The first made me so sad I just had to take pics of the poor forlorn spring shoes when I put them away for the next 6 months (or more) back in October.

But! I did bring out some cute clothes and shoes.

Fall is pretty sometimes.

But not when it's snowing if I have to go somewhere!! This was one of the first snows.... back in Oct. No accumulation but COME ON!

Guess what I got today? My first issue of "Everyday with Rachael Ray"!! YAY!!! I couldn't even sit still when my dad brought it in the house. Just like an adorably fabulous puppy with a soft afro and abs of steel. My mom gave me a subscription for Christmas!!
AND guess what was on top of the best cooking mag?

The latest InStyle magazine!! Yay!!!! Don't both of them look fab on the covers? I can't wait until Stace gets here! We'll read it together like we always used to back before both of us were employed AND like we did in Florida, though we didn't get all the way through. I'm gonna stick it in the magazine rack until she does. I won't even crack the cover. Just 12 days! (Looking back at those Florida pics makes me feel like after this trip, we shall only meet at warm locales where we can show out with minimal clothes on. Everything is more fun in a bikini!!)
"On the first day of Chriiiiiistmas my true love gave to meeee, a partridge in a pear tree." Hey true love, wherever you are. Let me hip you to something. 1) I don't do birds unless they are on my plate dripping in seasonings. They just seem unsanitary. 2) I actually do like pears so good look on that front. 3) HOWever. Not with birds in them. Wouldn't the birds be defecating on the fruit? That's disgusting.
I also realized something... though I don't consider myself friendly with strangers, maybe I am and don't realize it. I like to utilize people's expertise. Last night at the beer distributor while my father cooked, I asked the guy who worked there for something new. So he showed me a few things and I picked out the tour of Europe multi-pack featuring 3 beers- one from Italy, one from Poland and one from the Czech Republic. When I left I thought, hmm... maybe I'm a little bit friendly. I'll delve into the friendly topic in another post. For now, one thing you should know about my father's meals. They always include rice. Usually it's just meat and rice. It makes no sense. Last night he made these bangin porkchops with steak seasoning-- coarse salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and paprika. So delicious... and rice. Dad. I love you and your rice is the bomb, but can I get a veggie ever? He was in the air force and said he had to eat potatoes with every meal so he doesn't care if he never eats another potato. I on the other hand love potatoes and get really excited when my beloved Rach introduces me to know ways to cook them.
*Today's Christmas Selection: "This Christmas" by Chris Brown
You look fab in your Fall outfit Chica. Bye Bye Spring shoes. Until next year!!!!! So sad.
you aren't nice. i don't know where people are getting that vibe from. i know i don't like you so why should someone else????
i like your pics :-)
No veggies?! I am coming over there with broccoli and multivitamins right now, young lady!
Love your Fall outfit!
*Sniff* I share your spring shoe do have a really cute collection :) I detest socks during winter.
you better wear that tellow shirt under the blazer!!! you spoiled antm for me in your last comments section. but thats ok, im still gonna watch.
My Christmas present to you has arrived... I decided to not post Thursday. Well, to be honest, I just forgot, but its now after midnight so as much as it pains me to say this... Jameil, you win!!! For real this time. I'll be back to actually read and comment on this post later.
*Bowing down to greatness*
yay for early Christmas and cute outfits. you strike me as someone who is friendly toward strangers, that's a good thing! =)
1969... thanks homie! au revoir des chausseures!! boo hoo.
stace... you are SUCH the hater.
red... lolol. I KNOW I KNOW!!
sandy... thanks! poor spring shoes!! socks suck.
joy... lol thx! and sorry for antm! i dont' watch so i didn't even think abt it. my bad.
rj... WHAT?!!? I WON! I WON! I WON! (still need to go confirm the results) I WON!!
dreamy... yay on the clothes!! only strangers i have some sort of prior knowledge of. i.e. via the blog or friend of a friend. otherwise... i'm kind of mean.
I love the fitted jacket! You look great Diva!
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