This will be a cursory view of my trip. The basics, there was lots of food and lots of drinks. My signature Miami drink is the mojito. I had at least one at every "you have to get a mojito here" place. I had food at a Haitian restaurant, a Cuban restaurant (Go to Versailles in Miami and have a mojito!!! Best mojito of the trip hands down!!), a Greek restaurant, a Mexican restaurant, a sushi restaurant (I had eel, tuna, salmon, mahi mahi and baby octopus... and of course sake. It was my first time really eating sushi or drinking sake. Not bad.). We also went to a Caribbean festival where Drew's (Stacie's homie) band performed. It POURED down raining!! It looked like a hurricane or something. Water started rippling as the sky turned black. When the rain started in driving sheets, the fronds on the palm trees were pushed upward and over. It was insane.
This picture is at one of the several restaurants we went to that'd been featured on Food Network.
I saw his band every other day I was there. Wednesday (first night), Friday,
Remember that ridiculous balloon I told you Stace brought to the airport? Yeah..

So lest you think everyone in Miami knows how to dress. This woman was at the gas station when we were headed to the beach. You look a hot bubblin mess and I'm appalled that you don't know it.

This is Hollywood beach. There were a million people. I got to work on my tan! And wear my hot bikini! So disgustingly cute.

Stace's roommate's brother painted this gorgeous picture. I tried to take it with me, but since it's about 4ft. x 4ft., it wouldn't fit in my bag. Curses.

We went to this club called Mynt. Since Drew knew the dj, we got in for free and got to stand behind the DJ booth and dance!! It was fab!! Every 2 songs, the dj would turn around and say, "Heeeeeeeeeey girls!" It was so funny. The website for the club is all, "you have to be beautiful, rich or connected" to get in. I was like riiight. Everyone in here must be rich or connected because I didn't see the beautiful people!! Lol. Not guys anyway and I wasn't paying attention to the girls. There were some ballers in there makin it rain.... with napkins. Stop. The madness. You're at VIP tables, ordering bottles and bottles and can't stop throwing napkins in the air.

Stace calls the walkway that cuts through all this exotic vegetation near her apartment "Brazil". Makes sense as this dragonfly was resting on a palm tree.
Next to it was a papaya tree. I'd never even known what a papaya looked like and she has a tree behind her apartment. So Florida.
We also got our InStyle read on! Whooo!!
We also went to Pearl & Nikki Beach. Mojitos!! We had great drinks on the beach! It was so fab. You should definitely go there for a chill vibe.

There were tents on the beach so we got inside!

I also got on the table to dance.

Good times had by all!!

Everyone down there kept asking me to move down and when I was coming back. I haven't left yet! But it's lovely to be appreciated!! :)
Oh yeah... on my actual birthday, me and my mom went to dinner-- Mexican, of course with margaritas!! Yay! Then we watched "When the Levees Broke". Fantastic. Not your average birthday movie, but a great documentary.
Happy now?
Ok, you just made me absolutely delirious with hunger talking about all the restaurants you visited! *drool*..
Ahhhh! I'm so jealous, and I'm officially hatin'. *no shame!* That trip sounds absolutely fabulous. I'm gonna go back to my corner now and pout because I don't get to go on vacation for another 7 weeks.
Yay! Trip recap!!! (Still not doing mine. Lol)
How obnoxiously huge is that balloon? I loves it!!!
HOT MESS even in Miami SAD
Glad you had a blast wish I were there but you know I was in spirit LOL
Have a great weekend.
sha... lolol. it was FAB!! i was one happy lil internally fat girl.
tasha... lolol. rock out girl!!
la... you and stace & that balloon!! you don't have to do a recap. you saw how long mine took and i don't think i ever did one of the last time i went home back in april.
honey... just mess!! you have a great weekend. mine is already over. i'm off wed/thurs.
Not makin it rain with napkins, though?? Loo loo loo loo LOSER!!!!
i love how all your posts have visual aides that go along with them. lovely. lol. your trip to miami sounded fun! glad you had a good time.
hope all is well!
awwwwwwww, that made me smile :-) almost as much as coconut man who was out of pocket and needed to get back in!!!! LMAO!!!
It’s my fortune to go to at this blog and realize out my required stuff that is also in the quality.
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