quite that much but I need it! And for some cookies, those things are outrageously priced!
I have things I could be doing today. I'm considering whether I'll do them since at the keg party, my classmate gave me 6 movies to watch. Wheeee!! For the record, I paid beer pong for the first time yesterday after washing all the cups and getting new ping pong ball-rinsing water. Me and my partner were 3/3. Winners of all 3 games!! Wheeee! We had fun. I'll post some pictures later.
Hick 2: Beer?
1: Is it too early for beer?
2: It's never too early for beer.
Hick 3: I have some alcohol in the house. You can make yourself a cranberry and vodka.
1: Make sure it's cranberry juice cocktail because for some reason it seems to last longer.
Wait. What? First of all, hicks drink cranberry juice and are picky about it?? Wow... For the record I can't STAND cocktail since I was hipped to 100% juice. It tastes so much better. For non-Ocean Spray, I like "Northland." Ocean Spray is a bit expensive. Speaking of expensive, indulgent food, I need some mint chocolate Milanos like I need my next breath. Lol. Alright maybe not quite that much but I need it! And for some cookies, those things are outrageously priced!
I have things I could be doing today. I'm considering whether I'll do them since at the keg party, my classmate gave me 6 movies to watch. Wheeee!! For the record, I paid beer pong for the first time yesterday after washing all the cups and getting new ping pong ball-rinsing water. Me and my partner were 3/3. Winners of all 3 games!! Wheeee! We had fun. I'll post some pictures later.
Christmas List
1) Express Coat: When I tell you I look AWESOME in this coat!!! I mean it! Rah was like "Wow" because he was with me. It looks great. Esp. with the collar popped.
2) Freedom in the Family: A Mother Daughter Memoir: Good book. I've already read it. Now I want to own it.
3) Brown boots: Wanted these for a while, too. Something like this. Or this (dark brown leather). Size 7.5 please.
4) Spike Lee Collector's Set: It's only $20 for 4 movies and I've wanted it forever.
5) A Sequined Dress: NEEEEEED this. I'd like to wear it for New Year's. Size small or 4.
6) Fierce Nine West Shoes: So necessary, n'est-ce pas? Oui. I like these. I like these but not in yellow or brown. (I know Stace is gonna talk about all the flats. I'm looking for some heels right now, hater!!) These in black or red.
7) "A Different World" DVDs: I think I've been wanting this for 2 years now.
8) Toaster Oven: I think my mom is taking care of this.
9) Sweaters: Love sweaters. Like this one but only in black or grey. Or this one in grey, red or blue.
10) Jewelry: (This is a duh. You cannot go wrong giving me jewelry.)
11) A church: PLEASE GOD!!
12) Black blazer: I've been wanting this for about a year.
13) Gators hoodie sweatshirt: I don't have warm weather Gator gear. Black with the blue cursive letters.
14) Obama tee: And it needs to be a cute one. Unfortunately I don't like most of the ones on his site so unauthorized it is.
15) Vickie's HU para!: It comes out December 16th! I can't wait! Some stuff you can only get in VA stores but there is a selection online and I need to see it so I can direct all those who need to know to the appropriate locale! Wheeeee!!
16) Winter White Coat: Like this. Been wanting this for years.
17) A puppy we keep at Rah's house. I get to have some fun with him (the puppy) but don't have to take care of him (I don't mind taking care of you, old man Rah) and he can bring him for visits. Wouldn't that be great?!
18) This cute blue and gold scarf I saw at a store in Little 5 Points.
19) Now for unrealistic gift: Christian Louboutin. This Dior blouse.
My mom already got me a renewal for Everyday with Rachael Ray! And Rah got me The Big Orange Book. Yeah!!
2) Freedom in the Family: A Mother Daughter Memoir: Good book. I've already read it. Now I want to own it.
3) Brown boots: Wanted these for a while, too. Something like this. Or this (dark brown leather). Size 7.5 please.
4) Spike Lee Collector's Set: It's only $20 for 4 movies and I've wanted it forever.
5) A Sequined Dress: NEEEEEED this. I'd like to wear it for New Year's. Size small or 4.
6) Fierce Nine West Shoes: So necessary, n'est-ce pas? Oui. I like these. I like these but not in yellow or brown. (I know Stace is gonna talk about all the flats. I'm looking for some heels right now, hater!!) These in black or red.
7) "A Different World" DVDs: I think I've been wanting this for 2 years now.
8) Toaster Oven: I think my mom is taking care of this.
9) Sweaters: Love sweaters. Like this one but only in black or grey. Or this one in grey, red or blue.
10) Jewelry: (This is a duh. You cannot go wrong giving me jewelry.)
11) A church: PLEASE GOD!!
12) Black blazer: I've been wanting this for about a year.
13) Gators hoodie sweatshirt: I don't have warm weather Gator gear. Black with the blue cursive letters.
14) Obama tee: And it needs to be a cute one. Unfortunately I don't like most of the ones on his site so unauthorized it is.
15) Vickie's HU para!: It comes out December 16th! I can't wait! Some stuff you can only get in VA stores but there is a selection online and I need to see it so I can direct all those who need to know to the appropriate locale! Wheeeee!!
16) Winter White Coat: Like this. Been wanting this for years.
17) A puppy we keep at Rah's house. I get to have some fun with him (the puppy) but don't have to take care of him (I don't mind taking care of you, old man Rah) and he can bring him for visits. Wouldn't that be great?!
18) This cute blue and gold scarf I saw at a store in Little 5 Points.
19) Now for unrealistic gift: Christian Louboutin. This Dior blouse.
My mom already got me a renewal for Everyday with Rachael Ray! And Rah got me The Big Orange Book. Yeah!!
Workin Day & Night
My one-track mind (get school done, get school done) has yielded this bizarre subset of myself: ridiculously careless and messy. This is not at all to imply that my place is a pigsty or impossible to live in but it will benefit from my attention in the next couple of days when I finally have a lull in work. Let me tell you how G(od) hooked me up. I somehow left my wallet in the bar when my classmates coerced me to go to the bar yesterday. When I found it, it STILL HAD THE MONEY INSIDE. What?? Crazy.
I have a little over 9 pages of my 15 paper done and still haven't fleshed it out in most parts with my thoughts so I'm in GREAT shape. I also got a page done in half an hour. At this rate, and if I stop pausing to write blog posts or do Sudoku, I'll have a finished product by midnight which is what we call, what? AWESOME! Amazingly, I haven't been psycho about getting all this work done. It's quite odd. Usually I'm all crazy when I have a lot of deadlines. Today I got home the earliest I have in a week-- 2:30. Every other day in the last week it's been after 9:30, and most days after 10. I've been awakened by crazy dreams in the last couple of days, too, then kept awake by thoughts of all the stuff I need to do. Tomorrow, though I will have my first day off from school work since last Wednesday. Then Thursday one of my classmates is having a kegger. FUN!!
Tomorrow I post the long-awaited Christmas list. Although at one point I teased Rashan that all the fun in gift-giving is in finding that one thing they forgot they wanted and presenting it to their surprised face, I'm more realistic. I like lists and really like getting things I love. As long as the list is sufficiently fleshed out, the receiver can still be quite surprised as long as no one drops unnecessary hints and/or spills the beans: RASHAN! This man. He had to wait only 2 days for my Rachael Ray book to arrive and he couldn't do it! Allow a surprise! Lol. For Christmas, this is VERBOTTEN! I love Christmas surprises. That means someone is going to have to calm down. Lolol. Like a giant puppy who can't calm down.
When I go home, provided my foot is done bothering me, I'm getting some serious workouts in. I'm tired of being all not hot and unworked out. Anyway back to work. I should really focus. Lol.
I have a little over 9 pages of my 15 paper done and still haven't fleshed it out in most parts with my thoughts so I'm in GREAT shape. I also got a page done in half an hour. At this rate, and if I stop pausing to write blog posts or do Sudoku, I'll have a finished product by midnight which is what we call, what? AWESOME! Amazingly, I haven't been psycho about getting all this work done. It's quite odd. Usually I'm all crazy when I have a lot of deadlines. Today I got home the earliest I have in a week-- 2:30. Every other day in the last week it's been after 9:30, and most days after 10. I've been awakened by crazy dreams in the last couple of days, too, then kept awake by thoughts of all the stuff I need to do. Tomorrow, though I will have my first day off from school work since last Wednesday. Then Thursday one of my classmates is having a kegger. FUN!!
Tomorrow I post the long-awaited Christmas list. Although at one point I teased Rashan that all the fun in gift-giving is in finding that one thing they forgot they wanted and presenting it to their surprised face, I'm more realistic. I like lists and really like getting things I love. As long as the list is sufficiently fleshed out, the receiver can still be quite surprised as long as no one drops unnecessary hints and/or spills the beans: RASHAN! This man. He had to wait only 2 days for my Rachael Ray book to arrive and he couldn't do it! Allow a surprise! Lol. For Christmas, this is VERBOTTEN! I love Christmas surprises. That means someone is going to have to calm down. Lolol. Like a giant puppy who can't calm down.
When I go home, provided my foot is done bothering me, I'm getting some serious workouts in. I'm tired of being all not hot and unworked out. Anyway back to work. I should really focus. Lol.
Not Broken...
But my foot really hurts. And I don't know why. Something in the metatarsal. Let me stop lying. I know nothing about the bones of my body. But the front of my right foot before you get to my toes. I don't like it and wish I didn't have anywhere else to walk in the next week. After Wednesday I don't but it's Monday. I'm not feeling that. At all.
Just got done screening our films. Pretty good all around.
Now I get to go work on my thesis pitch for tomorrow and 15-20 page paper for Wednesday. Do the requirements of life never end? Yes, that was a rhetorical question. And yes, I know they never do. I'm suddenly in a bad mood. I must take my leave of you all. I have dishes to walk. Great. Can't wait to stand on this foot to make that happen.
Just got done screening our films. Pretty good all around.
Now I get to go work on my thesis pitch for tomorrow and 15-20 page paper for Wednesday. Do the requirements of life never end? Yes, that was a rhetorical question. And yes, I know they never do. I'm suddenly in a bad mood. I must take my leave of you all. I have dishes to walk. Great. Can't wait to stand on this foot to make that happen.
This last week flew by. Though I have no desire to rush off down the aisle (preferring a sensible, practical and probably somewhat less romantic approach to weddings and marriage), I LOVE wedding shows and on Sundays my favorite link? NYT Weddings! Love it! I've been reading them every Sunday for about a year or so, dating back to when I was producing weekend morning shows. It was my happy up story. And lots of them are such cute little love stories. I really liked the chance encounters one. I like older couples too. And I send the ones I think Stace will like to her. Usually about interracial or interfaith couples or friends who marry. Love it. Actually the NYT in general on Sunday, j'adore.
I can't believe this is my last week of classes. LAST WEEK. That's insane to me. I have a lot of work due in the next 3 days, then 5 days of nothing, then 3 more assignments due. All on the same day. Good times. But I don't feel any stress. I want to write 5 more pages of my 15 page paper today (due Wednesday) to bring me up to 11.5 pages. Very doable. I want to do another 5 tomorrow and then spend Tuesday after my pitch in class fleshing out my ideas surrounding the paper. I actually like my topic: "The Impact of John Grierson's Early Filmmaking Experiences on the Creation of the National Film Board of Canada and Its Connection to Modern Filmmaking." (My mom said that's a lot of words. I explained to her that when you're a master's student you have to prove that you know a lot of words in the title alone.) There seems to be a wealth of information on it so YAY! Let's make it happen.
It also hasn't really sunk in that I'm a master's student AND at UF all the time. Sometimes I still look around and think what in the world am I doing here? Why am I here? Not like I feel like I don't belong or dislike it. Sometimes it's just an out of body experience. Like when I was in the gym last week minding my business, looked up at the window and saw "UF Recreation." I hadn't been thinking and it startled me that I go to UF. Or yesterday when I was in a bar surrounded by screaming, drinking Gator fans (scary). Or when I realized it was 73 degrees on December 3rd. And it will be 80 this week. I don't mind it (as you could imagine), but that doesn't make it less weird since a year ago today I was watching snow fall. Thank you Jesus for delivering me from that nightmare. Though there is a sense of nostalgia for any place you once lived, I'm quite glad that part of my life is over.
Do you also know that I will be home for Christmas this year for the first time in 3 YEARS?! How exciting! Me, my mom and my sister are all very excited about that. And for the new year I'll be hanging with Rah. I'm trying to get a contingent of my friends to come, too. It'll be great.
I can't believe this is my last week of classes. LAST WEEK. That's insane to me. I have a lot of work due in the next 3 days, then 5 days of nothing, then 3 more assignments due. All on the same day. Good times. But I don't feel any stress. I want to write 5 more pages of my 15 page paper today (due Wednesday) to bring me up to 11.5 pages. Very doable. I want to do another 5 tomorrow and then spend Tuesday after my pitch in class fleshing out my ideas surrounding the paper. I actually like my topic: "The Impact of John Grierson's Early Filmmaking Experiences on the Creation of the National Film Board of Canada and Its Connection to Modern Filmmaking." (My mom said that's a lot of words. I explained to her that when you're a master's student you have to prove that you know a lot of words in the title alone.) There seems to be a wealth of information on it so YAY! Let's make it happen.
It also hasn't really sunk in that I'm a master's student AND at UF all the time. Sometimes I still look around and think what in the world am I doing here? Why am I here? Not like I feel like I don't belong or dislike it. Sometimes it's just an out of body experience. Like when I was in the gym last week minding my business, looked up at the window and saw "UF Recreation." I hadn't been thinking and it startled me that I go to UF. Or yesterday when I was in a bar surrounded by screaming, drinking Gator fans (scary). Or when I realized it was 73 degrees on December 3rd. And it will be 80 this week. I don't mind it (as you could imagine), but that doesn't make it less weird since a year ago today I was watching snow fall. Thank you Jesus for delivering me from that nightmare. Though there is a sense of nostalgia for any place you once lived, I'm quite glad that part of my life is over.
Do you also know that I will be home for Christmas this year for the first time in 3 YEARS?! How exciting! Me, my mom and my sister are all very excited about that. And for the new year I'll be hanging with Rah. I'm trying to get a contingent of my friends to come, too. It'll be great.
Life Life
I'm loving editing for this project. Seeing it like someone who has never seen it before makes it a lot easier to see where to cut. The piece is a historical short and is supposed to be 5-7 minutes. I wrote the script from the transcripts my partner and I typed out. When we put it on the timeline it was 29 minutes. Our thesis film is done! Give us our master's degrees, please! Lol. So we were able to cut to 9:55 then couldn't really see where else to cut until we called in 4 of our classmates. Then all of us had ideas. It was great. Now it's at around 7 minutes and we still might cut more. Now that we have something like a final script we'll go back and add in all of these pictures we've culled from archives around the web and video from the Florida Archives. CAN'T WAIT! I also really like working with my partner. We're a good team. Both of us are pretty quiet while working unless necessary. That's how I like it. We talk over food breaks and mostly not about work. There's a time and place for everything. Our project is about the Civil Rights Movement in Tallahassee but our subject mentions Mississippi. Hey Mississippi! Your state archive page NEVER LOADED after 6 attempts!! GET IT TOGETHER! I told my partner my mom would probably not like it if I told her I put a hex on her home state. What? They can't act right, I'll show them! Hmph!
Today all of us are going to take a break from working to watch the game. I didn't even know we were going to do that until today. I would have ignored the game. I know it's the SEC Championship and it's a really big game since Alabama is No. 1 and we're No. 4 in the national polls, but I definitely care more about school. I'll have my laptop open searching for whatever pictures or video we need to supplement what we have. It's not a problem. Lol.
How about I was so engrossed in this article I was reading on the L.A. Times about this attorney married to a prisoner prosecutors believe is the head of the Aryan Brotherhood. She met him while married to his brother for 11 years... yeah. It's riveting. (Side note: To get around not having the internet at home, I click "single page" on the longer articles I want to read on the LAT and NYT websites while at school and leave the pages up when I close my laptop so I can read them when I get home.) But I was SO engrossed in this that I missed my bus stop and had to walk an extra half mile or so. Good thing it wasn't that cold. Bad thing that it was dark but there were plenty of cars out and I walked extra fast.
Know what I don't ever want to hear? That V.ictoria's Secret is going out of business. I mean EVER. I just got my 2nd catalog in 3 days from them. The 4th in the last 4 weeks. There is NO ONE who needs weekly catalogs. And certainly not bi-weekly. My running gag with Rashan, "Guess what I got today?" The answer is always a Vickie's catalog. Ridiculous!
Today all of us are going to take a break from working to watch the game. I didn't even know we were going to do that until today. I would have ignored the game. I know it's the SEC Championship and it's a really big game since Alabama is No. 1 and we're No. 4 in the national polls, but I definitely care more about school. I'll have my laptop open searching for whatever pictures or video we need to supplement what we have. It's not a problem. Lol.
How about I was so engrossed in this article I was reading on the L.A. Times about this attorney married to a prisoner prosecutors believe is the head of the Aryan Brotherhood. She met him while married to his brother for 11 years... yeah. It's riveting. (Side note: To get around not having the internet at home, I click "single page" on the longer articles I want to read on the LAT and NYT websites while at school and leave the pages up when I close my laptop so I can read them when I get home.) But I was SO engrossed in this that I missed my bus stop and had to walk an extra half mile or so. Good thing it wasn't that cold. Bad thing that it was dark but there were plenty of cars out and I walked extra fast.
Know what I don't ever want to hear? That V.ictoria's Secret is going out of business. I mean EVER. I just got my 2nd catalog in 3 days from them. The 4th in the last 4 weeks. There is NO ONE who needs weekly catalogs. And certainly not bi-weekly. My running gag with Rashan, "Guess what I got today?" The answer is always a Vickie's catalog. Ridiculous!
Ding Ding!
That's the competition bell ringing. If you thought it was a game, you were wrong. Rah and I "met" (via our blogs) because of a competition. After blogging daily in November he challenged me to keep writing daily for the rest of the year. I accepted and threw it back at him. We kept going until HE LOST! That created a good series of posts. You have me to thank (or curse, more likely the latter) for him blogging regularly. You're welcome (or I'm sorry).
Well, the competition is back. I've been far more prolific than him when it comes to posting this year so guess what? He said his goal is for me not to have 100 posts more than him. He only has to miss 15 days of blogging this month for that to happen. I would like for all of you to do your part to make sure that doesn't happen. Distract him with phone calls, trips, invitations to hang out (which he will almost definitely deny), emails, ignoring him when he doesn't post for several days. Help me think of other ways to keep his hands from that computer! I know you can do it! The choice is yours! Help me win! And now back to editing... but don't forget those ideas to keep him from blogging! Go!
Well, the competition is back. I've been far more prolific than him when it comes to posting this year so guess what? He said his goal is for me not to have 100 posts more than him. He only has to miss 15 days of blogging this month for that to happen. I would like for all of you to do your part to make sure that doesn't happen. Distract him with phone calls, trips, invitations to hang out (which he will almost definitely deny), emails, ignoring him when he doesn't post for several days. Help me think of other ways to keep his hands from that computer! I know you can do it! The choice is yours! Help me win! And now back to editing... but don't forget those ideas to keep him from blogging! Go!
Yeah, I Did It
Taking a short break from the making of my historical short film to answer a tag from Liz. I keep telling Rah my Christmas list is coming and it was supposed to come today (oops) but I don't have the patience to do the research it requires when I know I have so much work due in the next 2 weeks. Mon, Tues, Wed of next week being the closest due dates. Whatev! Enjoy and if you'd like to do this, consider yourself tagged (and lazy). You are to bold the things you've done. I put my comments in parentheses.
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars. (In a tent if that counts. Hated it. I don't do woods.)
3. Played in a band.
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain (does Mt. Hollywood count?)
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped (put that in never please)
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning (another in the never column, please!!)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (Before you get impressed, it was for class as a child.)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France (We went to Musee D'Orsay instead of the Louvre.)
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked (Another for never!)
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb (???)
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (No desire)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset (Saw lots of sunrises while working overnights.
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person (Never been to Canada)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (Don't even know it unless MS counts.)
35. Seen an Amish community (Drove past it, counting it.)
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (you could always have more but you could have less too)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (NO!!)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (and ate more than I sold)
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter (I want to reeeeeally bad)
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (I saw my grandma do that to a chicken.)
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars. (In a tent if that counts. Hated it. I don't do woods.)
3. Played in a band.
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain (does Mt. Hollywood count?)
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped (put that in never please)
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning (another in the never column, please!!)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (Before you get impressed, it was for class as a child.)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France (We went to Musee D'Orsay instead of the Louvre.)
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked (Another for never!)
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb (???)
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (No desire)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset (Saw lots of sunrises while working overnights.
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person (Never been to Canada)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (Don't even know it unless MS counts.)
35. Seen an Amish community (Drove past it, counting it.)
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (you could always have more but you could have less too)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (NO!!)
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (and ate more than I sold)
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter (I want to reeeeeally bad)
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (I saw my grandma do that to a chicken.)
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Answer Your Phone!
Rah and I watched part of Cable Guy while we were in Atlanta. He wanted to see his favorite part. A part which him and his friend Kareem used to regularly reenact. Where Matthew Broderick's character comes home to find more than half a dozen messages from the cable guy played by Jim Carrey. Rah said they used to leave each other ridiculous messages. I knew I wanted to play! Too bad we were constantly around each other and you can't really do the best one as well without a landline phone ("Are you there? Hello? Are you there? Pick up pick up pick up!") but I managed to pull off a few.
"Hey I'm out in the yard pulling weeds and just thought about you, thought I'd give you a call."
"I'm running a little late. It's taking longer than usual to put in my lace front weave but I'll be there as soon as I can."
"I'm on my way now. I had to pick up a bunch of barrettes and ribbons for my great uncle. I don't know if I told you about the Christmas pageant our family does every year featuring Christmas from around the world but my sister and I usually go as Liesel and Brigitta from Austria. This year I think I'm gonna be a little Dutch girl but we'll see. Bye."
The last was my fave. His fave was the second. Now you go!
*Side note: I haven't talked to my mom for more than 15 minutes in 3 days and am feeling the withdrawal! During the week I'm used to having her just a phone call away and talking to her several times a day. She let my sister take her phone to Greensboro since the baby's phone is out of commission. I called and my sister answered throwing everything off. An hour later I'd forgotten already and could feel I hadn't talked to my mom yet. I went to call her and realize again the baby has the phone. Argh! Ogre smash!
"Hey I'm out in the yard pulling weeds and just thought about you, thought I'd give you a call."
"I'm running a little late. It's taking longer than usual to put in my lace front weave but I'll be there as soon as I can."
"I'm on my way now. I had to pick up a bunch of barrettes and ribbons for my great uncle. I don't know if I told you about the Christmas pageant our family does every year featuring Christmas from around the world but my sister and I usually go as Liesel and Brigitta from Austria. This year I think I'm gonna be a little Dutch girl but we'll see. Bye."
The last was my fave. His fave was the second. Now you go!
*Side note: I haven't talked to my mom for more than 15 minutes in 3 days and am feeling the withdrawal! During the week I'm used to having her just a phone call away and talking to her several times a day. She let my sister take her phone to Greensboro since the baby's phone is out of commission. I called and my sister answered throwing everything off. An hour later I'd forgotten already and could feel I hadn't talked to my mom yet. I went to call her and realize again the baby has the phone. Argh! Ogre smash!
Thanksgiving Wrap-Up
As Rashan wrote about, Thanksgiving was a very leisurely day. After our plans fell through for dinner, I suggested my old standby for holiday meals after 3 years of eating them largely alone-- Boston Market. As usual, it tasted lovely! I can't even begin to try to tell you what movies we watched but between 5 or 6 HBOs, regular tv, and Netflix, we were more than set.
Okay I can begin to tell you, but don't expect a complete list! Lol. Hard Candy with Ellen Page. Wow... that movie is crazy. I didn't know it was a horror movie. I just knew my classmates were recommending it. It's about the non-typical turn when a 14-year-old meets a 32-year-old she found on the internet. Not at all what you would suspect. Evan Almighty went a bit far with the slapstick humor at some points but was mildly amusing. Definitely a kid movie. Some of the scenes required you to suspend your disbelief, and my film background, a little more than I ordinarily like to do. Rah and I watched some movie about the bombing at Pearl Harbor with Burt Lancaster. I liked. We also watched Super H.igh Me which is the weed head version of Super S.ize Me. It's as amusing as it sounds. Then She Found Me I saw because of Helen Hunt. Love her and the movie was good. I didn't even know the divine Miss M was in it until the movie started but I thought, even better when I found out! I know we saw more, I just can't think of them all right now. We also watched lots of football including Georgia's loss and Florida's win! Wheeee!
Back to chronology. Friday I was supposed to work on my paper. Yeah... about that. I didn't. I did end up writing a page when Rah got too engrossed in a movie when I was bored and annoyed but that was on Saturday. We mostly sat around Friday. Thursday night we devoured the leftovers. I don't even remember what we ate Friday morning/afternoon. No clue. Oh wait. I think we had burgers from Five Guys that day. I had one with mushrooms, jalapenos, cheese, ketchup and mustard. As you'll see even more, I LOVE mushrooms and jalepenos. My HU homie Bran let me know her family was having game night and we should come through. I had picked up a couple of bottles of Sun Garden (my fave riesling) for just that purpose, so we got in the car and drove down there. (We had already drank 2 of the bottles when I didn't hear from her until after we ate on Thanksgiving.)
When we got to Bran's fam's house (never did find out whose house it was... there were about 30 people there. I spoke to Bran, saw the cousin we shared, Courtney, (I was jealous that Bran was from GA and had 2 cousins at HU so Courtney said she would be my cousin, too) and Court's best friend Ashley-- a classic combination), the bottles were already flowing so we just added mine to the mix. Delish. I also had fried fish and shrimp and grits. Verdict: bangin! Mmmm. Loved it. I'd never had shrimp and grits before or fish and grits either. Two good things. This is also where Rah learned more about my shrimp oddity. I don't really like shrimp. I like the way it looks but a lot of times I'm not too hot on the taste. Regular boiled shrimp? I'm gonna have to pass 9/10 times. I like most food so it helps for me to be able to narrow menus down by dishes without shrimp when I'm eating out. That night, though, I decided to go out on a limb and was glad I did! I usually like dishes with shrimp in them, like jambalaya. LOVE jambalaya!
This conversation makes me want an oyster po'boy. Oddly enough I know a place in town that makes a pretty good one. Gainesville is a good food city! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! I was quite surprised but Rah and I have more than a couple of spots we definitely like. Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys for his birthday we went to Bistro 1245 which Stace had seen and asked me about. I had the seared tuna club with garlic aioli, bacon, tomato on bread toasted in a panini press with a caesar salad. The sandwich? Bangin. The salad? Not so much. Rah got some sort of shrimp pasta which was delish and spicy! For dinner, we went to The Swamp which had 2 for 1 bellinis. Yum! Love bellinis. I had a chicken sandwich and he got this fab mediterranean seafood pasta with shrimp, mussels, feta, kalamata olives and 2 'ritas. SO good.
Detour over. At Bran's fam's house we played "Apples to Apples" which prompted lots of screaming and laughter. One man asked me, "What are you playing?" I told him then said, "Also known as crazy screaming people." Lol. And the more some people imbibed, the less their answers made sense. Hilarity. Rashan was being stuck-up and didn't eat so afterwards we went where I'd been wanting to go, Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles. Alright! I don't love waffles but I'll eat them every once in a while. They have to be made in a waffle iron. I can't get with the eggos. Yuck.
We order our chicken and waffles and who sits down at the table near us but this girl from work who's always hitting on Rah. I was delighted! I couldn't stop giggling. Lololol. I was also creating her dialogue to him after seeing me, the infamous girlfriend he uses as an excuse to never hang with them. "So I see you like them hungry." (She's well-fed.) "I'm glad you took her to get some food, though. She looks like she needs it. Maybe a burger too. Extra syrup for that one!" "I can show you a real woman when you get tired of that one, boo." Lolol. I can't remember everything I said but Rah kept saying, "Are you done?" Lol. Too funny. Also. Atlanta has a lot of crackheads. They were guarding the area around the restaurant. Um excuse me king of the parking lot but can you do me a favor and be out? Thanks. The food was pretty good AND I got a pumpkin cheesecake to go. YUM-O!!!!!
Saturday we were supposed to go to the aquarium but instead vegged out on the couch again. At halftime of the UF game we went to Mesa Caliente for some Mexican. Mmmm! The waiter never brought us our guacamole but everything we managed to get was delish! We came back to his place and chilled. Sunday I really, really wanted to go to the Sundial but we didn't get up early enough. I was fully dressed and threw a tantrum as we were walking out the door because we weren't going to make it. It was the only thing I really wanted to do so I was upset. Rah was baffled because I'd been so go with the flow the rest of the time. I knew I was acting like a child but I couldn't help it. I want what I want. I looked at Citysearch for the best brunch and found a place not far away called Pacific Kitchen. They had create your own omelette. Rah said it was too much pressure because of the amount of ingredients (lol) so I created both of ours. I had mushrooms, jalapenos, jack cheese and avocado. AMAZING & smoky. I also had a mimosa and a chai-tini. The latter didn't blend well with my breakfast but was still decent. Rah had plum red wine sangria (he'd actually ordered the mimosa but traded w/me when I didn't like the sangria (not enough fruit or sugar in it)) and a mushroom, spinach, rock shrimp and mozzarella omelette with a side of bacon (which he shared with me). Yum all around! And it's a good thing we didn't go to the Sundial because the city was shrouded in fog and clouds. Would've been pointless to go to the top of a building for a view and there is none.
After brunch we walked around nearby Little 5 Points. Such a cool area. It has Joy written all over it. I was like she should so live here. Lol. I wanted to live there, too. A nice amount of eclectic boutiques spanning several price points, and some interesting restaurants. Some very nice houses there and midtown. I can dig it. I tried on a Tracy Reese dress which was on sale but I thought it looked too matronly. Rah liked it but I need to love clothes before I buy them. I didn't end up buying anything. Bah. But I enjoyed walking around looking until my feet begged for relief from the 4 inch heels. The sales girl who tried to convince me into the Tracy dress said when she wears her Tracy dresses she makes sure to always wear 5 inch heels. Maybe she said 6 inch. It was something outrageous and unbelievable. I looked at her like yeah ok whatever. Go sit down. Thanks. I would like to own some Tracy but I would also like for it not to reach my ankles. Tough compromise. Lol. Ooh! We also went to the mall when we were in Gainesville (before the Atlanta trip-- we spent 9 days together total and I had to drag myself away to drive home at 4 in the morning before class.) and I found this AWESOME Jameil coat in Express. Rah saw me in it and said, "That is so you." I KNOW!! My Christmas list is still to come. You'll love it, I know.
I also incessantly ask him where he's going when we're in Atlanta. My place is a studio so he's always half an inch away from me when he's here. But in Atlanta there are 2 bedrooms and bathrooms, a laundry room, living room, den and kitchen. Still not like he can get far but when he moves me from my perch leaning on him to go somewhere or I'm sitting on the love seat and he's on the couch or vice versa, and he gets up, that's an automatic, "Where are you going?" It drives him nuts! Lol. And cracks me up! I really do want to know. It's just an added bonus that it annoys him. Lol. Neither of us saw any family for Thanksgiving but had a great time!
Okay I can begin to tell you, but don't expect a complete list! Lol. Hard Candy with Ellen Page. Wow... that movie is crazy. I didn't know it was a horror movie. I just knew my classmates were recommending it. It's about the non-typical turn when a 14-year-old meets a 32-year-old she found on the internet. Not at all what you would suspect. Evan Almighty went a bit far with the slapstick humor at some points but was mildly amusing. Definitely a kid movie. Some of the scenes required you to suspend your disbelief, and my film background, a little more than I ordinarily like to do. Rah and I watched some movie about the bombing at Pearl Harbor with Burt Lancaster. I liked. We also watched Super H.igh Me which is the weed head version of Super S.ize Me. It's as amusing as it sounds. Then She Found Me I saw because of Helen Hunt. Love her and the movie was good. I didn't even know the divine Miss M was in it until the movie started but I thought, even better when I found out! I know we saw more, I just can't think of them all right now. We also watched lots of football including Georgia's loss and Florida's win! Wheeee!
Back to chronology. Friday I was supposed to work on my paper. Yeah... about that. I didn't. I did end up writing a page when Rah got too engrossed in a movie when I was bored and annoyed but that was on Saturday. We mostly sat around Friday. Thursday night we devoured the leftovers. I don't even remember what we ate Friday morning/afternoon. No clue. Oh wait. I think we had burgers from Five Guys that day. I had one with mushrooms, jalapenos, cheese, ketchup and mustard. As you'll see even more, I LOVE mushrooms and jalepenos. My HU homie Bran let me know her family was having game night and we should come through. I had picked up a couple of bottles of Sun Garden (my fave riesling) for just that purpose, so we got in the car and drove down there. (We had already drank 2 of the bottles when I didn't hear from her until after we ate on Thanksgiving.)
When we got to Bran's fam's house (never did find out whose house it was... there were about 30 people there. I spoke to Bran, saw the cousin we shared, Courtney, (I was jealous that Bran was from GA and had 2 cousins at HU so Courtney said she would be my cousin, too) and Court's best friend Ashley-- a classic combination), the bottles were already flowing so we just added mine to the mix. Delish. I also had fried fish and shrimp and grits. Verdict: bangin! Mmmm. Loved it. I'd never had shrimp and grits before or fish and grits either. Two good things. This is also where Rah learned more about my shrimp oddity. I don't really like shrimp. I like the way it looks but a lot of times I'm not too hot on the taste. Regular boiled shrimp? I'm gonna have to pass 9/10 times. I like most food so it helps for me to be able to narrow menus down by dishes without shrimp when I'm eating out. That night, though, I decided to go out on a limb and was glad I did! I usually like dishes with shrimp in them, like jambalaya. LOVE jambalaya!
This conversation makes me want an oyster po'boy. Oddly enough I know a place in town that makes a pretty good one. Gainesville is a good food city! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! I was quite surprised but Rah and I have more than a couple of spots we definitely like. Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys for his birthday we went to Bistro 1245 which Stace had seen and asked me about. I had the seared tuna club with garlic aioli, bacon, tomato on bread toasted in a panini press with a caesar salad. The sandwich? Bangin. The salad? Not so much. Rah got some sort of shrimp pasta which was delish and spicy! For dinner, we went to The Swamp which had 2 for 1 bellinis. Yum! Love bellinis. I had a chicken sandwich and he got this fab mediterranean seafood pasta with shrimp, mussels, feta, kalamata olives and 2 'ritas. SO good.
Detour over. At Bran's fam's house we played "Apples to Apples" which prompted lots of screaming and laughter. One man asked me, "What are you playing?" I told him then said, "Also known as crazy screaming people." Lol. And the more some people imbibed, the less their answers made sense. Hilarity. Rashan was being stuck-up and didn't eat so afterwards we went where I'd been wanting to go, Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles. Alright! I don't love waffles but I'll eat them every once in a while. They have to be made in a waffle iron. I can't get with the eggos. Yuck.
We order our chicken and waffles and who sits down at the table near us but this girl from work who's always hitting on Rah. I was delighted! I couldn't stop giggling. Lololol. I was also creating her dialogue to him after seeing me, the infamous girlfriend he uses as an excuse to never hang with them. "So I see you like them hungry." (She's well-fed.) "I'm glad you took her to get some food, though. She looks like she needs it. Maybe a burger too. Extra syrup for that one!" "I can show you a real woman when you get tired of that one, boo." Lolol. I can't remember everything I said but Rah kept saying, "Are you done?" Lol. Too funny. Also. Atlanta has a lot of crackheads. They were guarding the area around the restaurant. Um excuse me king of the parking lot but can you do me a favor and be out? Thanks. The food was pretty good AND I got a pumpkin cheesecake to go. YUM-O!!!!!
Saturday we were supposed to go to the aquarium but instead vegged out on the couch again. At halftime of the UF game we went to Mesa Caliente for some Mexican. Mmmm! The waiter never brought us our guacamole but everything we managed to get was delish! We came back to his place and chilled. Sunday I really, really wanted to go to the Sundial but we didn't get up early enough. I was fully dressed and threw a tantrum as we were walking out the door because we weren't going to make it. It was the only thing I really wanted to do so I was upset. Rah was baffled because I'd been so go with the flow the rest of the time. I knew I was acting like a child but I couldn't help it. I want what I want. I looked at Citysearch for the best brunch and found a place not far away called Pacific Kitchen. They had create your own omelette. Rah said it was too much pressure because of the amount of ingredients (lol) so I created both of ours. I had mushrooms, jalapenos, jack cheese and avocado. AMAZING & smoky. I also had a mimosa and a chai-tini. The latter didn't blend well with my breakfast but was still decent. Rah had plum red wine sangria (he'd actually ordered the mimosa but traded w/me when I didn't like the sangria (not enough fruit or sugar in it)) and a mushroom, spinach, rock shrimp and mozzarella omelette with a side of bacon (which he shared with me). Yum all around! And it's a good thing we didn't go to the Sundial because the city was shrouded in fog and clouds. Would've been pointless to go to the top of a building for a view and there is none.
After brunch we walked around nearby Little 5 Points. Such a cool area. It has Joy written all over it. I was like she should so live here. Lol. I wanted to live there, too. A nice amount of eclectic boutiques spanning several price points, and some interesting restaurants. Some very nice houses there and midtown. I can dig it. I tried on a Tracy Reese dress which was on sale but I thought it looked too matronly. Rah liked it but I need to love clothes before I buy them. I didn't end up buying anything. Bah. But I enjoyed walking around looking until my feet begged for relief from the 4 inch heels. The sales girl who tried to convince me into the Tracy dress said when she wears her Tracy dresses she makes sure to always wear 5 inch heels. Maybe she said 6 inch. It was something outrageous and unbelievable. I looked at her like yeah ok whatever. Go sit down. Thanks. I would like to own some Tracy but I would also like for it not to reach my ankles. Tough compromise. Lol. Ooh! We also went to the mall when we were in Gainesville (before the Atlanta trip-- we spent 9 days together total and I had to drag myself away to drive home at 4 in the morning before class.) and I found this AWESOME Jameil coat in Express. Rah saw me in it and said, "That is so you." I KNOW!! My Christmas list is still to come. You'll love it, I know.
I also incessantly ask him where he's going when we're in Atlanta. My place is a studio so he's always half an inch away from me when he's here. But in Atlanta there are 2 bedrooms and bathrooms, a laundry room, living room, den and kitchen. Still not like he can get far but when he moves me from my perch leaning on him to go somewhere or I'm sitting on the love seat and he's on the couch or vice versa, and he gets up, that's an automatic, "Where are you going?" It drives him nuts! Lol. And cracks me up! I really do want to know. It's just an added bonus that it annoys him. Lol. Neither of us saw any family for Thanksgiving but had a great time!
Hair Issues
Hair we go again. Okay now that the corniness is out of the way, no seriously. I'm so over my hair. It doesn't seem to be growing, but rather shrinking. I have not been inspired by a style in years. Literally years. It's been 4.5 years since my last perm and 4 years since I cut it all off. I'm very seriously considering chopping it all off again, something I thought I'd never say. I'm also thinking of locks but don't know if I have the patience and how I like my hair feeling soft right after I wash it. I know that's possible with locks but it just scares me to do something crazy with my hair and hate it. But then I was thinking last night, "If I don't like it, I can just cut it off and start all over." A perm has pretty much been taking off of the table. The up-keep is SO annoying. I hate hair. I was actually looking enviously at Rashan's "low all over" Caesar yesterday. So much easier. But I prefer not to look like a 12-year-old boy. And Nick Arrojo is not helping by giving this girl a fab cut. BUT he has done some AWFUL things with black women's hair. So oh well on that one. Howsomever, I NEED HAIR HELP!!!
You're It! Thanksgiving Style
1. So, what are you thankful for this year? (In no particular order) Being OUT of Pittsburgh!! THANK YOU JESUS!!, being on my way to my master's degree, getting a T.A. position for next semester which will pay most of my tuition!! YEAH!! (more details to come), being smart enough to write this 15-20 page paper, getting an interview with this woman whose story I LOVE for my historical short film, my fabulous family and friends and Rashan.
2. Do you spend Thanksgiving with your family? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I actually like spending it with friends better. Traditionally we have so many dinner invites my mom doesn't even cook. We just go from house to house (I call it house hopping) eating at 2-4 locations. It's quite fun. And people force plates on you everywhere BUT you never have too many leftovers. Tres parfait.
3. Do you have a big, turkey dinner? I don't really like turkey. It's so rarely not dry. Yes, I've had fried turkey and like it. But by the time I started kind of liking turkey, I wasn't a fan of the flavor other than as a deli meat. I like ham better.
4. What about some pumpkin pie for desert? I actually don't like pumpkin pie. I prefer sweet potato.
5. When you were younger, did you make Thanksgiving crafts? Lurve, LURVE Thanksgiving crafts. Still.
6. Is Thanksgiving pointless? No! Any time you have an excuse to eat food and get a break from your daily lives, not pointless! Know what's pointless? One-day black Friday sales. Gimme a break. I don't want to fight the crazies. Just gimme the deals.
7. Rate this holiday out of ten: 8.7
8. Are you excited for it? Sure. I like any excuse to celebrate.
9. Have you ever not seen a family member for over a year? A year? I lived in Pittsburgh and came home once a year for 3 years. I also have 36 first cousins, a dozen of whom (and their 10 children) live in Mississippi. Not seeing MOST of my family for over a year is the norm. I haven't even seen my half sister in probably 6 years other than pictures. We miss opposite events.
10. Do you get presents on this holiday? Of course not. But does my Rachael Ray book count? Lol. Do people need presents to enjoy a holiday? The shame!
11. What is the best thing about it? Food and fellowship!
12. What is the worst thing about it? There are drawbacks?
13. Is this your favorite holiday? I like them all.
14. Are any of your parents good cooks? They are good at different things.
15. What do you do for Thanksgiving? Like I said, it varies from year to year.
16. What's the yummiest part about the dinner? Depends on the year and the house. My mom makes the best dressing and baked chicken and green beans, Ms. Allen makes the best mac and cheese, Rev. Gilliam makes the best broccoli casserole. But Ms. Allen's is good, too! So is my mom's.
17. Ever had the turkey burnt and then you just had to order takeout instead? No. But everywhere I go, we always have a ham, too. And we already know how I feel about turkey.
18. Most memorable thanksgiving? Hmm... they all run together at different places but I really liked the one 2 years ago when I went to Wynel's now husband's family's house for dinner and then her family's house for dinner. We had fun. And the next year he asked if I was coming back. Lol.
19. What are you hopeful for or what do you really want right now? Continuing happiness, a job for my sister so she can stop stressing. I'm pretty content.
20. Why do you like or dislike Thanksgiving? We've been through this, no? Food, ooh and marathons! Love marathons on tv!! Jon & Kate + 8 rocked my world yesterday. What Not to Wear today!!!
2. Do you spend Thanksgiving with your family? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I actually like spending it with friends better. Traditionally we have so many dinner invites my mom doesn't even cook. We just go from house to house (I call it house hopping) eating at 2-4 locations. It's quite fun. And people force plates on you everywhere BUT you never have too many leftovers. Tres parfait.
3. Do you have a big, turkey dinner? I don't really like turkey. It's so rarely not dry. Yes, I've had fried turkey and like it. But by the time I started kind of liking turkey, I wasn't a fan of the flavor other than as a deli meat. I like ham better.
4. What about some pumpkin pie for desert? I actually don't like pumpkin pie. I prefer sweet potato.
5. When you were younger, did you make Thanksgiving crafts? Lurve, LURVE Thanksgiving crafts. Still.
6. Is Thanksgiving pointless? No! Any time you have an excuse to eat food and get a break from your daily lives, not pointless! Know what's pointless? One-day black Friday sales. Gimme a break. I don't want to fight the crazies. Just gimme the deals.
7. Rate this holiday out of ten: 8.7
8. Are you excited for it? Sure. I like any excuse to celebrate.
9. Have you ever not seen a family member for over a year? A year? I lived in Pittsburgh and came home once a year for 3 years. I also have 36 first cousins, a dozen of whom (and their 10 children) live in Mississippi. Not seeing MOST of my family for over a year is the norm. I haven't even seen my half sister in probably 6 years other than pictures. We miss opposite events.
10. Do you get presents on this holiday? Of course not. But does my Rachael Ray book count? Lol. Do people need presents to enjoy a holiday? The shame!
11. What is the best thing about it? Food and fellowship!
12. What is the worst thing about it? There are drawbacks?
13. Is this your favorite holiday? I like them all.
14. Are any of your parents good cooks? They are good at different things.
15. What do you do for Thanksgiving? Like I said, it varies from year to year.
16. What's the yummiest part about the dinner? Depends on the year and the house. My mom makes the best dressing and baked chicken and green beans, Ms. Allen makes the best mac and cheese, Rev. Gilliam makes the best broccoli casserole. But Ms. Allen's is good, too! So is my mom's.
17. Ever had the turkey burnt and then you just had to order takeout instead? No. But everywhere I go, we always have a ham, too. And we already know how I feel about turkey.
18. Most memorable thanksgiving? Hmm... they all run together at different places but I really liked the one 2 years ago when I went to Wynel's now husband's family's house for dinner and then her family's house for dinner. We had fun. And the next year he asked if I was coming back. Lol.
19. What are you hopeful for or what do you really want right now? Continuing happiness, a job for my sister so she can stop stressing. I'm pretty content.
20. Why do you like or dislike Thanksgiving? We've been through this, no? Food, ooh and marathons! Love marathons on tv!! Jon & Kate + 8 rocked my world yesterday. What Not to Wear today!!!
Rah and I are listening to the gospel station on the radio, I'm singing along and he says, "Who's this?"
Me: I can't remember.
Him: I like his voice... no homo.
Me: *mouth agape plus the face.*
I hate men. Lol.
*P.S. Read my last post b/c it cracked me up. :P
"I Didn't Know You Liked to Get Wet"
You know. Sherman Helmsley. PCP. I slipped Rashan a mickey.
I had to do it.
He asked me to make him a drink. I poured Select (Bacardi, duh) in a giant mug. I stopped but then realized hmm... that's not enough left to make one drink, just pour the rest in. So I did. Then topped it off with coke. I gave him the mug and said, "How is it?" He said, "Liquory." I said, "Oh. Want some more coke?" He said no. Moving right along. We watch House and he's like Ooh. I'm feeling this. I say good now let's go. Dinner at "The Swamp." He had the mediterranean pasta YUM! and I had the Sunday Special-- a buffalo chicken sandwich with fries and 2 bellinis. I made him drink 2 margaritas. One is not enough for the birthday. Okay he was more than willing. He wasn't forced.
While we're sitting in my car checking blogs I say, "Man you made me miss the liquor store." He says, "So what? We have more at your house." "More what?" "Select." "No we don't." "What?" "You drank it all." "You put that whole thing in there?" "Yep. You drank half a bottle of select in an hour." "No wonder I'm drunk!"
Yeah. Like I said. I didn't know you liked to get wet. Lol. Funniest part of Training Day & that Wayne Brady skit on the Chappelle Show, hands down my favorite skit.
Recipe Du Jour: Chipotle Ranch Burger
My new book Rachael Ray book features this recipe so I tried it out on Rah except I used pre-prepared ranch, mixed in one mostly seeded, finely chopped chipotle pepper and adobe sauce. For the burgers I used ground chicken, grill seasoning, cumin, diced green bell pepper and onion, minced garlic. I served them with extra sharp cheddar cheese and baby spinach leaves on english muffins. Thank you ma'am may I have another! That's the response I got from Rah! Wheee! I would've taken a picture but I couldn't stop myself from diving in immediately. Sorry kids. You'll have to suffice with the pic from the website! And trust me, it was MMM-MMM GOOD! Wheee!!
Get it Together, Florida!!!
What is the deal??? For the last week it's been disgustingly cold. And not Florida cold. I'm talking 25 Tuesday night, 33 last night, 40 tomorrow night, then 34 again on Friday night. WHY!!?!?
The last couple of days it's also been in the low 50's during the day. Again. Why? What is the point in living in Florida if not to reap the obvious misnomer, "The Sunshine State?" NONE! I chose you, UF, because you are in a warm state far from the frigid locale of Pittsburgh where Canada leaves the door open (my fave weather guy loves to say that and I'd yell back, "Tell Canada to shut the door!") and the wind chill drops below 0. During the day.
Yesterday one of my professors asked, "Did you bring this cold weather down with you? Because this is maybe January or February weather. Not November." I replied, "I was wondering and lamenting the same thing!"
Then I talked to Stace's dad last night. He said, "When are you coming to visit?" I said, "When you can get me some warm weather." His reply? "It's your fault. We're sending you back to Pittsburgh." *GASP!* QUEL HORREUR and perish the thought! *crosses self*
Today I grab my Hampton sweatshirt to layer over my tank and tee. Why is it 66 and I'm sweating BEFORE the kickboxing class I'm waiting for? FLORIDA!!!! My nose is a faucet from the changes and YOU ARE GETTING ON MY NERVES!!! GO BACK TO HIGHS IN THE 70s, LOWS IN THE 50s, NOW!!!! Ugh.
Wordless Wednesday: So Christian
You Are So Old
Words Rashan hears daily. Several times a day. Last night, though. He's 8 years older than me and growing older every day. Next week he will be 34. That's almost 40. And 40 is almost 50 which is more than halfway through your life so he's almost John McCain. In our old discussions, I think last night took the cake. As usual he was rapping about something and I jokingly asked, "Do you remember when television stopped. When there was no more programming?"
Him: Yes.
Me: Shut up.
Him: What?
Me: No you don't.
Him: Yes I do. They played the national anthem at 2 and then the tv was black.
Me: What?! You're joking, right? You REMEMBER THAT!?!?
Him: Yes. I didn't always have cable.
Me: (thinking) You can't make it better like that.
Me: (aloud) You are so old.
Him: Yes.
Me: Shut up.
Him: What?
Me: No you don't.
Him: Yes I do. They played the national anthem at 2 and then the tv was black.
Me: What?! You're joking, right? You REMEMBER THAT!?!?
Him: Yes. I didn't always have cable.
Me: (thinking) You can't make it better like that.
Me: (aloud) You are so old.
I love her. I just want the world to know.
She completes me with her radiance. My little spark plug, she is.
We're here in Tally and I couldn't be happier. I think I might move to West Palm Beach...
Stace, she's great.
*Obviously Stace hijacked my computer to type this post. Right after she typed that post about my awesomenessocity.
She completes me with her radiance. My little spark plug, she is.
We're here in Tally and I couldn't be happier. I think I might move to West Palm Beach...
Stace, she's great.
*Obviously Stace hijacked my computer to type this post. Right after she typed that post about my awesomenessocity.
Actual Arby's Encounter
Me: I would like a crispy chicken bacon and swiss sandwich. Just the sandwich.
ACR: Okay. Crispy or grilled?
*whoa loudest talk back in the world...*
Me: Crispy. And small fries.
ACR: Okay and do you want just the sandwich?
Me: ...Yes.
*pull around to the window (which is the highest window in the history of drive-thrus. Did you make it for 18-wheelers? B/c FYI they can't make that turn.)*
ACR: Where in Africa are you from?
*blank look*
Me: I'm not from Africa.
*For real? I'm wearing a head wrap because a BLACK MAN is the president-elect. NOT because I'm from Africa. I will wear it every day for the rest of my life if I so choose!! Oh your world is SO small.*
ACR: Oh you're not? You have an accent? Where are you from?
Me: Charlotte.
ACR: Oh I heard your accent and I just thought you were from Jamaica or Africa or something. My bad.
Me: (stares incredulously... my mouth was probably slightly agape.)
* I should cut you.*
I have NEVER heard anyone say I have an accent (unless I'm talking to my mom in which case it becomes extremely southern) let alone one from another country or continent. Stop being ignorant because you have never left Gainesville. You should know by now that just because this university attracts international students doesn't mean everyone is. Thanks. And I was SO close to saying, "Nope, just regular old black."
You may wonder why I'm responding with what seems like an unnecessary amount of vitriol. Well that's partly because my ancestors were KIDNAPPED from their land, had their culture, language and religion stolen and I have no idea where to even begin to start to research it. I've been watching a lot of documentaries about people and their roots and reading and researching the Civil Rights Movement in Florida (BTW if you know of a historical story that would make a good doc and is based in Fla. or S. GA, please let me know!) and how blacks were not even allowed to eat, drink or ride a bus like white people IN MY PARENTS LIFETIME. My entire family is agape at Barack Obama's election. Literally floored and overjoyed.
My grandmother said she wasn't worried because God gave her a peace that he would be elected. That did not stop her from expounding on how amazing this moment is. And how black men have been beaten down and had their ideas stolen. How "Martin Luther King said 'We Shall Overcome Someday' and now we have." How "Barack Obama should inspire all of us to build our communities and ourselves like he will build this nation." I'm getting emotional up in the library but that's where I'm coming from. While others have the family history and crest and know their great-great-great grandparents came in on the Mayflower, I don't even know how far back Africans are in my family. I will have to get a DNA test just to know an AREA of Africa HOPEFULLY. It's disheartening. The point is when you ask me what part of Africa I'm from, "Dude. I don't know."
ACR: Okay. Crispy or grilled?
*whoa loudest talk back in the world...*
Me: Crispy. And small fries.
ACR: Okay and do you want just the sandwich?
Me: ...Yes.
*pull around to the window (which is the highest window in the history of drive-thrus. Did you make it for 18-wheelers? B/c FYI they can't make that turn.)*
ACR: Where in Africa are you from?
*blank look*
Me: I'm not from Africa.
*For real? I'm wearing a head wrap because a BLACK MAN is the president-elect. NOT because I'm from Africa. I will wear it every day for the rest of my life if I so choose!! Oh your world is SO small.*
ACR: Oh you're not? You have an accent? Where are you from?
Me: Charlotte.
ACR: Oh I heard your accent and I just thought you were from Jamaica or Africa or something. My bad.
Me: (stares incredulously... my mouth was probably slightly agape.)
* I should cut you.*
I have NEVER heard anyone say I have an accent (unless I'm talking to my mom in which case it becomes extremely southern) let alone one from another country or continent. Stop being ignorant because you have never left Gainesville. You should know by now that just because this university attracts international students doesn't mean everyone is. Thanks. And I was SO close to saying, "Nope, just regular old black."
You may wonder why I'm responding with what seems like an unnecessary amount of vitriol. Well that's partly because my ancestors were KIDNAPPED from their land, had their culture, language and religion stolen and I have no idea where to even begin to start to research it. I've been watching a lot of documentaries about people and their roots and reading and researching the Civil Rights Movement in Florida (BTW if you know of a historical story that would make a good doc and is based in Fla. or S. GA, please let me know!) and how blacks were not even allowed to eat, drink or ride a bus like white people IN MY PARENTS LIFETIME. My entire family is agape at Barack Obama's election. Literally floored and overjoyed.
My grandmother said she wasn't worried because God gave her a peace that he would be elected. That did not stop her from expounding on how amazing this moment is. And how black men have been beaten down and had their ideas stolen. How "Martin Luther King said 'We Shall Overcome Someday' and now we have." How "Barack Obama should inspire all of us to build our communities and ourselves like he will build this nation." I'm getting emotional up in the library but that's where I'm coming from. While others have the family history and crest and know their great-great-great grandparents came in on the Mayflower, I don't even know how far back Africans are in my family. I will have to get a DNA test just to know an AREA of Africa HOPEFULLY. It's disheartening. The point is when you ask me what part of Africa I'm from, "Dude. I don't know."
I've been grindin all day and LOVIN IT! I worked 6 straight hours on all sorts of stuff. So accomplished! Ow!
I should be churning out at least 200 pages of reading a week for my classes, with a large chunk of that residing with my Documentary History course and the subsequent paper as the result. (If you notice my writing becoming more lofty, it's my attempt to keep an academic air as a direct necessity of producing a quality product.) So far I have 3.5 pages out of 15-20 (Cheers! I'm a 3rd of the way done!), 2 sources out of at least 6 and most importantly, a much clearer idea of my topic. I started with the early years of the National Film B.oard of C.anada and have migrated to J.ohn Gr.ierson and the early years of the NFB and now to that and his sphere of influence on the modern documentary film. Me likey. See? Lofty. Lol.
Rashan gave me a ridiculous amount of music to distract me when I left his apartment on Sunday. I have the latest albums from John Legend (like a lot), Raphael Saadiq (oddly 1950s... not reminiscent of that era, but straight up like an album from then. I was so thrown off that I've yet to decide if I like it though I like music from that time. It's odd.), Robin Thicke (like a LOT), Donny Klang (eh... hits and misses as I'm not 16), Ne-Yo, Jazmine Sullivan and the Foreign Exchange. I KNOW! "Luckily" I have 2 more 5-hour drives ahead of me when I go to Atlanta and back for Thanksgiving. My friend Brandi's family is going to be there and we're invited! Yay! I love her fam. So fun. I'll also bring some stuff along when Stace and I go to Tally. GO PIRATES!!
I also still have to work on my music interpretation piece. There have been some annoying setbacks but I hope to have a rough cut by the end of tomorrow.
I want to go to the beach. I know that's random but that's what I want.
I also would like the burrito that I have in there to warm itself up and come on in here to mama. I had tempeh yesterday for the first time which is oddly big in this city. It tasted fine but the way people rave over it I was very like and? What's the big deal but I can say I had vegetarian food yesterday. I was super healthy... after scarfing down 2 hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts... I had the 3rd for breakfast today. I woke up at 5 yesterday morning and went to sleep at 10. yeah... I did NOT make it to step practice. But I'll be there today. I should work on my music interpretation but right now I'm more into my paper... odd... But I like showing my smartitude and I'd like to be more than halfway through by the time I leave for Thanksgiving and I still have to get my historical short started, music interpretation finished, historical portfolio started and finished, meet with one of my professors, begin my visual treatment for my historical and also work on the script. Oh and let's not forget study for my November 24th comprehensive exam for my production class. Work is fun. Lol. I would be ready to shoot myself if I had to work. The 2nd years and alum call it boot camp for a reason. This semester is insane. There's only one class where my A is in jeopardy and could turn into a B but I'm still determined.
I need to work out. Badly. And eat better. School is simultaneously ruining and improving my life. Lol. My I'ma need not to gain the master's 15. Anyway off to step practice. Holla!
I should be churning out at least 200 pages of reading a week for my classes, with a large chunk of that residing with my Documentary History course and the subsequent paper as the result. (If you notice my writing becoming more lofty, it's my attempt to keep an academic air as a direct necessity of producing a quality product.) So far I have 3.5 pages out of 15-20 (Cheers! I'm a 3rd of the way done!), 2 sources out of at least 6 and most importantly, a much clearer idea of my topic. I started with the early years of the National Film B.oard of C.anada and have migrated to J.ohn Gr.ierson and the early years of the NFB and now to that and his sphere of influence on the modern documentary film. Me likey. See? Lofty. Lol.
Rashan gave me a ridiculous amount of music to distract me when I left his apartment on Sunday. I have the latest albums from John Legend (like a lot), Raphael Saadiq (oddly 1950s... not reminiscent of that era, but straight up like an album from then. I was so thrown off that I've yet to decide if I like it though I like music from that time. It's odd.), Robin Thicke (like a LOT), Donny Klang (eh... hits and misses as I'm not 16), Ne-Yo, Jazmine Sullivan and the Foreign Exchange. I KNOW! "Luckily" I have 2 more 5-hour drives ahead of me when I go to Atlanta and back for Thanksgiving. My friend Brandi's family is going to be there and we're invited! Yay! I love her fam. So fun. I'll also bring some stuff along when Stace and I go to Tally. GO PIRATES!!
I also still have to work on my music interpretation piece. There have been some annoying setbacks but I hope to have a rough cut by the end of tomorrow.
I want to go to the beach. I know that's random but that's what I want.
I also would like the burrito that I have in there to warm itself up and come on in here to mama. I had tempeh yesterday for the first time which is oddly big in this city. It tasted fine but the way people rave over it I was very like and? What's the big deal but I can say I had vegetarian food yesterday. I was super healthy... after scarfing down 2 hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts... I had the 3rd for breakfast today. I woke up at 5 yesterday morning and went to sleep at 10. yeah... I did NOT make it to step practice. But I'll be there today. I should work on my music interpretation but right now I'm more into my paper... odd... But I like showing my smartitude and I'd like to be more than halfway through by the time I leave for Thanksgiving and I still have to get my historical short started, music interpretation finished, historical portfolio started and finished, meet with one of my professors, begin my visual treatment for my historical and also work on the script. Oh and let's not forget study for my November 24th comprehensive exam for my production class. Work is fun. Lol. I would be ready to shoot myself if I had to work. The 2nd years and alum call it boot camp for a reason. This semester is insane. There's only one class where my A is in jeopardy and could turn into a B but I'm still determined.
I need to work out. Badly. And eat better. School is simultaneously ruining and improving my life. Lol. My I'ma need not to gain the master's 15. Anyway off to step practice. Holla!
86 Years Ago
7 women
Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Downey Rhodes Martin, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson and Cubena McClure
Founded Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated on the campus of Butler University in a state then-known as Klandiana. These brave women pioneered in forming the organization I am a member of today. I joined in 2002, as my sorority celebrated 80 years. I felt REALLY old at the rededication ceremony with the current members of UF's undergraduate chapter. Even their advisor joined 4 years after me! Lol. Ah well. C'est la vie. They are very gung ho. Love it. I'm going to step practice tonight and tomorrow night. Glad to be back in the fold! Happy Founders Day, Sorors!!
Now if I could only get someone to do this work for me... any takers?
Oh yeah and I'll likely be going to Tallahassee this weekend to see Hampton give FAMU the business so Stace get ready!!
Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Downey Rhodes Martin, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson and Cubena McClure
Founded Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated on the campus of Butler University in a state then-known as Klandiana. These brave women pioneered in forming the organization I am a member of today. I joined in 2002, as my sorority celebrated 80 years. I felt REALLY old at the rededication ceremony with the current members of UF's undergraduate chapter. Even their advisor joined 4 years after me! Lol. Ah well. C'est la vie. They are very gung ho. Love it. I'm going to step practice tonight and tomorrow night. Glad to be back in the fold! Happy Founders Day, Sorors!!
Now if I could only get someone to do this work for me... any takers?
Oh yeah and I'll likely be going to Tallahassee this weekend to see Hampton give FAMU the business so Stace get ready!!
I'm back! In class that is. Remember we had a week "off" while our professors were shooting their next film in Prague. I was working but not as frenetically as perhaps I should have been but as always, hindsight is 20-20. We have a LOT of stuff due before the end of the semester. The most nightmarish will be the 2nd week of December. Anyway I don't have time to detail all the things I have to do right now but know that I feel energized. I don't know if I'm going to be able to go to Tallahassee like I wanted to for the Hampton/FAMU game this weekend but we'll see. For now, it's time to get back to work!
Food and Fun!
Isn't that what all of life should be? I'm already loving this trip. On the way up I stopped at Sonic since I've been wanting some for 3 months and they shut down BOTH of the Sonics in Gainesville about 2 weeks before I got there. CONSPIRACY!!!! Conspiracy I say!!! So I stopped (or paused) there to get some food (and limeade) and go. Yum-ish. The poor service didn't exactly assist and I got fries instead of the tater tots I ordered. But whatever. I knew it was PAPPADEAUX that night!
Wow... kids... who knew rappers knew the hot restaurants? Not me. That's how I first heard about it. In that Lil Flip song years ago but we all know how food obsessed I am. I heard about it, asked my New Orleans homies and haven't forgotten it. Then Vanessa started blogging about it. SO GLAD I WENT!! I started with fantastic lobster bisque. I LOVE lobster bisque and it was BANGIN!! Then I had saville sauce-- pico de gallo (which means the "rooster's beak") with crawfish over blackened mahi mahi with a side of dirty rice. It was MAHVELOUS, dahlings! I picked something for Rah with I think blackened gulf filet with sauteed shrimp, crawfish, mushrooms, spinach and Monterrey Jack cheese. It was yum-o, too! Oh man. Love.
Then we came back to his place. I have absolutely found some clothes ready for extinction. Fubu OUT!! No sir. You will not be known as my boyfriend and wear these clothes. Not gonna happen. We also watched some tv. Oh tv. I love you. I've never seen the first episode of Grey's so I watched that last night. More of the season coming up! Right now I'm watching "Boy Meets Grill." Dog, he went to a cheese shop. No. A CHEESE SHOP!! Do you know how a feel about cheese!?!? He's using a blowtorch to toast goat cheese right now. I can't. I need food.
Bobby Flay just said "A lot of people have salt-free diets. I say, 'Hey, you'll die from something else. Eat salt.'" Loves it. This show is making me STARVING right now! And you know it doesn't help that I'm talking about food. I think I'm going to go to Mellow Mushroom since I've never been, it's nearby and I can come back and watch MORE FOOD NETWORK!!! Tonight I think we're going to Eclipse di Luna. Tomorrow we're going to lunch at Ray's in the City WITH JOY, then Atlantic Station for dinner at Rosa Mexicano. CAN'T WAIT!! Has anyone ever had ricotta as dessert? Bobby's doing that right now with marmalade on top and pine nuts. Oh yeah for dessert tomorrow, pumpkin cheesecake from Cheesecake Bistro. CAN'T WAIT!!!! I don't see pumpkin or key lime cheesecake on there but hopefully that's just because pumpkin cheesecake is seasonal.
Just flipped over to C-SPAN and this old white guy just talked about how amazing Michelle Obama is and how his wife can hardly wait to see those little girls in the white house. ME TOO AND ME EITHER!!! WHEEEEE!! I get so excited when I see white people losing their minds over that family. I know it's not PC for me to say that but I am well-aware that some of their parents and grandparents fought hard against integration and for blacks to have the right to vote. Some of their great-grandparents and great-great grandparents owned slaves. And today they are campaigning for and loving a black man so much they have selected him to be his next president. That is AWESOME!!
Wow... kids... who knew rappers knew the hot restaurants? Not me. That's how I first heard about it. In that Lil Flip song years ago but we all know how food obsessed I am. I heard about it, asked my New Orleans homies and haven't forgotten it. Then Vanessa started blogging about it. SO GLAD I WENT!! I started with fantastic lobster bisque. I LOVE lobster bisque and it was BANGIN!! Then I had saville sauce-- pico de gallo (which means the "rooster's beak") with crawfish over blackened mahi mahi with a side of dirty rice. It was MAHVELOUS, dahlings! I picked something for Rah with I think blackened gulf filet with sauteed shrimp, crawfish, mushrooms, spinach and Monterrey Jack cheese. It was yum-o, too! Oh man. Love.
Then we came back to his place. I have absolutely found some clothes ready for extinction. Fubu OUT!! No sir. You will not be known as my boyfriend and wear these clothes. Not gonna happen. We also watched some tv. Oh tv. I love you. I've never seen the first episode of Grey's so I watched that last night. More of the season coming up! Right now I'm watching "Boy Meets Grill." Dog, he went to a cheese shop. No. A CHEESE SHOP!! Do you know how a feel about cheese!?!? He's using a blowtorch to toast goat cheese right now. I can't. I need food.
Bobby Flay just said "A lot of people have salt-free diets. I say, 'Hey, you'll die from something else. Eat salt.'" Loves it. This show is making me STARVING right now! And you know it doesn't help that I'm talking about food. I think I'm going to go to Mellow Mushroom since I've never been, it's nearby and I can come back and watch MORE FOOD NETWORK!!! Tonight I think we're going to Eclipse di Luna. Tomorrow we're going to lunch at Ray's in the City WITH JOY, then Atlantic Station for dinner at Rosa Mexicano. CAN'T WAIT!! Has anyone ever had ricotta as dessert? Bobby's doing that right now with marmalade on top and pine nuts. Oh yeah for dessert tomorrow, pumpkin cheesecake from Cheesecake Bistro. CAN'T WAIT!!!! I don't see pumpkin or key lime cheesecake on there but hopefully that's just because pumpkin cheesecake is seasonal.
Just flipped over to C-SPAN and this old white guy just talked about how amazing Michelle Obama is and how his wife can hardly wait to see those little girls in the white house. ME TOO AND ME EITHER!!! WHEEEEE!! I get so excited when I see white people losing their minds over that family. I know it's not PC for me to say that but I am well-aware that some of their parents and grandparents fought hard against integration and for blacks to have the right to vote. Some of their great-grandparents and great-great grandparents owned slaves. And today they are campaigning for and loving a black man so much they have selected him to be his next president. That is AWESOME!!
ATL or Bust!! and Thursday 13: Twittered After the Election
I'm going for ATL. No plans for a bust. I got my refund check, deposited it in the bank and now I'm just waiting for the doc institute office assistant to return from lunch at 1 p.m. so I can get new movies, return "The Aristocrats" documentary to the library which I HATED (details to come tomorrow), finish packing, wash dishes, clean out the refrigerator, take out the trash and recycling and be on the road by 330! Phew! Tonight: Pappadeaux's (my first time! wheee!!), Sundial for brunch on Sunday, Trader Joe's (probably Saturday). YAY!!!
And now for Thursday 13 since I was live twittering during the election. Twitter was a g!! Held it down for me something serious! I don't know who said most of these because I was at an election party and people were yelling things all over and I didn't know most of their names, so you'll just have to take the quotes minus attribution. If it's not in quotes, I said it. And some of them will be from my live twittering. Here goes nothing!
1) "We have a president who looks like me." Me and my mom boo hooing with other people I'm in the room with. He won w/o NC/FL. 11:09 PM
2) "When your mama told you you could be anything you want when you grow up, it's for real." 11:11 PM
3) "I am so happy." -- my dad. "I took the week off just to make sure they couldn't send me out to keep me from voting." 11:13 PM
4) mccain gave a great concession speech. can't wait for PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA'S VICTORY SPEECH!! YES WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11:38 PM
5) Listening to my 44th president!!!!!! "Change has come to America." -Pres. Barack Obama 12:01 AM
6) All the women started hollering when he shouted out his best friend for the last 16 yrs (Michelle). i started crying when i saw jesse jackson crying. 12:04 AM
7) I wish his parents and grandparents were alive to see this. amazing. i own part of this campaign via my donation! 12:05 AM
8) "Everybody close your mouth. it's hot." *snicker* 12:05 AM
9) We have a black president. wow. i'm verklempt. 12:06 AM
10) "We will get there." -Barack Obama. "Yes we can." -The crowd 12:08 AM
11) YES WE CAN!!! 12:14 AM
12) Fresh! Now let's get our 1st fam out there again. Come on! 12:17 AM
13) We have a black first grandma!
And one for the road...
14) "They didn't want to give us 40 acres & a mule so we'll take 50 states and a White House."
*I just got teary-eyed reliving that!
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