You know what I love about my dad's side? My parents separated when I was 13 (12 years ago, I was pissed because it coincided with my birthday), and got divorced when I was 17 (I have no idea about that space... and they didn't tell us for months), but they always include my mom even when my sister and I are nowhere to be found. That's why I'm the all-inclusive girl. My mom has so many surrogate families in Charlotte that even though she's from Mississippi, Charlotte is now home. She's been there 26 years, raised two children there, and created a whole new life. I love my mommy!!
"Today a child is born on earth! He is light! He is love! He is grace! Born on Christmas Day!!"
REPEAT!!! I LOVE THAT SONG!! I hope Ash is with her fabulous niece and all my other friends and bloggers are enjoying their families. I've brought Charlotte to me with this cd.

Wanna see what I got my line sister? Okay!

So what did I get? One of my coworkers got me a book, since we always talk about reading. "The Kite Runner." I've read it, but I don't own it. It was one of the many books my book club read before I moved here. She put the gift receipt in. I may or may not return it. Not sure yet. Oooh!!! I can get a Rachael Ray book!! When I was in the bookstore the other day I realized I only have ONE of her books. ONE!! She writes a book every other day! I've got to catch up! Some fan I am!! Lolol. But my one book (365: No Repeats) has a broken seam because I've bookmarked it and literally read it from cover to cover. I know you're like, "She's crazy!! Who reads a recipe book from cover to cover?!" Me!!! Lolol. Oooh!! "Baby it's cold outside!!" Know the funniest lines on this song? "Gosh your lips look delicious." "Gosh your lips ARE delicious." Hilarious!!! End Tangent.
The same coworker made pretzels with hershey kisses and m&m's on top. Yummy... and.... VASELINE.LIP.THERAPY!! (VLT) I love this stuff so much I buy 5 at a time and almost always have one in reaching distance. I tried the generic at Target. Poor facsimilie. It tastes like baby powder. Gross. I only tried the generic because you get two for the price of one VLT. So not worth it. Sometimes at work, I'll have more than one out because I'll lose the one that was originally out on my desk (no my desk isn't that messy, it'll only be temporarily lost under a sheet of paper), so then I pick up another. I try to keep at least one on my bed so it's handy while I'm reading. And when I'm in the booth & the homie is there, I'll ask her to bring it to me. Most hilarious and appropriate gift. Lol. I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!! I realized my fave gifts are never expensive, they're always stuff that I love that shows you pay attention.
Did you see that I just did a whole paragraph about something that costs 99 cents? That is insanity. Let's say you were gonna get me a Christmas gift based on what you know about me from the blog (or if you've already met me, you can draw on your prior knowledge), what would it be? Whoever comes up with the best gift gets an entire post dedicated to them!! (Gift cards excluded) Go!!
*The Christmas texts have already started. God save me. I hate these things. Also. Ew. He cannot sing and he stole the songs of black people to become ludicrously rich. Every year he's one of the dead people who made the most money. That song on my Christmas compilation almost kept me from buying it.*
My godmother, you know the one with the fabulous gift-giving ability? I forgot to tell you one year she gave me her SGRho sweater from Hampton. I was walking around with the sweater of a charter line member of my chapter. I can't even begin to tell you the looks of envy!! It was fabulous! Lol. I know that's horrible! I also have this thing about giving away or getting rid of the clothes she gives me. Not just because I love them, but something else. IDK what it is. Ooh!! She also always sent me the BEST care packages!! Filled with food and always including a check. And she would send me a check for random holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day. Lol.
This year she called for some ideas like she usually does. It was the first time this year I'd been asked what I wanted so I rattled off a list of random things I like. She got me the i.Home speakers and a car jack for my ipod. Yay!!! When I said those I really didn't expect her to get both!! Whooooooooo!!
One of my coworkers gave me a 3-disc compilation of her Christmas faves!! YAY!!!!! How delightful! I so wasn't expecting anything from her. We have such a volatile relationship because this time last year we could barely tolerate each other. I guess we have a rapport of sorts. We must, huh?
Oooh! So the coworker who got me the vaseline is obsessed w/the Hills so I got her season 1 on DVD. She was overjoyed! Lolol. She gasped when she opened it. My other fave coworker, I got her this margarita mixer she'd been eyeing since she saw it on Oprah 3 months ago and bath stuff with a scent I know she likes. In case you're wondering, yes I still have lots and lots of stuff left to do until Stace gets here but her room is almost ready! (Scroll down for our itinerary!) The expensive shampoo, my Christmas present to myself, gets its trial today. Cross thine fingers!!
*Meeee I want a hoooooola-hoooooooooop!! We can hardly stand the wait! Please Christmas don't be late!* Name that tune!
This post is absolutely everywhere, but it's great. Hope you and your fam have a beautiful, blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year!
I saw some Mariah Carey Christmas videos on TV this morning, and I thought of you!
I'm glad that you're having such a good Christmas. Your excitement is contagious!
Merry Christmas! Is that song called chipmunk Christmas? Or the Christmas song? Anyway...I keep chap stick under my pillow! You never know.
I think I would make you a lil Hampton seal. I'd probably embroider seeing as I kinda know how now.
bah humbug.
Merry Christmas Jam :-)
I would get you your very own dress designed by Micheal Knight and then we would hang out at Tre's restaurant and have him cook dinner for us.
T... lol you too and thanks!!
red... yay!!!!
joy... yes! mmmm lip stuff.
la... merry merry ladiberry!!
sixty... lololol. soo funny. EVERYONE, 1969 IS IN THE LEAD!!!!!!!!
dang, 1969 is on it!
i take back my leopard print hobo bag filled with vanilla scented lotions and creams...
This is a heck of a Christmas post! I feel bad now with my little two lines. I hope I made up for it with todays post. About your gift, well, I suck at picking out gifts, so I need to sleep on this one. Although, even if I do win, you probably wouldn't give me my post anyway. LOL! Merry Christmas!
stace... ain't she tho!?! but do you understand that i will so hook you up with spectator pump-inspired booties with red fishnets.
rj... GET IT TOGETHER!!! YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!! lol. get to work planning! if its good, you get the prize!
Oh my goodness, what to get you! I like 1969's idea but you also love to eat so I'd get you 12 delicious sessions with a personal chef. No Chinese-inspired cuisine on the menu though.
And the Mariah Carey was blasting over here too!
LOL! Alvin and the Chipmunks! Sadly, I listened to that song....via a vinyl RECORD! Can I possibly "carbon date" myself anymore??
liz... oooh! and yay on mariah! me and mariah go back like babies and pacifiers! old dirty dog no liar singin fantasies hot like fiyah! lol. i got carried away. unusual, i know.
sandy... lol. its okay!! you're still fab!!!
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