
2010 Goals

1) Work on my relationship with God.  Here's how you guys can help.  What are some things other than going to church that have helped you, including books?  I'm not saying I won't go to church but it has definitely been difficult for me to find a church in Gainesville.  But let's be honest, I haven't been looking in nearly a year.  I'm not SO concerned with church so much as I am with getting closer to God.

2) Finish my film.  I will actually have achieved this by the end of April AND earned a master's degree for it to boot!!  THAT IS AWESOME!  I'm really excited about that!  But it means I'll have to give procrastination the finger... something I haven't been doing.

3) Take the next step in my career.  More on this later.

4) Try new restaurants.  This is seriously one of the things I love about life AND about traveling between three cities (Gainesville, Atlanta, Charlotte)-- getting to try new restaurants.  I'm going to shoot for once a month because I also need to give some old restaurants some play!  I enjoyed some restaurants but have been so focused on new, I haven't been back.

5) Cook at least 3xs a week, 2 of those new recipes.  Sometimes the recipes might be for a drink, but that's okay!  Imagine trying 104 new recipes in a year!  How exciting!  One year I may go similar to the 'Julie and Julia' route and cook my way through a cookbook but with all the cookbooks I have, along with subscriptions to 2 food magazines, it's probably better not to so I can actually USE what I have.  Lol.  I'm REALLY excited about the Rick Bayless Mexican cookbook Rashan got me for Christmas!  Yippee!!  I will be posting the new recipes on 'The Record Dish' this year instead of here (2 new ones are going up today!).

6) Watch more movies.  I. KNOW.  Lol.  Who could possibly want to!?!?  MEEEEE!  I actually enjoy it most of the time.  I DO have to get myself out of 'you have to finish this movie because you started it' mode.  I started that to keep myself from wasting valuable film-watching time and it's hard to get out of that habit.  Since I only want to watch 365 movies this year, I can watch longer movies and ones people talk about a lot.  Can't wait!  :)  Essentially by the time I graduate I will have seen more than 1,000 movies in a 2-year period.  AWESOME!!

7) Workout more. I did a great job getting back my workout mojo at the end of last year!  SO EXCITING!  I just want to keep that going.  I'll try some new classes and switch up my working out so I don't get bored.  Yay!!!  I usually put the 5k on here but running produces sharp pains in my ankle right now so until I can get that figured out, I'm sticking with regular working out.

8) I love Aretha's idea of statecations.  Travel within the state is such a neat idea.  We get so focused on getting away to far-off locales we miss some great things in our own states and even cities!  So before I leave Florida I want to go to the Keys, Tampa and St. Augustine.  PHEW!!  That's a LOT in 6 months while trying to finish a film.  But luckily the last two are less than 2 hours away so those can be day trips!

9) Call my grandma once a week.  I know she needs it.  Attention, that is.  That's part of her problem.  And maybe by talking to her once a week she can stop being so MEAN.  That's the reason she's so lonely right now.  She's pushed people away continually in her effort to control.  So I might also be able to produce a positive change in someone else's life.

*And this year to keep myself on track better than last year, I will update on these goals monthly.  I could probably get a new feature going with my conversations with grandma.  That will be pretty cool.


Not so Anonymous said...

One time for your great goals! So...after watching Julie/Julia, I want to cook more and so does Alyssa. She convinced me to buy a book from which we will cook each week. We got Robin Miller's book. It's a 52 week book, with 3 meals per week. We start tomorrow, woohoo!

As far as the relationship with God...girl, that's a goal of mine as well. There's a book that another blogger talked about some months ago and I've been reading it. It's a workbook/book called A Woman After God's Own Heart. It makes you study and think and put things into practice. I like it. Also, maybe just taking on a book of the bible one peice at a time. Proverbs may be a delightful start for you...it's all about seeking out wisdom and understanding.
Oh, and to answer the question you left on one of my posts...I write about any and everything in my prayer journal. I do alot of asking in it. Asking for help, understanding, clarification, blessings for me and others, etc. I like going back and reading it months later. It really helps me realized how much my prayers are answered.

Yay 2010!

Sparkling Red said...

Going to church has its place in spiritual life, but I often feel closer to God when I'm alone. Things that help me to work on my relationship to God:
1) Listening to worship music, even if it's cheesy.
2) Keeping inspirational prayers and/or quotes posted where I can see them daily.
3) Discussing spirituality with anyone, including people of different beliefs.
Anything that keeps God close to the top of your mind is a good thing.

Happy 2010!

Adei von K said...

she said, "that's what I love about LIFE.."

get it, foodie!

I am a BIG fan of the statecation! OMG, we live in Florida! This summer, let's pick a 2-week period to road trip up 95! From the Keys to JAX! then across, and down the west coast!!

I'm sure Grandma would love the phone calls! Aww :-)

Ladynay said...

I tried to comment on your spot yesterday but my computer didn't want to! :-)

2) In a couple of years make sure you do a film on the 1st black female team therapist for a professional sports team! *smile*

6) 1 movie a day is a walk in the park for you!

7) Co-sign

9) Awwwww what a sweet grandbaby!

T Dot said...

Definitely make it down to the Everglades and take a swamp tour. I did it a few years ago. AWESOME.

On Spiritual walk: It's not the bible, but I read Redeeming Love and it made me realize how much God loves me. It's a fictional book based on the story of Hosea in the bible. Fantastic book. Also, I got a study bible (Life in the Spirit) that is really helpful when I need to look things up or understand something.

Talulazoeaple said...

New to your blog but I'll offer my two cents on getting closer to God.

Things that help me:

1. Prayer - Talking to God from the heart.

2. Reading the Word - it is helpful to have a bible with notes that explain the passages and context.

I may go on a few statecations given the opportunity.

Trish said...

I really like Joyce Meyer, she is a great teacher and she has free audio series. I like #5, I want to cook more this year too so guess I need to start really going grocery shopping.

Rashan Jamal said...

1. wow, I can't believe you asked for God advice. I'm a little taken aback by this. Who are you?
2. I can't wait to see the final product'
3. You've been teasing this too long. When are you telling?
4. Somehow, i think this will be the easiest goal for you to reach.
5. Tonights meal... FTW!!! Keep doing stuff like that. LOL
6. Does that mean I shouldn't cancel your Netflix subscription?
7. Vague goal. How will you measure this? Wait, I'm not coaching. Do your thing..
8. I can't think of anywhere else in GA I want to go to, except maybe Augusta.
9. Those should be funny posts

Nerd Girl said...

For me, going to church helps my relationship with God. The more I go to church, the more I pray, the more I read and meditate, etc.

I'm definitely checking for those Rick Bayless recipes! Good deal.

I can't wait to get back into the gym on the regular. I've been doing laps at the hospital, but I miss the elliptical and the weights. In two weeks, it is so on.

Momisodes said...

I, for one, am very excited to hear about the recipes here. I have thought about cooking through a recipe book as well, but like you said, I usually try to use what I have on hand.

Sounds like a great list!

1969 said...

You have fabulous goals for the year. I wish you all the best.

I am jealous of your Rick Bayless cookbook. Hmpmh. LOL

I too slack on church at times. So far this year, I am reading a chapter of the new testament everyday. Just a personal reflection to start my day.

On a limb with Claudia said...

I love these! Well done Jameil! I'm excited to see what you create both food and film.

I think my relationship with God was created in struggle. In the middle of dark moments, I knew I wasn't alone. No book, movie or anything could create or destroy that bond.

As for food? Do you read, 101cookbooks.com? It has great recipes, photos, and is even vegetarian (but good eatable food).

Jameil said...

You guys outdid yourselves on the supportive & helpfulness! :)

nsa... Yay! Robin Miller makes some delicious stuff. I started the prayer journal today!! YAY!! I don't love Proverbs so much all the time. I might have to try that workbook! Sounds interesting!

red... I need some spiritual structure and I haven't been getting it lately. One of the most religious people in my life right now is Muslim. I love talking to her about God. I listened to Jesus music the whole ride back from Atlanta yesterday. Thanks for your suggestions!

adei... lol! yes about LIFE! lolol. yay statecation!! but your way sounds EXPENSIVE. if i'm spending 2 weeks traveling, i really don't want it to be around Florida. And you know I don't love driving like that, either. I was thinking more like day or 2 day trips except the keys. Grandma would be all over those calls!

lady... bad computer! i could see that as a segment on ESPN! i could pitch it! nice! make sure i'm the only person you give the story to! lol. a movie a day is cake! i'm already ahead!

t... i've added it to the list! redeeming love added as well! dude, my line sister gave me an AWESOME bible one year!

talula... welcome & thanks!

trish... i hear good things about her. on itunes? I love the grocery store! I just need to use the stuff I use!

rj... 1) hush up that noise. i would never claim to be a God genius. i can use all the help i can get. 2) me either! 3) later this month. 4) me too! 5) RIGHT?!?! 6) that's what that means you jerk. 7) i'm going for 4xs/week!
8) I can't either but I'm down for an Augusta trip! Maybe we should go to Wild Adventures! Lolol. 9) i know! lol

nerd... i find going to church helps me, too. that's why i need to find one that works for me in gainesville for the little bit of time i'm still here. rick is THE BOMB!! he has modifications (yes PLURAL) for almost every recipe & detailed instructions. LOVE IT! i can't wait to try some new classes!

momisodes... yay recipes! thanks!

1969... thanks! i'm jealous of my own cookbook! lol. i like the personal reflection thing and have already started TODAY!!

claud... thanks! me too! :) never read that site. i need to use the stuff i have but i will still check it out. lol

Sha Boogie said...

I am so trying number 1! I'm like Jesus, I need you closer than ever before! Amen and thanks :)

I've def been cooking more, its necessary since more money is needed in the form of diapers and formula, argggh! But, its a good thing because we've learned that the Mr. can cook better than me(shhhh..don't tell him I said it!)

Jameil said...

sha... if you cook good and he cooks better? SCORE!!! dinner at sha boogie's house!!