
Bad Movie Blues

Seriously, why is it so hard to make good movies?  I mean, I know that it is, but I guess the real question is why are so many bad movies made?  Why won't studios stop investing in terrible scripts?  These are all rhetorical questions so please don't pull a ----- and give me a bunch of obvious answers.  How about you just go tell studios these are stupid films with bad concepts and even worse stories.  If you set up a premise early in your film, FOLLOW THROUGH.  Don't change it in a way that makes the earlier part of the film false.  That is stupid.  And makes your movie dumb.  Also, if you have to have 8 montages, you don't have enough script.  I need some good movies.  Somebody gimme some good movies.  Just do it.  Don't ask about it, just do it.


Ladynay said...

Awwwwww, can't help you.

Go see Shutter Island, "they" are saying that the movie has promise!

Rashan Jamal said...

This is what I was saying as I watched Brief Interviews With Hideous Men. Started out one way and then totally switched it up.... LOL @ the obvious answers. i have to do it now...

"The studios are only interested in making money. There is no artistry anymore."

Jameil said...

lady... how you gon suggest a movie you haven't seen? but other people say MIGHT be good. lol! girl stop!

rj... i mean really. ther's no need to start it like that if you're not going to follow through. so annoying. stop being a brat.