The first night we went to dinner on the beach. I became extremely obsessed with this shot and took a lot of pictures of it. For that, X called me a tourist and asked if I actually went to school there.
Hater!! You know how when you live somewhere you kind of ignore the sights and sounds? I'm sure people in Philly don't visit the Liberty Bell. I didn't go to the Hezekiah Alexander house in Charlotte. Matter of fact, I didn't even remember who that was until I just looked it up. I lived within 10 minutes of a beach all four years while at Hampton but the waterfront on campus was about all I saw. I didn't go to the beach until senior year!! That is madness. But I love the water and really miss it. Hence the mildly obsessive beach shots. *sticking tongue out at X*
While we were there, a woman on the beach took a picture of all of us and said, "Everyone say sex!" Except we were with Wynel's mom and aunt so clearly we did the nervous laughter and just smiled.
The same couple decided to give the now newlyweds some advice.
We spent hours on hours on hours (I'm not exaggerating here) making the bridal party bouquets, pulling apart roses for the petals the flower girl would throw
...and making the favors. They were small silver tins with a clear top. There was a purple ribbon tied in a bow around them, with a small silver charm that said love. Inside were purple M&Ms that said "Wynel and Sinclair."
Guess who cut that mountain of ribbon for 180 tins and didn't even get a favor?? OR TAKE A PICTURE of it?!?! Yeah... that would be me. But it's ok because I never want to see another purple M&M in my life. Ever. Hahahahahaha.
While we finished up the favors, Wynel and Sinclair started getting ready to go to a wedding. One of her friends got married Friday night. Wynel's wedding was Sunday night. As usual, clothing, jewelery, shoes and accessories got passed around like mad. This night my purse got the time to shine.
Those are my gold bags on the bed! How fab are that dress and hat!?!?
I made them stand like that since that's how the bridal party had to walk in. Hahahahaha. That picture really shows her personality and trust and believe it was HOTTTTTT outside. Like 95 and humid at 5pm hot. Yeah. I live in Pittsburgh now. We don't do that kind of heat up here. It's one of the best things about this city. Lack of summer heat.
While they were at the wedding, me and three of the bridesmaids went to MacArthur Center aka mall heaven in that area. I didn't get to go in Nordstrom's... *tear!!!* BUT we ate at California Pizza Kitch.en!! Yay!! Despite the so so service. Oh let's clarify something... I was NOT a bridesmaid but since Wynel wanted me to stay with her, and I told her I could come in to help whenever, I was there for everything. It was very confusing for everyone who'd seen me everywhere and then on the wedding day saw me sitting down. AND her mom's side was telling each other I was the wedding coordinator which was hilarious. I'm like WAIT!! Wynel planned this with a lot of help from Sinclair's aunt. I just showed up to help.
After the couple got back from the wedding, we headed to "Dunkin Hoes at Bard.o's"
That's what Wynel called it on the itinerary. It's just donut holes but she wanted to confuse everyone. That worked out nicely! Clearly that was the first thing everyone asked about. It's just her fave dessert. Donut holes that you dip in chocolate, caramel or raspberry sauce. We met up with the Hampton homie Jarrod there. Good fun. I ordered multiple drinks with crazy names. One of them was "dontplanoncallinya." None of them were up to my flavor desires. Booooo.
After Bard.o, everyone else was tired so me and Jarrod headed to Granby Street. Immediately we run into some Hampton folk. I recognize one girl but she's soooooooo into the amazing J-rod that she doesn't even bother to wave in my direction in the 5 or 10 minutes they were talking. Get it pimpin. One dude gives me a hug because he recognized me. I didn't know him then and wouldn't know him again if he stood next to me while on campus. He told me he was a personal trainer so I told him to give me an impromptu workout. HUH-LARIOUS!! Then I remembered I was in heels and quite full from the drinks. So much for that.
We went to Bax.ter's for more drinks. "Jump, jum.p! Everybody J.ump!" came on and you know I got crunk and started yelling it and some white dudes got to work and started jumping. J-rod refused to participate in my directions and was cited for non-compliance. Why is it so difficult for some people to follow directions?!!! Once the bar shut down, we walked up and down Granby Street until I saw these steps and had to stop!
Photo shoot!
On the way back to Wynel's from Granby, "THE slow jams deluxe get the draws tape" (if you don't know what movie that's from, you and I cannot be friends) is on and I'm not even paying attention until the DJ is switching songs like mad (I thought it was the radio) until I yell RELAX! and ride out. Good times! Hahahahahahaha.
The next morning Wynel gets up at the crack of dawn to go pray on the beach with Sinclair. Then her and her maid of honor, K go to get their nails done. Me and the bridesmaid rider, C (I LOVE HER!!), drop W & K off at the hair dresser and go to... SONIC!!!!! I loooooooove Sonic. The burgers are so yummy. So, so yummy. C had never been before and she fell in love, too. Yay!!! C and I just laid around all day. I definitely needed one of those. I read the newspaper. We picked W & K up and started getting dressed to go to the bachelorette party!!! Whooooooo!! First we went to meet up with Wynel's dad, brother, step mom and that side of the fam and pick up the last bridesmaid to get in town, her cousin S.
Then we headed to the hotel for the first part of the bachelorette party. There were no strippers because male strippers are gross (rarely attractive and too aggressive) and why would we want to see a woman take off her clothes? After the hotel portion, we headed to the club where she had a list of tasks... Here is a preview of the fun until part 3...
LOVE the hat!!
I'm loving this. I feel like I was there with yall!
you've got to be a good friend to put in all that work, but it still sounded like loads of fun.
and i NO idea you looked like that! i should've figured, but damn girl; YOU HOT!!
Sounds awesome! Ok, why did I think having a stripper was a prerequisite for having a bachelorette party? Hmmmm...
I love the hat too! Fab, simply fab.
Why do I feel like I was there?
wise... I KNOW!!
tasha... yay! then i've done my job!
black guy... it was mostly fun. the favor day was definitely trying for my patience. but all the rest was great. thanks for the compliment.
sha... strippers are gross. they used to be a pre-req but not anymore.
1969... i did threaten to steal the hat. i also gasped when she took it out of the box and chastised her for not letting me know we'd be rocking hats this weekend! at least i know for next time. glad you feel like you were there!! :)
Okay, first of all, you are making me tired with all these damn installments. Tell us the story all damn ready!! Second of all, thanks for the shout outs (even if you were sticking your tongue out at me!). Third of all, friend or no friend, I would've whipped her ASS for that hat... that thing was FIYAH!!!!!! The weekend sounds like fun (so far... SIGH). Keep it coming :)
I love Baxters! It so the move on a Saturday night. I think that is where my next bridal brigade meeting will be held!
Oh yeah, I'm comming to steal that a suit to go with it :)
looks like tons of fun, i love weddings!
Wynel rocked the ISH out that hat! Those steps look amazing and intimidating at the same time! This trip sounds sooooo much fun!
Dunkin Ho's?? Wynel is toooo funny cause I was really confused too!! lol
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