
You're It!

I used to hate tags about 4 years ago when I had blog relationships with at least two dozen people and got the same tags over and over again. But with my shrunken blog family (some people only see fit to blog monthly... *couSHABOOGIEgh*), I guess I'm ready to play again. I'm supposed to tell 11 random things about myself (I think because I don't share enough randomness LOL), answer 11 questions and ask 11 more. Answer those 11 on your blog or in the comments. These are from Nerd Girl. Now let's party!

1) I love ear muffs. Still. They're cute, they never mess up my hair & they keep my ears warm.
2) Stretching has become one of my favorite activities now that I'm a running machine. It feels grrrreat!
3) I love dancing. Line dancing, salsa, cha cha, Just Dance, aerobics class, Zumba. In my house, at the grocery store, at the club, at your wedding, my momma's house, your momma's house. Doesn't matter. Just gimme a beat. Oh and I'm good at it.
4) I told Rashan if I won tickets to the Super Bowl and the Falcons are there, I would leave him at home. I can't have him seeing his team there in person and I might never see mine (the Panthers). He claims this might be grounds for a divorce. *shrugs*
5) I leave Christmas lights up inside my house because I just can't let it go. I plug them in when I need a boost.
6) I'm going dairy-free, meat & egg-free & processed food-free for 28 days starting this past Monday. This week is just dairy and processed food-free. Everyone say a prayer for my continued sanity. Yes, this is self-inflicted. Details forthcoming.
7) I have four kinds of salt (table, sea, black lava, fleur de sel) and six kinds of pepper (black (whole & ground), pink, crushed red, white, chili, cayenne). I will be using the fleur de sel and pink peppercorns in the next month. CAN'T WAIT!!
8) I have never disliked a news anchor/reporter so much that I couldn't watch him/her deliver the news. Even the ones I knew in my old life as a journalist. Until now. There is a guy here I HATE!! He says the dumbest things. Whether he wrote them or not, he says them. It's almost worse if he didn't write them. No. Wait. It IS worse. I refuse to watch him.
9) I love getting pedicures but hate getting manicures. The nail techs ALWAYS mess up my nail shape no matter what I tell them.
10) I went on a free sample spree a few months ago and for a while I was getting something almost every day. I'm in a dry spell now and looking longingly at my mailbox.
11) I have stacks of books all over the living room that prompt others to offer me bookshelves. But I secretly like the way they look all stacked around. It makes me feel like my life is full of reading. Oh! It is again. :)

1.  Is there anything you’ll eat one way, but not another? 
Very similar to NG, I'm extremely tomato picky. I don't eat fresh tomatoes out of season. Summer only. I love most tomato products (sauce, KETCHUP!!, salsa) but HATE tomato soup & juice. Canned, fire-roasted, diced tomatoes are well-loved in my kitchen! Love raw carrots, hate them cooked.
2.  Where’s your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere warm with a beautiful (preferably relatively uncrowded) beach.
3.  What 5 things would you grab if your home were about to be destroyed?
Phone/charger, degrees, fave pumps, a Le Creuset, my hat collection. Yes I know these all sound ridiculous.
4.  What are you listening to right now?
The dishwasher. I like quietude when I'm reading/writing blogs.
5.  What’s the most you’d spend on a purse?
At this point 0. Within the next year, probably $200.
6.  Do you think we’d get along in real life? Yes! You're the best!
7.  Do you have a monthly clothing budget? Nope. Not right now.
8.  What do you do when you’re bored?
Tweet, play Words with Friends, tweet, watch tv/movies, bother Rashan, read.
9.  What surprises you most about being an adult?  
That I'm married and it's quickly become pretty normal. And definitely that I feel like the same person that I did as a not quite adult and that I don't necessarily always like an adult.
10.  Do you love your hairstyle? Sometimes. I'm impressed by the length!
11.  Who’s your favorite Golden Girl?
I guess Sophia if I have to pick one. Surly amuses me on tv... and often in life.

Now here's a mix of her questions, Inner Diva's questions and mine. You may notice a slight food bias...
1)  Is there anything you’ll eat one way, but not another? 
2) What food do you absolutely refuse to eat and is there anything that can change your mind? Like if your favorite chef EVER prepared it, would you eat it?
3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
4) Where’s your favorite vacation spot?
5) How did you decide to live where you live right now?
6) What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?
7) If money was no object and all your bills were paid indefinitely, how would you spend the next year?
8) Do you like your family?
9) What's your favorite drink?
10) What's one thing you can eat and eat and never get tired of?
11) Is there a smell that instantly reminds you of something or someone else?


Ladynay said...

If this entry was the first I ever read of yours I would know you were into your food!

Fiddyleven types of salts and peppers? Wow!

P.S. I've blogged TWICE in January! BAM! LOL!

Trish said...

1) Is there anything you’ll eat one way, but not another? I love tomatoes but hate ketchup, I know that I'be mentioned this before but it grosses me out.
2) What food do you absolutely refuse to eat and is there anything that can change your mind? Like if your favorite chef EVER prepared it, would you eat it? I refuse to ever try oysters and I don't care who makes them.
3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I would like to say married but the way that my luck is going, who knows...
4) Where’s your favorite vacation spot? Any beach that has blue water....
5) How did you decide to live where you live right now? God sent me here to Texas, why...I am still trying to find out....
6) What's the riskiest thing you've ever done? From the outside looking in, one would say picking up hitch hikers.
7) If money was no object and all your bills were paid indefinitely, how would you spend the next year? Traveling all around the world
8) Do you like your family? I love them more than anything.
9) What's your favorite drink? Fresh squeezed lemonade
10) What's one thing you can eat and eat and never get tired of? Chinese food
11) Is there a smell that instantly reminds you of something or someone else? Curry reminds me of Indian people. Is that rude?

Nicole said...

1) I love guacamole but I don't like avocados.
2) I hate mushrooms. But if something looks appetizing, I'll still try a food I usually don't like. You never know. So, yes, if my favorite chef prepared mushrooms, I would definitely try it.
3) I'm not sure but as long as I'm happy and healthy, that's all I need.
4) So far Thailand has been the best trip I've ever taken but there are many more countries on the planet and my passport is earning for more stamps.
5) I've traveled quite a bit around the U.S. and I think the DC area is the best area to live in. That's why I live here.
6) I guess cliff diving into water and zip lining into water wearing a life jacket, because I can't swim.
7) Traveling. Definitely.
8) I do love my family. There are some unsavory folks and some weirdos but I love still love 'em.
9) The strawberry lemonade from Ruby Tuesdays.
10) Cupcakes but only ones from specialty cupcake shops. Like cupcakes from the grocery store are ick.
11) Codfish. Reminds me of when my mother used to make me take codliver oil as a child and I hated it!

Nerd Girl said...

I answered the "new" questions:

2) What food do you absolutely refuse to eat and is there anything that can change your mind? Like if your favorite chef EVER prepared it, would you eat it? Eggs. I don't care who makes them. Blech.
3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In a PhD program, hopefully at the same job (big things are popping), mothering a teenager, wife-ing Big Thug Thizzle.
4) Where’s your favorite vacation spot? Jamaica. The most relaxing vacation ever.
6) What's the riskiest thing you've ever done? Got married. Or hitched a ride outside of Tallulah, Louisiana. You pick!
7) If money was no object and all your bills were paid indefinitely, how would you spend the next year? Traveling.
8) Do you like your family? Most of them.
9) What's your favorite drink? Water. Dull, I know. Orange juice. yes I realize that's equally dull.
10) What's one thing you can eat and eat and never get tired of? I like tacos.
11) Is there a smell that instantly reminds you of something or someone else? Polo Black. Half the dudes in my old department wore it and that scent is burned into my permanent memory.

Liz Dwyer said...

lol, I used to love to do these. I'll borrow this one from you. And I can't wait to hear more about why you're giving up dairy and more.

1969 said...

Ahem...I play words with friends too.

Jameil said...

lady... lol! well then i'm glad you know that! twice... in a whole month... hm...

1) this gives me a sad.
2) but this is WORSE. why??
3) :(
4) love pretty beaches!!!
5) it'll come to ya. maybe after you leave.
6) yep!!!
10) did you know i hate fast food chinese?
11) that is probably rude. i meant a smell that reminds you of one person.

nicole... 1) i can see that. avocados can be bland by themselves. I love them but i can see that.
2) excellent!
6) wow!
10) and some of those cupcake shops have GOT to do better, too!!
11) Cod is such a boring fish to me. My mom never gave us the oil b/c she hated it. LOL

3) OH YEAH!!! But how is LG a teen in 5 years?? they grow up so fast!! (tear*)
6) i definitely pick the hitchhiking.
9) oj is not dull! it's delicious! water is dull but equally delicious!
10) mmmmm. tacos.
11) ROTFL!!!

liz... borrow away!

1969... giiiiirl!! lemme go find you!!

gradydoctor said...

Confession: I am slightly confused by this entire post. Like the beginning part--were those questions? I am kind of slow *sigh* Okay, but I did get the questions at the end. Here goes:

1) Is there anything you’ll eat one way, but not another?
Apples--raw ones make my mouth itch. Cooked, no problemo.
2) What food do you absolutely refuse to eat and is there anything that can change your mind? Like if your favorite chef EVER prepared it, would you eat it?
Cheese. Well, specifically any cheese stronger than mozzarella or provolone. Beyond that, no way. And no. Not even the winner of Top Chef All Stars or Paula Deen could change my mind. Cheese smells like toe jam. Eew.
3) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
With racks on racks on racks! Ha. Seriously, though. . . hopefully just happy with the BHE and my boys in good health. I'd be good with that. And also as the author of a book.
4) Where’s your favorite vacation spot?
Negril or Barbados. Love.
5) How did you decide to live where you live right now?
I was single and unsure if God had it in the plan for me to marry. So figured ATL would be a good place to have fun in case I had to do this thang on a solo mission. HalleLUjah He had tricks up His sleeve and blessed me with the BHE (best husband evah.)
6) What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?
Drove under the influence of alcohol as a stupid college student.
7) If money was no object and all your bills were paid indefinitely, how would you spend the next year?
Working at Grady Hospital like I do now and loving on my kids and the BHE like I do now. And I'd get a tricked out mini-van with spinners.
8) Do you like your family?
My family is awesome.
9) What's your favorite drink?
Coffee. Love it. The smell, the experience, the everything.
10) What's one thing you can eat and eat and never get tired of?
Peanut butta!
11) Is there a smell that instantly reminds you of something or someone else?
My aunt on my husband's side LIBERALLY sprays everything with old school Giorgio cologne. So anything she sends, hugs, touches, wears, and you if you're near smells like it for a year. *mmmpphh* Sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Was that right?

Jameil said...

gd... i know, right? it was extra convoluted. The layout didn't help either. My bad!

1) Wow! Carrots and bananas by themselves make my mouth itch. Consumed with anything else? Fine.
2) FAINTS!! This is almost as bad as NG and her eggs! I'm slowly weeping. The tears are streaming down my face. Why Lord??? At least you like SOME cheese. Small miracles.
3) Sounds wonderful!
4) I want to go to both of those places!
5) Look at God! Isn't he awesome??
6) Ugh. Ditto. And getting in the car with people who were slizzard b/c I didn't drive then.
7) HAHAHAHA! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtkOLRuAXDY
8) Yay!
9) I looooove the smell of coffee!!! But it's way too hot for me, sometimes too bitter, I don't really get the point in drinking something I have to add sooo much stuff to for it to taste good. Plus since I don't drink it often, it makes me like a crackhead when I do drink it. HYPER!!!
10) My own BHE is the same way! Him and pb&j!!
11) ROTFL!! This gave me the best laugh! Thank you!

MrsTDJ said...

We are in total agreement on #3 and 9. But I'm ready to break camp over #5. My Christmas stance is FIRM!

Onto the new questions:
#2 - I'm not eating liver or lamb. I don't like either, regardless of how they are prepared. I'll try just about anything else at least once.
#10 - Seafood. I could eat it until I popped!