

Did I mention how horrendous that city is? It's one bad beach cliche after another and the actual beach-- you know, the sand-- is literally 10 feet wide. But we got some great pics out of it!

First up: Me and Rashan at the game.  That's his "me so sexy" face.

Me and Stace at the restaurant and my lovely dish, seafood al golpo.  Beautiful, isn't it??Shrimp, scallops, mussels, squid, white fish. I don't particularly like scallops but had wanted to give them another try. This confirmed it. The broth was very scallopy. Yuck. Won't be eating those again.  This is the view from our oceanfront room.  I heart the ocean!  HEART IT!!  The next pic I love because he looks so into the ocean and peaceful.  So cute.



Adei von K said...

the last pic is my fave of the bunch!!

Ginae said...

love the pics! thanks for sharing!

Sparkling Red said...

Who's that hot couple on the beach? They must be professional models.

La said...

Daytona is a waste of a town. I went there once and spent the whole time trying to figure out how not to let it touch me, lol

I like the last pic of you guys on the beach.

Yakini said...

Awww, wow romantic!

Yum!!!! Gimme dat soup! :-)

Rashan Jamal said...

How cute am I? I mean how cute are we? LOL That last picture is my fave too.

Jameil said...

adei... :)

ginae... thanks & you're welcome.

red... the girl is. lololol.

la... ain't it tho!? ROTF @ how not to let it touch you!! that is such an appropriate description! thanks :)

yakini... welcome! i know! and you can have it. all yours. ick.

rashan... you're wack for that!!!

On a limb with Claudia said...

LOVE your hair! And wow, you guys are cute! Whooo hooo!! I love how happy you are...