I didn't tell you about my first Christmas, did I? My mom got me the gift I've been asking for since I was 7 years old-- a toaster oven. Odd gift for a child, huh? Lol. So I finally got it now that I have my own place. My dad gave me money. Thanks M & D! We went to my cousin's house for Christmas breakfast and had a great time. I didn't win at Mexican Train dominoes. (Dude. What is up with that name?) Booo. I need smart games. Christmas Eve at my cousin's house, my sister and I went to my other cousin's house (remember I have 30+ first cousins) and played Scrabble. Of course I won. It's not easy being fabuleezy.
The second Christmas was last night at Rah's house.

We opened our gifts to the light of the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas music. SO FUN! Here's the tree with our presents underneath, including a few for Stace. Then I dug into my stocking!! A stocking!? How exciting! There was a cd inside that said check your email with an itunes gift of 112's first cd which I've had stolen from me TWICE!! Love that cd!!!!! So glad to be reunited!

Then I opened what I discovered was a shoe box with these sparkly flats I've been wanting since my birthday!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! SO of course, that means putting them on and taking them out for a spin! Lol.

Then it was time for the huge box.

I had been talking about this since the first time I tried it on when he came to visit me at the end of November. I knew I was getting it. Lol. And I did!! Let me tell you something kids, giving a long list does NOT make getting the actual gifts less exciting. I think it makes it MORE exciting because you don't know what you'll get BUT you know you'll like everything! Lol. When I opened my stuff I squealed, jumped up and down and hug attacked Rashan. Lol. Then it was time for "supermodel documentary hour!" (Name that movie!)

So fab. I LOVE that coat. I'll let him tell you what I got him. After gift opening time, it was time to do what he told me only a few hours earlier I would be doing-- meeting his mother!
Guess what? I was not AT ALL nervous. It was so weird! I did have trouble finding an outfit, though, despite having an insane amount of clothing with me. I decided the gold shoes would have to stay at home so his mom wouldn't think I was overly flashy. Pity, huh? I know. However, everything went great! She was very nice and Rashan loved how personable I was. I yam what I yam. She gave me a hug when I first saw her, then he said, "Jameil, Mom, Mom, Jameil" and she gave me another hug. Then when we were leaving she gave me a hug upstairs and another downstairs. Good times! Oh and she took a picture of me to send to his grandma. SO funny. I was glad to finally meet the parent and have it go so well! Yay! Now we have to wait for the verdict. Lol.
I LOVE that coat!
ROFL- "you don't know what you'll get BUT you know you'll like everything!"
I am SO making a list for every gift giving holiday from now on.
What was up with all the hugging? It's like my mom liked you better than me. LOL
Glad you enjoyed your Christmas! I love mine too. Nice to have you here!
Oh and that movie is "Superstar."
The coat and shoes are super fab! I agree, giving a long list does not decrease the excitement...lol.
Yay for things going well with the momma! Merry 2nd Christmas!
Adei: what are you getting jam for christmas? I know she reeeeeeeally really wants a bright orange sweatshirt that says, "everyone loves a redneck Gator girl" in an even brighter shade of orange. If you get her that, that'll free me up to get her ______.
Rah: I was thinking that fit and flare coat from express. Don't tell her I told you... you're getting a book of poetry written by Lil Wayne. "Why I Love Syrup"
Dei: NOOOOOOOOOO! I WANTED PLIES' BOOK O' POEMS TITLED, "DA REALEST POETRY, BAAAAAAAYBEH"! Well, go on and get her that really light yellow dress with orange polka dots, she loves those two colors!
Rah: good look. Your other gift is a mint green and rust juicy couture bag.
I see he didn't listen.
Awwwwwwwww, what a great holiday. Those shoes are soooooooooo cute and I love the coat! Your hair looks good too!
lmao @ Adei's convo with Rashan!!!
I'm glad you and the mom got along so well. Not that I doubted you would...but I think Rah has mentioned that she wasn't a fan of any of his ex's. Mom's know!
Mexican Train dominoes??? I gotta google that.
momisodes... ME TOO!! lol. it's so true! do it! if they stick to the list, results are GUARANTEED!!
rj... she def. likes me better. lol. i'm glad you love your Christmas!! you SO googled superstar. brat.
aretha... thanks and right?? lol. yay!! thanks!!
adei... hahahahaha!! other than telling the actual gifts, i was actually in on that convo! hahahahahaha. he would never have known mint and rust were your 2 fave colors ESP. together? lololol
monie... i know! thanks!!
diva... lol. they are THEY WORST!! i'm glad, too! i think she was just happy to finally meet someone in his life! girl that game is something else. after 2 rounds it still makes no sense to me.
SUPERSTAR!!! Might I add that my sister contributed to my fabulous Christmas!!! I didn't expect anything and I got what I have been wanting for years. Thanks Jameil!!
I was wondering how he knew that... I figured y'all talked abt how wack my school is.
Love the coat
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