

I know it's nasty, but sometimes I'm impressed by what my burps sound like. And that right up there is what I imagine one of them (like the one I just had courtesy of my beer) would look like. I actually used to be even more dainty and prissy (close personal friend of stuck up) than I am right now. I KNOW!! SHOCKING!! I actually didn't burp without covering my mouth (thanks for those manners, Mom!) or with my mouth open and without saying excuse me, until I got to college and started living in dorms with a bunch of women. Some of them (the guilty shall remain nameless... CC!!) grew up with only a brother. It actually may not have even been her. It was probably her roommate. Much more likely candidate. But regardless, that's when I started to burp it out. Now, when I go in public I do rock the ladylike and cover my mouth and say excuse me very daintily, but I like to shock my dates by burping awfully. Just because it's funny. I can't help it.

*I'm starting to think this day may be punctuated by several meaningless posts but who knows. I have to wash my hair and I really don't feel like it. Anyone want to come do it for me? PROJECT RUNWAY TONIGHT!!


Rashan Jamal said...

How many beers did you have? LOL. Love the title

Anonymous said...

too funny ... thanks for the Project Runway Reminder!!!

Momisodes said...

LOL! Love the title too :)

Hey..I grew up with only 1 brother too..Hmmm, that could explain a bit.

Jameil said...

rj... just 2.

amber... you're welcome!!

sandy... thanks! perhaps!

proacTiff said...

Title...Speechless. No pun intended:).

the joy said...

We have burping contests. Every time one of us burps, you hear "6! 8! 5!" its a scale of 1-10. So I can understand where you're coming from.

Adei von K said...

nasty. thats what you are.

Jameil said...

pro... lololol.

joy... wow... that's a whole new level. lol.

stace... you know what you are? a hater.