
Late Registration

You know how in college if you register on time, you're fine, but if you're late, then you may or may not get all the classes you need? I was in the honors program so we always got to register early. Holla! At least I claimed the honors program even though I stopped participating when it became too time consuming. I don't have the patience for all that. Well, I didn't then. It made me realize even more that I have to be interested in a topic to really commit to it. It's helped me hone in on what I really love.

The point: have you been watching Essence's online reality show 30 Dates in 30 Days? I watch it every day. I've been hooked since day one. Sherlon has, too. The current woman, Jahmeliah, is gorgeous. Dudes are slippin on their pimpin. How is it that she's made it to 33? I bet NOT be rocking the fly on the solo that long!! Her headshot doesn't do her justice.

Watching her 2nd date, with twins, both guys showed up late. Huh??? This is the second woman to have to wait for her date. Sherlon got on me about giving the dude a hard time for being late. Here's why. People are on their best behavior at the beginning. You make sure you wear your most flattering clothes, have your hair just right, coordinate your accessories, don't say anything TOO offense, don't curse people out, whatever. That means if you're late, you're really not trying that hard. I understand things happen, but come on. You put effort into things you care about. You don't know me to care about me yet, but if you're not making an effort NOW... I'd really hate to see what happens when you let your guard down. Part of it's the newswoman in me. Part of it's the impatient, type A personality in me. I do NOT like to be kept waiting. That is so rude to me.

Just like registering late for class, if you're late for the date, especially the first date, you're taking the risk of missing out. It's on you, playa!

*on an unrelated note, if you are a mother, you should totally read this blog. esp. the ones about her daughter's months like month 44 etc. if you're not, you may like it, too. i do.


dreamyj said...

i hadn't even heard of that show on essence, i'll have to check it out. i feel you on not being late, i despise it also.

Soldier said...

You know what's the positive thing about being late on a date ? You can evaluate the reaction of the person that had to wait for you... if they cuss me out before giving me a chance to explain myself... mmm... no no... it is NOT gonna work

Jarrod said...

So I'm late...so what! The only thing that matters is if you're still there when I get there. As far as not being offensive and all that, that's being false. If I'm biting my tounge the whole time I'm around you then I'm not giving you the full experience.

Chris said...

I might have to really catch up on this 30 dates/30 days thing, but I try my hardest not be late, and if I am, I'll call a girl ahead to let her know; "hey, I'm stuck behind Miss Jane Pittman and she happens to be driving a Crown Vic, I'll be there as soon as I can."

1969 said...

Hell....I'm late to this post.

Anonymous said...

Ive been an hour early to avoid being late for a first date.

Jameil said...

dreamy... its hot. i love it.

soldier... true indeed.

jarrod... but i might not still be there. depends on the first impression you made on me and how late you are. i don't know why you're acting like you're offensive. you may be ass jr. but its your way of bantering. i'm talkin about smackin booties, cursin every other word, essentially actin like yo momma taught you nothin.

chris... whatever. i told you abt this show mad long ago. a warning is fine, but just showin up like yeah my bad, whatev is not cute.

69... lolol.

Jameil said...

dp... that's what i'm sayin. its a first date. if you're not trying to make a good impression, then why are you there?

Southern Girl said...

I've been hooked on Dooce since I first started blogging. She gets ALOT of flack from people, but I love her sense of humor cracks me up!! See me and you J...we would be bananas if we ever meet! Crazy...

Sherlon Christie said...

I'm with soldier on this one...writing someone off because they are late for a date is not a good look.