
Do You Know That I WON!?!?

I WON! I WON! I WON I WON I WON!! For those of you not in the know, Rashan and I have been competing against each other to see who could keep continuously blogging after successfully completing NaBloPoMo. Yesterday, I won!! He did not post. I had to do it Rashan. I'm competitive and I'm a winner. I'M A WINNER!! And I like to rub it in. With some paprika. If you're from the country, we like to call that pap-a-reeka. I actually do not have an accent despite growing up in the south. It's very neutral. People always ask me where I'm from. Today, because I won, I could rest on my laurels. I've now posted for 45 consecutive days. Tell me that's not amazing. AMAZING!!

I've been wanting to answer the questions I posed to others a while back. That was my favorite tag ever, courtesy of Liz. What great ideas she has and passes on. What day better than today? If not you, then who? If not now, then when? I can't find the source of that quote despite the wonders of the internet. I'm watching "Reign Over Me." Surprisingly, it's good. Well, maybe not surprisingly. I love Don Cheadle. I changed my mind. I can't do these questions right now because I'm watching the movie. So I guess answering the question when is... later.

*Today's Christmas Selection: "Silver Bells" by Bing Crosby.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like you doing the cabbage patch after scoring a touchdown....congrats 2 the victor

Anonymous said...

Reign Over Me is such a great movie. I saw grown men crying while watching it. I got to get it on DVD

Chris said...

"It's Christmas timmmmmmmmmmmmmmme in the cityyyyyyyyy" I love the r&b version by A Few Good Men, it's pretty damn solid. And congrats on the victory...I think, LOL

Liz Dwyer said...

Go 'head with your bad self! I'm so glad you won. 45 days is IMPRESSIVE! I know how hard it is so you get a virtual high five!

Rashan Jamal said...

Look, I already said you won... you didn't HAVE to rub it in, you wanted to rub it in... Lets just call it what it is.

But you earned it. So go ahead and gloat and enjoy the nothing that you get for this victory. LOL

Momisodes said...

Aww....big props to you for blogging for so many days straight!

So...going to take a breather now?

Jameil said...

torr... WORD!! cabbage patch, the rerun, the kid and play, the wop, the MC Hammer.

epsi... right!?! its bangin.

chris... THAT VERSION IS FAB!! not i think. RECOGNIZE!!

liz... thanks! lol.

rj... hahahahaha. yes i did!! you know what i get? the satisfaction of knowing i am strong willed!! i needed to prove it to all those who didn't know.

sandy... still deciding on that. do you know it would take everything that is in me not to blog for just one day?

GreatWhyte said...

Of COURSE you don't have an accent- you're from Charlotte! That's no more Southern drawl territory than Hampon, Virginia! Congrats, by the way.

Adei von K said...

awwwww man, i know you'd be one of the athletes who celebrates after a touchdown!! I LOOOOOOOVE celebratory antics!!! You won! Show off!!! Get it girl!

Jameil said...

x... there are accents in charlotte. i just don't have one of them.

stace... hahahaha. you should've seen my mind wander to the dance i would do. i even thought about bringing out the webcam for the first time for it. extra.

Adei von K said...

not.the webcam! just the thought of that is HUH-LARIOUS!!


dreamyj said...

yay for winning and reign over me, i loved that movie.